MALANDRINUM (The Grease of Horses) March 9, 2022Description : The crusts vary in form and character, and the appearance differs as much in animals as many skin diseases of the same family do in the human. Dr. W....
ELECTRICITAS (Atmospheric and Static) March 9, 2022Description : Caspari and his colleagues obtained the symptoms caused by Electricity, natural and artificial, and were first published in Hom. Bibliot. Later it appears in Jahr and has recently been republished,...
DIPHTHERINUM: AN INVOLUNTARY PROVING - By J. E. FRASH, M. D., METAMORE, OHIO. March 9, 2022Description : A girl nine years of age having been exposed, Nov. 13, to malignant diphtheria received Diphtherinum 1m. (Skinner) three times daily for eleven days, as a prophylactic, developing chilliness,...
LAC DEFLORATUM (Skimmed Cow's Milk) March 9, 2022Characteristics : Diseases with faulty and defective nutrition with reflex affections of nervous centres. Despondent ; does not care to live ; has no fear of death but is sure he is going...
LAC VACCINUM (Cow's Milk) March 9, 2022Description : Introduced and proved by Dr. J. C. Boardman, of Trenton, New Jersey, who used Swan's 200th. Many persons are very intolerant of milk, in whom it produces headache, "biliousness",...
CHOLESTERINUM (C26 H44 O) March 9, 2022Description : To the late Dr. Wilhelm Ameke, of Berlin, we are indebted for the first mention of this remedy. From him Dr. Burnett obtained the suggestion and used the lower...