MAGNETIS POLUS ARCTICUS (North-pole of the magnet) March 9, 2022Mind and Disposition : Out of humor and weary. Weeping mood, with chilliness and a disposition to feel chilly. Sadness, in the evening ; he had to weep, contrary to his will,...
MAGNETIS POLI AMBO (The Magnet) March 9, 2022Description : Symptoms produced by touching either pole of the magnet, indiscriminately, or by laying the whole of the magnetic surface upon the body. The potencies have been prepared by triturating...
LYSSIN (Hydrophobinum; saliva of a rabid dog). March 9, 2022Description : Introduced and proved by Hering in 1833, fifty years before the crude experiments of Pasteur with the serum. The toxic or non-toxic property of animal saliva has long been...
LAC VACCINUM DEFLORATUM March 9, 2022Description : To Dr. Samuel Swan is due the credit of first recognizing the possibilities of this substance when potentized, from reading the reported successful use of it in the crude...
LAC FELINUM - Cat's Milk March 9, 2022Mind : Great depression of spirits. Very cross to every one. Fear of falling down stairs, but without vertigo. Morbid conscientiousness ; every little fault appeared a crime. Mental illusion that the...
VACCININUM March 9, 2022Mind : Crying. Ill-humor, with restless sleep. Nervous depression, impatient, irritable ; disposition to be troubled by things. Morbid fear of taking small-pox. Confusion, she does not remember things at the time...