LYSSIN (Hydrophobinum; saliva of a rabid dog).

Description :
Introduced and proved by Hering in 1833, fifty years before the crude experiments of Pasteur with the serum. The toxic or non-toxic property of animal saliva has long been a question of scientific discussion. Trevinarus found that the human saliva became red by the addition of tincture of iron ; and Gmelin discovered that this color was caused by Sulpho-cyanate. The question in dispute appeared to be that Cyanic acid being a poison, Sulpho-cyanate also must be one, and or course its combination with alkalies, and being poisons, they could not be in the saliva. Years before this discovery, Oken had declared that "saliva is poison." But the discoveries of Liebig and other chemists have demonstrated that Sulpho-cyanic acid is to be found in sheep, dogs and many other animals.
The experiments of Bernard and others, in Virchow's Archives, 1858, have decided that Sulpho-cyanate of Potash found in saliva of animals, acts as a poison under certain conditions. Bernard considered that it acted only by application to cellular tissue. In this he was, no doubt, in error, being misled by the analogy of the snake poison. But, Weir Mitchell in his "Researches on the Venom of the Rattlesnake," page 34 says, he "could not discover any in the rattlesnake poison, notwithstanding repeated experiments."
Livingstone, the African explorer, has reported the bite of the lion as poisonous ; and the same claim is made in the East Indies regarding the bite of the tiger. From time immemorial it has been known in every country village that the bite of an angry cat is poisonous, and the effects often severe, even fatal. This is also true with the bite of all other animals, human beings included, when in a fit of passion.
Hering reports a case taken from a French journal in which a healthy farmer, Êt. 19, while holding a duck in his lap was bitten on the lip by the angry drake. The same day he felt sick, grew rapidly worse, and a few weeks after died. He also says, that "after the bite of a dog not rabid difficult healing ulcers will follow." It is further known, that after the bite of a rabid dog not only the wounds made by the teeth heal in an unsually short time, but several physicians have observed that even the usual cauterizations are not inclined to inflame, rather more inclined to heal quickly. We may take this for a pathognomonic symptom of the slumbering poison of Lyssin ; the same thing is true of leprosy before it breaks out. Now comes the work of Pasteur, in 1878, 1879 and 1880 :
His experiments furnished evidence that the malignant disease, splenic fever, was caused by bacteria.
An animal inoculated with a few drops of a liquid containing this bacteria, develops the disease with astonishing rapidity and dies within one or two day. But, he claims that chickens are an exception to this rule, because when similarly inoculated they remain in perfect health. Pasteur's explanation of this strange fact is based on a higher bodily temperature of birds than any other warm blooded animals. The temperature of animals most readily affected by splenic fever ranges from 33 to 35°C., while the blood temperature of chickens is from 42 to 43°C degrees. Now, by reducing the temperature of the chicken after inoculation, Pasteur found it had died of splenic fever, the same as any other animal. Further experiments by Pasteur convinced him that propagation of bacteria is arrested by a temperature of 44 or more degrees. These facts called Pasteur's attention to radiate heat as the best local application to prevent the generation of bacteria. And the same principle has been applied in domestic practice for the cure of a snakebite by killing a chicken, cutting it open and applying the warm surface to the bitten limb, replacing it as soon as it became cold by another, and in this way it is claimed that on the plains of the West, where the bite of the rattlesnake is so common, that nearly every case has been cured ; the 10 degrees of greater heat seemed to be sufficient in the bite of the rattlesnake as well as of the bacteria of splenic fever.
In June, 1831, Hering published a letter in Stapf's Archives, Vol. 10, which was dated June 18th, 1830, in which he says : "The proving of snake poison might pave the way to the prevention of hydrophobia and variola by the proving of their respective morbific poisons." And on page 30, of the same volume, he says : "Same is said of psora."
It will be remembered that Hering's immortal proving of Lachesis was begun in 1828, and experimented with for three years, when it was finally published.
Hence the experience which Hering obtained in the proving of the serpent poison was evidently the inspiration for his suggestion that the proving on the healthy of Lyssin, Variolinum, Psorinum and other nosodes would form valuable remedies in the treatment of many of our obstinate diseases. Hering no sooner became firmly convinced of the truth of his suggestion than he at once set to work to put it into execution.
But, the first thing to do was to find a mad dog. The opportunity occurred on the 27th of August, 1833, when a German baker invited him to come to his house to examine a dog. The following description of his capture of a rabid dog and obtaining the saliva for a proving is taken from a paper by Hering in the North American Journal of 1878 :

It was a middle-sized, chestnut-brown terrier, not more than two or three years old, a female, with puppies of two or three months old. It had been bitten ten days before (17th August) in the street by a running dog, which was biting all around, and had been killed soon afterwards as mad. The owner, in trying to save his terrier, had beaten the strange dog with a stick after it had killed one of the puppies, and had already taken hold of another. The mother, in defending her young ones, had received three bloody wounds. She carried the dead one in her mouth from the street home into the yard. Since that she was somewhat changed, but continued to nurse the remaining puppies, one of which had received a bite. She had been otherwise true to her nature until the previous day (Aug. 26th), when she had commenced snapping and biting her young. The master had then suspected her, and kept her in the yard, tied by a rope ; and several times she had been biting and trying to loosen herself. She soon grew worse and commenced to bite at everything. Her voice was entirely altered. On the 26th of August, in the evening, she had commenced to howl in a peculiar way and to run against the doors. She shook her head a great deal, and scraped the ground with her fore feet ; and afterwards turned her head in a strange way. She put her mouth into the water placed before her, as if she was trying to swallow but could not.
When seen on August 27th she was furious ; snapping and biting, had a wild look, injected red eyes, frothy saliva around the mouth, and seemed evidently to be in the last stage of the disease. An empty flour-barrel was, from behind, put over her ; and, in order to make it possible to secure some of the saliva, the barrel was lifted on one side until the dog, in trying to escape, put out her head, between the edge of the barrel and the ground. She seemed to be in convulsive motions, as from anger or fury ; but while a quill was used to get as much of the saliva as possible out of her mouth and from her teeth (part to be put into milk sugar and part into alcohol), the motions lessened and the dog lay quiet and exhausted, breathing quick and short, with eyes closed. While the quill was still held in her mouth, and while the baker had hold of the barrel, the dog suddenly sprang up, snapping and trying to get on to its feet ; but the owner prevented its escape. After enough had been collected, the dog was allowed to withdraw its head ; and by a heavy weight was secured under the barrel. After a box had been prepared, the dog was brought into it by means of the rope, and thus transported, with both puppies to my house.
Next morning the mother was dead, and no permission given by the inmates to make a post mortem. Both the young ones were returned to the master ; and even the bitten one remained well. They were given to inhale in the evening some of the 6th centesimal potency, just prepared. Of course, a true Hahnemannian never draws his conclusions, as the slanderers have said : post hoc ergo propter hoc, nor even the equally foolish ; it followed, but could not have been caused by it.
The saliva obtained in the aforesaid way was on the same day triturated ; one drop with one hundred grains of milk sugar, and, exactly according to Hahnemann's method, carried to the 3d centesimal ; and, by the aid of some water and alcohol, further by alcohol alone, up to the 6th centesimal and later to the 30th.
From the tincture of the saliva put in alcohol, some weeks after, one drop was also potentized in the usual way for the purpose of comparative experiments. All the rest, collected on split pieces of quill for inoculation, was one night clandestinely taken by the lady of the house and thrown into the fire.
All this has been related in its particulars as an advice to others, who may have a chance to get saliva from another dog. It might be of some use to get it from a male for comparison.
Symptoms were observed during the hours of trituration, as there had been triturating the Lachesis poison, and they were afterwards corroborated by provings with the lower ; the very peculiar feelings of apprehension became so intolerable that the higher were preferred in further provings. Nothing was written for publication in the Archives until May, 1834. This was printed in the beginning of 1836, Archives, 15, I., p. 33.

To the provings of Schmid and Behlert [An enthusiastic student in Allentown, a Mr. Schmid, made a very good proving ; and one of our nearest friends (an experienced prover, a former engraver, Behlert, by name, at that time a paralyzed man) presuaded all his acquaintances, a dozen of wowmen and girls, and some boys, to prove this higher preparations. None of his provers knew anything of the origin of the drug, and they were examined every day with great care, according to the advice of Hahnemann.] were added those of John Redmond Cox, in 1853, when a suggestion was made that, in order to remove the stigma of cowardice in the profession, their shrinking from their first duty of proving remedies on themselves was made in a public meeting.
Dr. Cox not only offered to prove it on himself, but on his entire family and his friends besides, and furnished us perhaps the best provings that have ever been made of Lyssin ; he also furnished the day-books in which the symptoms were recorded.
Many of the most valuable symptoms were from provings by Hering, on himself, but he was prevented from continuing by the most terrible feelings of apprehension.
Dr. Knerr made some valuable provings, in 1869, on a woman bitten by a dog in the fleshy part of right arm.
Dr. Lippe cured an important case in which he was guided by a symptom produced only from bites, but never observed any provings. But Lippe's observation was confirmed by many other good observers. Some symptoms from bites of rabid dogs have been added :

Pasteur's method of administration is very different from that employed by homeopaths, but he is working on homeopathic lines in seeking to neutralize a virus in the system by introducing a modification of the same virus. His experiments led him to produce the rabic poison in a highly intensified form in the spinal cords of rabbits. He then modified its intensity in different degrees by exposure to air for a longer or shorter period. Patients who come to the Institute are inoculated first with the least potent, and later with the most potent "vaccin", after which they are pronounced "cured." The "cure" is, however, extremely uncertain, as the degree of susceptibility to the poison is unknown in any case, and many hundreds of the patients subjected to the inoculations have died of the disease. Pasteur's first method was admitted to be too strong, and was soon modified ; a number of patients having died from the inoculations. One of these cases was investigated, and the symptoms were sufficiently striking to deserve recording.
The patient was Arthur Wilde, of Rotherham, aged 29, and I received the account from his mother, who nursed him through his illness. He had been bitten severely by a man suffering from hydrophobia, and was persuaded, much against his wish, to go to Pasteur. This he did a few days after the bite, returning on October 19, 1886, after undergoing the course. On Saturday, October 30th, he complained of a pricking sensation below the ribs in the right side, in the part where the injections had been made. Pressure relieved the pain somewhat. That evening he vomited and the vomiting continued, and he became very prostrate. On Monday the prostration was intense, vomiting continued, restless ; skin cool, perspiring ; quite conscious. The spots where the inoculations were made were dark and livid. Twitching occurred every few hours, sometimes more violently than others ; most marked on the abdomen. From Monday through Tuesday he was making a peculiar loud noise, something like a waggoner driving horse, "bis", "whoo", though he had never had to do with horses. He seemed completely helpless. On Tuesday night vomiting ceased and he began to froth a great deal. Early on Wednesday morning he began to talk thick. His breathing, which had been peculiar all through he would hold his breath for a long time when making the noise, and then breathe rapidly for a few breaths became very bad at 3 A. M. on Wednesday. He died shortly after 12, having been apparently conscious to the end, though unable to speak for the last hour. The frothing had increased up to the time of his death and he seemed to choke with it.
This case was paralleled by that of Goffi, and attendant at St. Thomas' Hospital, who was bitten by a cat and sent to Pasteur. On his return he was taken ill ; and his case was at first diagnosed as Landry's paralysis, but finally proved (by experiments made with his spinal cord) to be "paralytic rabies", the result of inoculation. It was after the occurrence of these and similar "accidents" that the intensity of the "vaccines" was reduced. - Clarke.

Thus, nearly fifty years after the experiments of Hering with the virus of hydrophobia. Pasteur's work began. But, on account of the crude preparation, like Koch's experiments with Tuberculin, many of Pasteur's cases were fatal. No better illustration can be found in medicine of the scientific accuracy and its successful clinical demonstration than is to be had in the results of the labors of these two men. The homeopathic methods have been demonstrated to be not only accurate and scientific, but safe and efficacious.
The following case is from El Siglo Medico :

Finally swallowing was impossible, restraint had to be used to prevent him biting his nurses in the hospital, when, as a last resource, a piece of Agave was offered to the boy by the doctor in attendance, cut from a hedge of the plant with which the hospital grounds were fenced. To the astonishment of all, the boy reached for it and ate it greedily, almost without chewing. By evening a decrease in the violence of the nervous attacks was manifest, though they remained as frequent as before. The improvement was slow but continued. On the fourth day he took some nourishment, but also continued chewing Agave and swallowing the juice. On the fifth day he recovered consciousness, but still demanded Agave. On the eighth day he said he did not want any more, as "it tasted too bitter and caused a burning in the mouth."

Fagus : Dread of liquids ; profuse salivation ; swelling of the mouth ; intense frontal headache ; trembling ; convulsions with periodic spasms ; stiffness and coldness ; pointing to the same kind of nerve irritation as caused by the poison of rabies.
Lachesis is closely allied (< from sun ; bluish discoloration of wounds and ulcers ; irritability ; < from warm, damp air ; from touch and a pressure ; < after sleep ; and Clarke adds, "though the late evolution of Lyssin is in striking contrast with the lightning-like rapidity of the effects of snake venom").

Characteristics :
The sight or sound of running water or pouring water aggravates all complaints.
Lyssophobia ; fear of becoming mad ; exceedingly apprehensive.
Bluish discoloration of wounds (Lach.).
Complaints resulting from abnormal sexual desire (from abstinence, Con.).
Mental emotion or mortifying news always makes him worse (Gels.).
Cannot bear heat of sun (Gels., Glon., Lach., Nat.).
Convulsions : from dazzling or reflected light from water or mirror (Stram.), from even thinking of fluids of any kind ; from slightest touch or current of air.
Headache : from bites of dogs, whether rabid or not ; chronic, from mental emotion or exertion ; < by noise of running water or bright light.
Saliva ; tough, ropy, viscid, frothy in mouth and throat, with constant spitting (Hydr.).
Sore throat, constant desire to swallow (Lac c., Mer.).
Difficulty in swallowing, even spasm of Ɠsophagus from swallowing liquids ; gagging when swallowing water.
Constant desire to urinate on seeing running water (Canth., Sulph.) ; urine scanty, cloudy, contains sugar.
Prolapsus uteri ; many cases of years' standing cured.
Leucorrhea, profuse, running down the legs (Alum., Syph., Tub.).
Sensitiveness of vagina, rendering coition painful.

Relations :
Compare : Agave, Bell, Canth., Fagus, Hyos., Lach., Stram., in hydrophobia.
Antidote : For overaction of potencies, Agave, Coc., Nux.
Lyssin antidotes effects of bite of non-rabid animals.
Agg. stooping ; heat of sun ; slight touch ; draft of air or electric fan ; warmth, damp air.
Lyssin is an analogue of many animal and nearly all the serpent poisons, especially Lachesis and Vipera.
Compare : Apis, Bell., Gels., Glon., Nat. c., Lach. ; heat of sun or summer, Lach. ; bluish color of wounds or ulcers ; sensitive to pressure or touch ; rapid, lightning-like action, Coc., Con., Gels. ; symptoms of ascending paralysis ; Adren., Bell., Gels., Sol. n. m., paralysis of respiration ; Coc., Sanic., bad effects of car, carriage-riding and sea-sickness ; Canth., Sulph., desire to urinate on seeing running water ; Stram., convulsions from dazzling light ; Helon, consciousness of a womb ; Hell., Hep., Hyos., hurried speech and drinking ; Gels., mortifying news ; Agar., Arg. n., Lil., Sep., prolapsus uteri ; internal coldness, Camp., Helod., Ver.
It follows well ; Arg. n., Con., Gels., Hyos., Stram., Lach.
Is followed by : Gels., Nat. c., Nat. m. and serpent poisons.

Aggravation :
Sight or sound of water ; bright, dazzling light (Stram.) ; carriage-riding (Coc., Sanic. ; better from, Nit. ac.).

Amelioration :
Bending head backward, > pain in neck ; heat, hot steam or hot water ; warm bathing ; cold air > headache.

Mind :
Loses consciousness for a moment.
Loss of consciousness sometimes at an early stage, but not generally until a short time before death.
Does not see nor hear persons around him.
Memory for single words much improved.
Strange sensation in head, with loss of memory.
Does not converse as well as usual, but plays chess better ; more inclined to reflect than talk ; not at all lively.
Thoughts of something terrible going to happen come into his mind against his will ; feels impelled to do reckless things, such as throwing child, which he carries in his arms, through the window, and the like.
Could not get rid of the indescribable tormenting feeling that something terrible was going to happen to him.
Fits of abstraction, takes hold of wrong things, often does not know what he wants, says wrong words which have but a remote similarity of sound.
They appreciate the formidable character of the disease and speak frequently with a remarkable quick and sharp articulation of the impending fatal results.
During the tranquil intervals responded correctly to questions put to him, recognized those around him, and with a presentiment of impending death begged them to pray for him and not to leave him alone.
The majority of patients have no adequate conception of real origin of their malady, and affirm in decided terms that the scar is of no significance whatever and causes them no pain.
Most commonly the mental faculties are in a superior state of excitement, shown by quick perception, amazing acuteness of understanding and rapidity with which they answer questions.
Is astonished in his dream at the readiness with which he can express himself in elegant Latin.
It seems to her as if two entirely different trains of thought influenced her at the same time.
A certain confusion, unsteadiness, weakness of mind.
It is very difficult for him to think, sometimes impossible.
Weary and incapable of mental exertion ; school tasks, which before had been a pleasure to her, had to be laid aside.
Range of ideas extremely limited, if left to himself is occupied continuously with the same thing, bringing frequently forward same ideas within a short space of time and always in same manner.
Dullness and stupidity : at night restlessness.
During convulsions, mental illusions and hallucinations ; in intervals of consciousness mental faculties are retained.
Believe that they are reduced to their present wretched condition by the instrumentality of those about them.
Imagine that they are being abused, and energetically defend themselves against attacks and insults, which in reality are products of their own fancy.
Fancies he is being blown at by several persons, some of whom are not present.
Raved about the dog that had bitten her ; imagined it to be near her and fought as if to drive it away.
Thinks he is a dog or a bird, and runs up and down chirping and twittering, until he falls down fainting.
They fancy that they see objects, animals and men that are not present.
Complains bitterly that a fire has been lighted and that the stove is smoking, although there is no fire ; another continually directed a window to be closed, which was not opened.
Strange notions and apprehensions during pregnancy.
Slight fits of delirium occur (in advanced state) ; patients frequently forget their friends and relatives ; delirium attended with constant talking.
Some delirium and illusions ; fancied doctors were two young girls who had come in to see her.
During night delirium <.
Makes speeches in his delirium ; thinks he is a man of great authority.
Insane ideas enter his head ; for instance, to throw a glass of water, which he is carrying in his hand, into some one's face, or to stab his flesh with the knife he is holding, and the like.
His mania takes a gloomy character.
Mania spermatica ; stallions.
Inclined to use insulting language, scold his friends, beat and abuse those near him.
Inclination to be rude and abusive, to bite and strike.
A kind of savageness in his temper.
A strong an uncontrollable impulse to do certain acts ; to spring at and bite any moving object that came within reach ; dog.
Is continually tempted to bite her pillow at night.
Deny, with great obstinacy, that they have even been bitten.
Incessant talking during night.
Speech, labored, short and pathetic.
Wrote to doctor : I am waiting with impatience that you give me and my young ones some thing to eat.
After fainting spell he wrote on paper : I am forsaken by all ; even the birds of heaven, they do not look at me, do not feed me if hungry ; I hunger with the young ones and am thirsty with their she ones ; my nest is made out of dirt, not gotten by my own exertions, but by driving them out of their nests and sitting there with the females and the young.
Sang more than usual, but involuntarily ; she did not feel at all happy or cheerful.
Goes about house all day singing ; moves with greater alacrity and precision than ordinary.
Sighing ; with oppressive breathing ; with pain in heart.
Declares amid violent sobs that she is suffering the torments of hell.
Lament with greatest anxiety their inability to relieve thirst which afflicts them, and by various contrivances endeavour eagerly to drink.
Had a good cry before going to bed.
Weeps bitterly on account of headache.
Before and after as well as during paroxysms, shrieks or inarticulate sounds expressive of utmost despair.
During fits, snapping motions of the jaws, of an involuntary and spasmodic character.
Quiet patients spit into provided vessels, more excited ones discharge saliva upon all sides.
Biting, snapping, with convulsions.
Ordered her husband to go away, as she wanted to bite him, and joining act to threat, she bit herself in arm.
Pieces of carpet put into kennel for dog to lie upon were torn up until they became heaps of loose wool.
Desperate efforts were made to break chain ; dog.
Break out of their stables furiously and run and jump over ditches and fences.
Lyssa of sheep.
He cautioned people around him not to inhale his exhaled air, it was spoiled, stinking like rotten eggs, worse than cholera, and could injure.
Does not answer questions.
Disinclination to change position of head ; two distinct trains of thought existing at one time in her mind, the idea that she was unable to move her head (when lying down), with the positive conviction that she has only to make up her mind that she will do it to achieve it.
Not afraid of dogs, but dislikes to see them because their sight renews her fear. (Lyissophobia, after bite by non-rabid dog.)
Cannot bear to hear others sing, or eat apples.
Exhilarated, felt as if he had received joyful intelligence.
Occasionally exhilarated, then again morose, both feelings going off very readily upon conversing.
Pain in head makes him very uneasy.
Feels depressed and very weak all day.
Depressed, as if something would happen.
An attack of mental depression and indifference quite strange to him ; feels as if he could do nothing ; if he forces himself he lacks mental power.
To such as had continual apprehension respecting their safety it appeared a shorter time since bite.
Feels as if something disagreeable would happen ; when thinking the matter over, the feeling passes off.
He feels as if he had heard unpleasant news, or would soon hear it ; until 4 P. M.
Felt as if she was going to get a fit ; at 11 P. M.
Lyssophobia ; fear of becoming mad.
Feels as if he cannot physically endure his fears much longer, and shall be compelled to go into an insane asylum.
Mary M., Êt. 17, had been bitten several years previously by a dog, and reading of several cases of hydrophobia as reported in papers, was found in following condition ; crouched in corner of sofa, dark red bloated face, expression of terror in face, eyes glistening, conjunctive injected red ; was brought into this condition by endeavouring to take a drink of water, and could not hear water mentioned without a shudder of fear, could not swallow, pulse very high, tongue dry and coated red ; Lyssin 200 one dose ; she was better next day, but had several slight attacks afterwards, always induced by running of water, but always yielding to remedy ; has not had an attack in nearly a year.
Felt as if she was going to die ; as if she was going to sink away.
She has been unable to sleep a wink for several nights ; is driven from bed by indescribable anxiety ; can but sit and walk or find momentary peace in prayer.
Anxiety of mind ; restlessness, with great prostration ; with pain in heart ; with headache ; fear of being alone.
A musician received a bite from a small pet dog in calf of left leg while walking through a dark entry ; the bite was very slight, scarcely wounding skin ; the animal was in a healthy condition and remained so ; a pain in bitten place kept returning from time to time independently of mind dwelling on it, until it finally grew to a burning which extended through entire body, causing an indescribably strange sensation ; in night trembling, and a tormenting fear that he would have hydrophobia ; was thirsty and drank water freely ; it was two years after the bite when these and the following symptoms appeared, frequent spitting of saliva all through day, only ceasing awhile after taking strong tea in evening ; disturbed dreams at night ; finally could not partake of food or drink, and complained of pricking stitches under tongue ; mental excitement now as all his life, affects him badly ; hot vapor relieved burning pain in the bite, and Lyssin 2C. (Jenichen) improved all symptoms rapidly ; in three weeks he considered himself cured, and started on a journey.
Indecision even in small matters.
Ill humor.
Fretful, hypochondriac mood in evening.
Feels nervous and irritable.
Very cross, so much so that his children expressed great surprise ; he took offence at veriest trifles, scolding his wife and children, felt wretched, could not concentrate his attention on anything ; sullen, does not wish to see or speak to any one.
After attacks of fury, evinces great regret at his behaviour, making earnest apologies, warning those about him not to allow him to bite them.
Implacable hatred against owners of dog that bit her, with inclination to utter maledictions which, by reason of her careful bringing up and sobriety of her parents, shock her dreadfully.
Hypersensitiveness of all the senses.
Exalted state of smell, taste and touch, with a feeling of anxiety and a fear of being alone.
Everything affects him more powerfully ; also tobacco.
He knew exactly where his nurses, his doctors and acquaintances were, if at any distance from him.
On a watch held to scorbiculum he sees the hour and minute hands.
He says he can see hands on dial plate of church clock.
He could hear what was spoken in next room, and counting coppers in a room below him.
He knows every one, and answers questions, also is in mesmeric rapport with his physicians.
Linen dipped in sugar water, put on pit of stomach, gives a sweet taste in mouth.
Copper, if in his room, makes him restless and full of pain.
Felt same rheumatic pain his brother complained of Lyssophobia.
Before every spell of somnambulism he crowed like a cock.
Very uneasy ; mental disquietude, with headache.
Driven incessantly about without any definite aim.
Restlessness, driving him hither and thither, although weak enough to lie down.
Restlessness and anxiety at prĂŠcordia, frequent change of posture and sighing.
Restless, constant bleating in a hoarse voice, Lyssa of sheep.
Sometimes he could control inclination to stool by a strong effort of will, but effort caused much nervous irritation.
Showing him a bird, he got frightened and though it was a mouse.
Was much frightened during attack, and began to pray ; her husband had to sit up with her and hold her hand ; did not get entirely over attack until 3 A. M.
She feels as after watching and great anxiety.
Unusually exhausted.
While reading and thinking, headache.
Worse while reading or writing ; headache ; aching in lower jaw.
Severe headache and noseache upon going to bed, after writing all her symptoms.
Attacks of nervous headache become awful and insupportable if he hears water run out of a hydrant.
Pressing headache, < while reading and thinking.
When he hears water poured out, or if he hears it run, or if he sees it, he becomes very irritable, nervous ; it causes desire for stool and other ailments.
The mere sight of a drinking vessel containing water is intolerable ; they turn away their faces, shriek out loud, beckon anxiously with hands to have the water removed, for voice and breath fail.
Mental emotion always makes him worse.
Mortifying news affects him very much.
A certain wildness of humor.
Disposed to get angry ; flying into a passion.
Every offence she feels very much.
Excitability prevents sleep.
Frequent gaping without being sleepy, most when he has to listen to others.
Thinking of fluids of any kind, even of blood, brings on convulsions.
The mere idea of drink, fluids, pouring out fluids, may cause a paroxysm.
HyperĂŠsthesia, current of air, bright light, sight of any shining object, slightest touch, even conversation in vicinity of patient, may throw him into a most violent agitation and bring on severe convulsions.
The mere thought of fluids, of drinking, of swallowing, or offer of anything to drink, is sufficient to bring on severe convulsions ; the same effect is produced by other sources of irritation, such as a simple breath of air, the attempt to touch the sick, every hurried approach towards him, the light of shining objects.
Even the sight of water, or other fluid, or of anything having the least resemblance to it, such as a looking glass or white substance, whereby an occasion will be given for renewal of idea of their former pain, occasions greatest distress and a return of convulsions.
Such as were afflicted with grief from any cause were much sooner affected with the disease.
A sudden fright starts convulsions.
Nose pains from thinking.
Had no symptoms of disease for four months until after receiving ill usage.

Head :
Peculiar lightness in head ; lightness after nausea.
Singular sensation in vertex, as if he momentarily lost consciousness, but only in that place ; or as if a habitual feeling had disappeared from there, it is no fullness, no motion, but it causes a vacillating motion of head ; in evening.
Dizziness : as if something was drawing around in a circle, and as if she could not hold her head straight ; after lying down, like a shock in upper part of brain ; with inclination to fall to right when stooping ; towards evening in upper part of head, as if she would fall, while walking ; frequent and transient ; with dim sight while walking and sitting ; and nausea ; with cramps in abdomen ; temporarily > by return of diarrhea ; < by teaching, spelling, or being obliged to notice letters ; after lying down in bed, shock in upper part of brain ; dimness of vision on rising from stooping ; on rising from chair, staggers ; while sitting ; on rising, cannot walk straight.
A slow vacillation or wavering of head, from something being loose in upper part of head.
Surging towards head is felt inwardly, deep in brain.
Dullness ; of head ; in forehead, more to right side ; in middle of brain, where it surges ; and stupidity at night, with restlessness ; amounting to pain in occiput.
Violent vertigo during morning accompanied by a chill and an intolerable snappish headache.
Headache : with dizziness, lasting all day ; in morning, violent, with vertigo (> by Tabac.) ; over eyes ; in temples ; very severe in afternoon ; < from writing ; > by cold air ; from noon until evening ; from 3 to 9 P. M., < from writing, > by cold air ; alternating with hot flushes in face ; with shooting pain in upper face ; toward noon, with increase of saliva ; and sore throat all day ; < on seeing water or hearing it run.
Sensation as if a small leaden ball was rolling about in brain.
Rush of blood to head : While lying down ; from chest upward, with toothache ; during pregnancy ; when rising.
Throbbing headache in forehead, vertex and occiput, down to neck.
Burning, surging towards head.
Pain above left eye before going to bed.
Pain in a small spot above right eyebrow < while writing.
Pressing inward, throbbing or drawing above right eye.
Sharp pain above eyebrows, followed by burning in lids.
Sharp pain above eyebrows and up nose five minutes after walking, with headache.
Severe shooting pains in head, above eyes and temples.
Headache extending into right eye.
Aching in bones above eyes, particularly right : < by stooping.
A sensation in forehead as of something moving.
Dull pain in forehead, with a stupid feeling afternoon and evening.
Pressing or burning pain in forehead.
Tearing from middle of forehead towards left side.
Two P. M., intense pain in head, extending back of forehead to organ of firmness : soon after the whole top of head and to eyes, lasting all day.
Dull heavy pain in forehead and sharp pricking in left temple, alternating at times with throbbing and jerking.
Pressing in vertex and in forehead, particularly when stooping or moving head ; afternoon.
Slight frontal headache in morning on waking, < after rising.
Passes hand across forehead.
Maddening outward pressing pain in forehead ; he presses his head against the wall.
Pressing pain in forehead and top of head, returns 4 P. M., seventh day, with uneasiness of mind when reading or thinking.
Continual dull pain in forehead, principally on left side, with stupefaction, in afternoon and evening.
Throbbing pain in forehead, vertex and occiput, extending into nape of neck.
Pressing in forehead, with slight sensation of heat, 6 P. M.
Headache at times very sever in right temple.
Severe headache in both temples and above eyes, beginning at 9 A. M., so unbearable that he cries bitterly ; violent jerking in limbs.
Violent headache from temple to temple.
Tearing pain ; in right temple, from jaw to temple.
Occasional stitches in right temple.
Sharp pricking pain in left temple, alternated with throbbing and punching.
Boring in right temple very short, 5 P. M. ; repeats every other day ; but on fourth day in left temple, and in morning when getting awake.
Beating, throbbing headache ; most severe in right temple and above right eye ; each bone feels shattered and sore ; from temple to temple.
Violent headache, most in temples and forehead, < during day and from stooping and stirring about.
Uterine disease.
Severe pressing pain in left side of head, occasionally boring stitches from without in, later pressing extends to left side of forehead and left orbit ; 10 P. M.
Dull weight, first on left side of head, then on vertex.
Pressing weight on right parietal bone.
Dull pricking pain in left side, from head to waist.
Left side of head is now, and has always been, most severely affected.
Headache most severe one and a half inches above left ear, in evening.
Piercing pain in right side of head, with sensation of stiffness, or as if part would become insensible.
Woke in morning with a burning, aching headache in left side of head and down neck.
In vertex ; dullness and tensive sensation ; stupefied feeling ; vertiginous shocks ; a peculiar sensation ; pressing weight ; pressing stinging ; right side ; pressing shooting ; pressing beating ; pressing heaviness, right side ; strange pulsation ; burning surging ; throbbing.
Pressure in upper part of head and forehead ; < stooping or moving head ; at 4 P. M., while reading and reflecting, with mental restlessness.
Frequent pressure on vertex, as if a cast, which fitted top of head, was pressing it down.
Severe headache, extending from behind forehead to organ of firmness, soon after spreading over vertex and to eyes, at 2 P. M., lasting all day.
Pressing from forehead to vertex and jaws.
Pain on top of head and in teeth running into each other.
Painful pressure, most on upper part of head, < when moving head ; later also in forehead, with considerable heat and prostration.
In occiput : painful dullness ; pressure in left side ; tearing and stinging as if in bones ; < after rising ; aching ; burning ; pain in left side, < during wet weather ; dreadful pains running up neck and down spine, < when lying down.
Sharp pain across eyebrows and up nose, while walking out doors ; exceedingly fatigued and weary after a short walk.
Intolerable headache extending to ends of nose and into teeth ; some pressure on head, and for a moment a feeling as of an invisible hammer striking upon back of head (relieved by Tabac.).
Frequent attacks of headache, in which head, nose and teeth appeared to be soldered together.
Feeling of tension in head ; much pressing pain in head.
Head feels as if it would split with severe pressure on vertex.
Pain as if head would burst.
At 3 P. M. ; headache very severe ; dull heavy pain in head.
Afternoon, pain in head ; sick headache.
Headaches from bite of dogs, rabid or not.
In rare cases serous effusion in opaque subarachnoid tissue and lateral ventricle, and also increased adherence of membranes of brain to convolutions.
All morning severe headache which makes him impatient.
At noon slight headache, lasting all day.
Dull heavy pain in afternoon in head.
Painful rush of blood to head after moving, turning around, or stooping.
Unbearable headache for three days making her snappish, harsh and irritable ; trifles annoy her : lower jaw feels stiff and aching, hands numb.
Crying bitterly during headache.
A peculiar sensation in head all day, as if something drew the head towards shoulders.
Headache with nausea and sore pain in heart, in afternoon ; > in cold air.
Pain from mouth up through head and down back of neck.
Burning aching from left side of occiput down neck.
violent headache and backache.
Painful pressure on top on moving head, with fever and prostration.
Horrible headache, accompanied by general weariness.
Headache in bones of skull.
On top of head, pressing heaviness, same in right parietal bone.
Tearing and stinging in occiput, as if in bones, < after rising.
Beating pain in forehead, pareital bone, occiput and nape of neck ; > in neck when bending head backwards.
Irritable headache, touching head makes it ache ; very sensitive scalp.
Right side of head feels stiff, as if it would become numb.
Numbness of left side of head.
Very annoying headache, more outside, near vertex, > by gentle scratching, or by rubbing, but it must be done by hands of others, thus by a kind of mesmerizing.
A darting from within outward to scalp, on right side of vertex, followed by itching.
Itching in locality of acquisitiveness.
Small pustule, painful when touched, on left frontal eminence, later same on right.
Hair which is usually dry has become very oily.
Scalp feels contracted and pinched.

Eyes and Sight :
Sensitive to light.
Left eye exceedingly sensitive to light and water.
Sight of water : agitation ; renews idea of pain ; causes convulsions (pregnancy).
Sparks before eyes.
Something moves to and fro before eyes while sewing, but always a little farther off the point at which she is looking.
False vision, dullness of sight, together with dilatation of pupils, sometimes actual blindness.
Great weakness in eyes, without pain.
Since five years could not read longer than a few minutes at a time, when she would see letters double and would read something else than the right words ; had tried all sorts of spectacles without benefit, was often ashamed because she could not sign her name properly.
On looking up eyes are very weak.
Dimness of vision with vertigo ; dizziness when walking and sitting.
Vision much impaired or absent, lasts twelve hours.
Vanishing of sight.
Could not see or hear.
Drawing, beating pain over right eye, extending into eyes.
Aching over eyes, as if in bone, < right side and stooping.
Pain over right eye pressing inward.
Pressing sensation in upper part of right orbit.
Drawing, beating pain over eyes and into balls.
Throbbing over right eye.
At 9 P. M. : severe shooting pains in head, over eyes and in temples ; also very violent aching pain inside of and all over chest.
Pain over left eye previous to retiring.
Sharp pain across eyebrows, afterwards burning in eyelids.
Pain in small spot over right eyebrown, < writing.
Soreness in eyes and above them, pain in forehead.
Pressing sensation in orbits.
Headache extends into right eye.
At 9 P. M. felt a curious stinging pain in left eye extending to forehead, over right eye, painful.
Eyes feel very bad, severe pain in them and in all his joints.
Eyes ached intensely ; feeling of soreness.
Burning of eyeballs.
Eye draws heat from nape of neck.
Itching heat in eyes.
If mental anxiety is great, pupils are in some cases dilated, while face and conjunctiva are injected.
During period of tranquillity, in last stage, pupils are contracted or of unequal size, eye fixed, strabismus.
Pupils were a little dilated and eye had a somewhat wild and restless appearance.
Eyes are wild, rolling, staring and livid.
Disturbed look, or eyes firm and penetrating.
Lachrymal glands evince increased activity.
Eyes red and cornea somewhat inflamed.
Eyes congested and painful.
Sore eyes and some fever after a bite in nose.
Dullness and inflammation of eyes, dogs.
Inflamed, dim, watery, staring eyes, with very much dilated pupils, upper lid drawn up, and diminished sight.
Eyes somewhat red and inflamed (cornea).
Eyes bloodshot and painful.
Eyes slightly red, and occasional stitches in right temple.
Great inflammation in an eye from which gushes foamy pus ; pustules around eye, in morning lid puffed up like an eggshell, small pustules on one finger.
Eyelids fly open involuntarily.
Pressure in left side, shooting to eyes in evening.
Burning in lids.
Eyelids feel paralyzed on awaking in morning, and appear to be more firmly closed, as if glued together.
Swelling of eyelids after bite of dogs.
In sheep.
Extreme ulceration of eye, lids closed and puffed up by pus.
In sheep.

Ears and Hearing :
Conversation in vicinity of patient may throw him into a most violent agitation.
Ringing of church bells makes him anxious, and causes a sharp, salty taste, with stitches in heart.
Water poured into a basin, with splashing noise, caused paroxysm to be reproduced, with convulsion and agitation.
Sudden noise causes involuntary startings.
Hearing water poured out in next room makes him very irritable and nervous.
On crossing ferry, soon after eating, noise which water made caused unspeakable torture in her back.
Convulsions excited by barking of dog, from great sensibility ; any other sudden noise, shutting a door or a blast of wind, produce the same.
During his attacks of chronic headache, which come after mental emotion or excessive mental exertion and last a day or two, he cannot bear to hear running water ; if hydrant is allowed to run in an adjoining room, or even if water is poured into a basin, his headache increases to an insupportable degree.
After the pain following an evacuation had lessened, and he was sitting at open window, the large street waterplug was opened to cleanse the streets, and as soon as he noticed water running down gutter in front in his house, he was seized with violent pains and had to go at once to the watercloset.
If, during night, or in morning before rising, he heard pouring out of water in next room, he was immediately obliged to rise and have an evacuation.
Chronic camp diarrhea.
Hearing water poured out brought on convulsions.
Sensation as if blood rushed to right ear, then a pressure as from a dull knife, interiorly and superiorly.
Sound as of rushing water in left ear.
Buzzing in right ear.
Hears various noises in night.
Temporary stoppage of right ear ; about two hours afterward while thinking upon it, ear commenced aching ; pain extends into teeth and through head.
Tearing pain from lower jaw into ear.
Bending pain in right ear.
Shooting stitches in right ear, from without in.
In morning, pressing in forehead and drowsiness, with stitches passing inward in both ears.
Stinging pressure behind ears ; afternoon.
Rush of blood to right ear ; after pressure like from a dull point.
Pressive burning in right external ear.
Burning and heat in ear.
Earache extends into teeth.
Tearing pain a few inches from right ear.
Pressing from nape of neck into ear ; Above left ear, headache most severe.
Pressive burning in right concha, in evening.
The ears feel stiff.
Ear tickles, after rubbing pain.
Itching in a small spot in upper part of both ears, disappears after scratching.

Nose and Smell :
Strong odors may start spasms.
During three days her sense of smell, which is always extremely acute, became painfully so, particularly in reference to unpleasant effluvia, action of nostrils extremely painful.
The greatest sensibility to smell of tobacco ; taste of snuff while box is one foot distant.
Frequent bleeding from nose ; repeatedly some clotted blood in nose.
Tickling in nasal cavity causes sneezing.
Itching in nose all day.
Repeated sneezing, which stops on being interrupted.
Frequent sneezing, mostly early in morning or late in evening, as if a coryza would begin ; also when looking at something bright, and from every little dust.
Fluid discharge from nose.
Coryza, with tickling in roof of mouth and in front of nose (relieved by Phosphorus).
Thick green mucus runs out of nose (horse).
Pain in nose.
Sensation of stiffness in nose, in right side of neck, and principally in jaws.
Nose feels bruised.
Nose, right neck and side feel very stiff, more about jaws.
Nose extremely sensitive to touch.
Headache extends into nose.
Nose itches all day.

Face :
Jawbones feel quite sore.
Both jaws feel stiff ; tingling in cheek bones.
Gnawing and crawling sensation in right zygoma.
Transitory drawing in left side of face, from cheek bone toward nose, as if in muscles, in evening.
Tearing in right upper jaw extending into ear, same in temple.
Shooting pains in upper jaw and violent headache.
Darting pains in right side of face.
Burning neuralgic pain down left side of face.
A sensation moves about in right side of face and goes across forehead.
Slight twitchings in face and hands.
Quivering in face.
Facial muscles become variously contorted, countenance changes its aspects frequently.
Spasmodic affections take place in muscles of face, occasioning violent contortions and most horrid assemblage of features ; in muscles moving lower jaw, inducing involuntary gnashing and a grinding of teeth, which some have construed into a desire of biting ; during convulsive attack expression of face indicates great anxiety and alarm.
Disturbed look with dyspnƓa.
Expression of face quite variable ; reddening countenance often exhibits reflections of utmost mental and physical misery, of most horrible agony.
Face flushed ; complained of his head, said they were running needles into his brain.
Heat in right side of face and right ear, followed by headache in vertex and forehead ; as soon as headache gets >, heat returns ; heat comes from within and spreads from back of neck to ear and into eyes and face, accompanied by constant pain in nape of neck, which increases after heat and headache disappear.
A feeling of heat and soreness in middle of left cheek.
Heat in face, with soreness of left cheek, from thinking.
Heat in right side of face, and particularly in eye, where it causes a tickling ; returns after drinking coffee.
Face sweat ; with sensation of heat ; with flushes.
In morning (6 A. M.), tickling in left cheek.
Heat and redness of face.
First heat in right side of face and in ear, then a quiet aching in front of upper part of head ; this headache lessens, the heat increases.
Heat in face in morning, with redness ; at times very deep.
Complexion pallid and cyanotic, and expression stupid.
Flushes and headache alternately.
Pale face with squeamishness and nausea.
Face pale and yellowish, almost brownish.
Appearance peculiar ; skin sallow, pale or anemic ; bloated all over, but no "pitting."
Chronic cramp diarrhea.
Sensation as if she had been bitten in left side of face near mouth.
Tickling on left cheek, at 6 A. M.
The scratches on cheek became red, thirty-three days after bite, and on following day looked quite fresh, as if they had been made only a few hours before, but were a little darker in color than newly made abrasions.
Pimple on eminence of forehead, painful to touch ; later one on right check.
On left cheek near nose, towards eye, a pain, < when touched ; a pimple with soreness around.
Painless hard nodules on cheek, where a pimple seemed to have appeared ; on ninth day a little scurf on it and redness ; if picked or pricked, a very disagreeable kind of pain, but not violent, is felt in cheek even a distance from nodule, and here and there deep in upper part of jaw ; cheeks bluish-red and soft ; discharges after the scurf is scratched off, lymph and blood.
Slow maturing bluish pimples on face.
Pain in left cheek near nose, from fifth to seventh day ; followed by a hard, painless swelling of size of a pea, turned redder on thirtieth day, and became covered with a small scab ; on thirty-second day it grew soft and turned bluish-red, particularly around edges ; on puncturing, a disagreeable yet not severe pain at some distance from swelling and more inside of cheek ; a small quantity of blood and matter was discharged ; on fortieth day the place ceased to discharge and healed.
The jawbones feel sore ; aching in lower jaw.
Violent jerking pains in lower jaw.
Tearing in right lower and upper jaw up into ear.
When reading or writing, felt a pain in lower jaw ; the longer she read the < it got.
Masseter muscles not affected by spasms.
During phrensical fits, snapping motions are made with jaw of an involuntary or spasmodic character, bearing some resemblance to motions of biting.
Attempted to bite her fingers before death.
Biting snapping with convulsions.
Jaws feel stiff ; crawling in zygomatic arch.
Lower jaw stiff and painful ; with inclination to yawn ; with headache ; imagines he cannot open mouth.
Jaws feel sore and stiff ; a great disposition to press hand against lower jaw.
Sensation as if she would have mumps.
A chilling, biting burning sensation of inner side of right upper lip, as if a corroding acid had touched spot ; sensation passes up and back, in a lesser degree, to right nasal cavity, where it produces tickling and sneezing ; subsequently increase of saliva ; after several hours.
Lips cracked on inside of middle line.
Spasms with froth before mouth.
It seldom happens that froth is observed around outside of mouth.

Teeth and Gums :
Grinding of teeth.
Painful sensation of coldness shoots into teeth, it passes from lower posterior part upward and into jaw.
Teeth hurt more on right side, it is a kind of aching dullness.
Sensation in right lower jaw, in bone as it were, it shoots into root of a decayed tooth.
Shooting pain in right eyetooth, preceded by burning, passing down esophagus. B Frequent shooting pain in teeth ; all the teeth ache.
Aching in carious root of a molar.
Toothache and other complaints during pregnancy, with internal ebullition of blood from chest to head ; head feels as if filled with air to bursting.
Teeth very sensitive ; feel as if on edge.
Headache and earache extend into teeth.
Chilling painfulness starts in teeth of right side behind and below in bone of lower maxilla and passes upwards.
Neuralgic pain in gums, principally in front.
Aching in swollen gums on right side.
Drawing in gums, most in front.

Taste and Tongue :
Food does not have right taste.
Scrapy taste, with much saliva.
Bitter taste in morning, on awaking.
Salt victuals tasted too strongly of salt, other food seemed to lack salt.
Speech is labored, short and pathetic.
Difficult, incorrect speech.
Impediment in his speech, would begin a sentence with difficulty after several fruitless attempts ; some palatal vowels he could not pronounce, others but incorrectly.
A cool feeling on tongue like after peppermint.
Pain in root of tongue and left side of throat.
Peculiar pain at root of tongue as if it was swollen.
Tickling, queer feeling in throat and root of tongue.
Tongue usually moist and clean ; frequently slightly coated, more seldom dry and thickly coated.
Tongue coated with thin layer of yellowish-white fur.
Tongue coated with foam.
Tongue dark red on sides, coated in centre.
Tongue large, pale and flabby.
Pricking sensation under tongue.
Ranula returns periodically, with dryness of mouth, < in afternoon, soreness when chewing ; with hemorrhoids and constipation.

Mouth :
Feeling of coldness, like essence of peppermint.
Severe pain passing from mouth upward through head and down into neck.
Constant sensation of intense dryness of mouth and throat.
Dryness in mouth : in afternoon ; with thirst.
Sore mouth, feels as if there were lumps in it.
Much tenacious mucus in mouth and throat.
Tough, short frothy phlegm in mouth (horse).
Frothed at mouth, attempted to spit out with much difficulty (before death).
Saliva more viscid, constant spitting, feeling of general malaise.
Saliva runs together in mouth, without occasion ; flows back and is swallowed.
Saliva in back part of mouth like after sugar, or when liquorice is swallowed.
Mouth full of saliva, total disinclination to drink.
Great flow of saliva and difficulty in swallowing liquids.
Accumulation of foaming saliva, with inflammation of throat.
Saliva more plentiful, but thin and of yellow color.
Secretion of a thick and frothy saliva, but without any morbid repulsion toward drinks.
Ejected saliva is frothy, slimy and ropy.
Much tenacious saliva, with sore throat.
Large quantities of tough saliva in mouth, with constant spitting.
Saliva is not ejected, but runs from open mouth.
Quantities of saliva are collected in and about mouth ; presents a frothy appearance ; patient is constantly endeavoring to get rid of it by wiping it with a handkerchief, or spitting it out with great force.
Spits all the time small quantities of a frothy saliva ; with pain in limbs.
Frequent spitting.
At 10 A. M. began to spit a great deal, continuing all day till supper.
Dark, coffee-colored fluid oozed from mouth (before death).
Much mucus in throat and nose ; hanging in posterior nares.
Scraping sensation on palate where cool sensation had been, slight coughing does not reach spot, hemming and hawking does occasionally.
Fauces and pharynx pervaded by an equally diffused purplish scarlet blush, no pain in throat, except when patient attempts to swallow.
Follicular enlargement is common, involves also pharyngeal follicles and lymphatic glands in neighborhood of jaw ; similar swelling upon inner side of epiglottis, pretty firm and characterized by abundance of lymph corpuscles found in gland substance.
Hyperplasia and recent swelling of tonsils and follicular glands of tongue ; flat, roundish swelling at root of tongue, in middle of each one of which was seen dilated opening of a follicle.
Sensation as if uvula was too long ; it is slightly inflamed but not elongated.
Mucous membrane of pharynx and epiglottis of a deep red color and injected ; soft palate frequently reddened and swollen.
Entire mucous membrane of mouth and pharynx was of an equally distributed pink without any swelling.

Throat :
Slight redness of palate and throat, with spasm of esophagus and difficult speech.
Sore throat, as after swallowing red pepper.
Quite a sore throat, constrictive sensation much < when attempting to swallow liquids, which he could not do without pain ; solids not painful.
At 11 A. M. : soreness in throat till noon.
Sore throat : very severe, all day, in forenoon ; > at 6 P. M. ; after supper (7 P. M.) ; not able to swallow without great pain ; as if swelled ; as if raw ; aches ; on right side ; with headache ; with soreness in eyes ; with increased tenacious saliva.
Cooling sensation in esophagus.
Throat quite sore, headache in both temples, numbness in both arms, slight pain in lumbar region all day.
Fauces and pharynx as far as one can see are slightly inflamed, there is inclination to swallow, and increase of saliva.
Painful sore throat, throat much inflamed, headache <, tenacious mucus in mouth and throat ; great weakness with aversion to move.
Inflammation of throat with foamy saliva.
Violent spasm in throat as if he would suffocate, from 2 P. M. to 9:30 P. M.
Great heat in throat and about heart.
Sudden jerks going from esophagus to heart.
Sore throat, constant desire to swallow ; much saliva and feeling as if beaten.
Periodical spasm of esophagus, continual painful inclination to swallow without being able to swallow anything ; constriction is most severe when taking water into mouth, if he tried to swallow it forcibly, he had burning and stinging pain in throat, cough and retching which forced fluid from his mouth ; difficult speech.
Difficulty in swallowing ; particularly fluids.
Dryness in throat and difficult swallowing, with slight erysipelatous redness in pharynx.
Stinging sensation when swallowing.
Sore throat at 2 o'clock ; with difficulty in swallowing fluids ; felt as if epiglottis was paralyzed.
Sore throat with great inflammation, could only swallow with difficulty, fluids returned through nose.
A peculiar sense of constriction in back of throat at 3 P. M., < at 4 P. M., could not swallow without pain ; disappeared at 6 P. M., but returned at 7 and lasted until bedtime.
Sore throat with constriction, particularly when attempting to swallow fluids, which is painful.
Terrible pain in throat, particularly when swallowing.
Constant inclination to swallow ; or remove phlegm which seems to stick between nose and throat.
Constant desire to swallow, painful and ineffectual.
Some will drink water without difficulty.
Activity to drink is restored before sudden death.
Warm drinks, milk, soups and wine are often more easily taken than water.
Imagines that he cannot swallow anything.
Difficulty in swallowing can, at first, be overcome by firm resolution.
Declared he could not swallow for something in throat that interrupted the passage.
Swallowing more difficult at 5 P. M. than in the morning (after Bellad.).
Solid food sometimes consumed with great difficulty.
Absolute impossibility to swallow anything ; whenever attempt is made, attacks of suffocation and spasms of respiratory muscles as well as of muscles of face, neck and rest of body, with great mental disturbance.
After some days patient equally abhorred solids as well as fluids ; when importuned to eat, he was thrown into convulsions.
Any attempt to swallow bread occasioned greatest agony.
Often happens that they succeed in drinking after those who were around them have retired, or when attempt is made with closes eyes and with aid of a straw.
No disgust for fluids until difficulty in swallowing came on ; when fluid touched fauces it seemed at the peril of his life.
At 3 P. M. felt a strange constrictive sensation in back part of throat, never experienced before, < at 4 P. M., could not swallow without great pain ; went off at 6 P. M. ; returned in an hour, lasting until 10 P. M.
When taking water into mouth, constriction was greatest.
Periodical spasms of esophagus.
Attempt to drink water starts convulsions.
Had difficulty in speaking ; a connected sentence could only be uttered after making several fruitless attempts ; palatic letters could not be pronounced at all, all were pronounced wrong.
At 10 A. M. felt a soreness and suffocation in back of throat.
Violent spasms of throat at 2 P. M., feeling as if he was about to be suffocated ; went off at 9 P. M.
A ball, as it were, rises from stomach up to throat, seems to threaten suffocation.
Sensation of a lump in throat with desire to swallow.
A terrible pain in throat all day, and great pain on swallowing.
Pain extended upwards from wounded arm toward throat.
Stitching sensation when swallowing.
Burning stinging in left side of chest, with palpitation in afternoon.
Burning stinging in throat.
Trying to swallow water forcibly, it caused burning and stinging in throat, besides cough and gagging, which forced out contents of mouth.
Spasm of throat.
Burning down esophagus.
Great heat in throat and around heart.
A slight redness of affected parts.
Intense and deep-seated inflammation of mucous membrane of mouth, gums, throat and larynx, with smarting pains on swallowing.
Feels as if he had swallowed a small quantity of red pepper.

Appetite, Thirst, Desires, Aversions :
Appetite good, but digestion deficient ; a portion of nearly everything he ate passing bowels in an undigested state.
Chronic camp diarrhea.
Voracious appetite ; swallowed wheat without chewing.
Little appetite in morning ; want of appetite, headache, depression.
Want of appetite.
Hydrophobia of sheep.
Could take no nourishment (with spitting), could not remain at table.
Symptoms of digestive organs extremely variable ; excessive thirst, vomiting, constipation.
Thirst and disinclination for food.
Felt very thirsty and had no aversion to drink, on contrary drank large quantities of water.
Thirst much increased, complains of burning pains in throat.
Thirst and desire to drink, but is prevented from doing so by spasmodic constriction of throat, attempts excite most disagreeable sensations, even spasms.
Had not been drinking any water for some time, only some hot tea.
Drank some strong tea at supper, after which salivation discontinued until 8 P. M., then commenced again.
No appetite, except for sour things.
Called for burnt brandy and drank it ; next day a strong rising in his stomach and an impossibility to drink.
Excessive desire for salt.
First days, smoking unpleasant ; after first week, a crazy, insatiable desire to smoke, he does not allow pipe to cool.
Picked up bits of cotton and shreds of cloth ; bits of chips and coal were devoured whenever getting near ; anything that was within reach and could be grasped by the jaws was gnawed away very quickly ; a dog.
Urine and feces were frequently devoured as soon as they were voided ; a dog.
Abnormal cravings during pregnancy.
Aversion to water ; imagines he cannot swallow ; says he is thirsty, but cannot look at water or hear it poured out.
Aversion to water of place he arrived at.
Aversion to drinking water, but can take small quantities of chocolate.
Aversion to fluids ; great sensitiveness to every breath of air and reflection of light.
Since bite she has frightful aversion to water ; at first she could wash herself by dint of great self-control, but later not at all.
Wine tasted poorly and affected him more than usual.
Aversion to fat food and drink ; there remains a long greasy aftertaste, < after mutton.

Eating and Drinking :
Before dinner a very strange sensation, a strangeness of whole body.
Warm drinks, such as milk, soups and wine, are more easily taken than water.
Inability to take solid food, or else it is consumed with greatest difficulty.
At times ability to drink is restored before death.
After supper, 7 P. M., feels <, less sore throat, no difficulty in swallowing.
After eating ; all cooling, burning, wavelike sensation disappear, also congestion ; pressing inward in epigastrium ; lasciviousness with sexual excitement ; lewdness with a sensation of weakness in parts, but inclined to an emission of semen ; increased lassitude and drowsiness, slept an hour without making it any better.
After meals very ill disposed, every noise irritates him ; if others eat apples, or hawk, or blow their noses, it brings him beside himself ; passes away after siesta and coffee.
After dinner and in evening disinclined to think.
After supper : pressing in spleen.
Nausea after eating eggs or fat food.
After coffee : more frequent beating of pulse ; heat in face.
Tobacco affected him more than usual.

Hiccough, Belching, Nausea and Vomiting :
Squeamish sensation ; a want of appetite in evening, followed by great lightness of head.
Nausea : with giddiness, headache and pale face ; with pale face after diarrhea ; food does not taste right ; and loss of appetite in evening ; at 10 to 11 P. M.
Continual belching of wind ; convulsive eructations.
Belching in afternoon : sour, in afternoon.
Gagging when he forcibly attempts to swallow water, forces it out of his mouth.
Rising of bile into throat during day, at same time an unusual quantity of tenacious saliva in mouth and throat.
Nausea and vomiting, after diarrhea.
Vomiting : of food ; of fluid while drinking, followed by faintness ; of what was eaten at supper, at night in sleep.
Nausea and vomiting of a foamy, mucous, dark colored substance resembling coffee grounds.

Scrobiculum and Stomach :
Pressure in epigastrium after eating.
Suffocating pain at pit of stomach.
Distress in epigastrium and precordial region with dyspnƓa.
In epigastric region sensation half coldish, half burning.
Pain in epigastric region, deep in, as if in or behind duodenum.
Aching, with coldness in stomach.
A cooling pain in stomach, with here and there a sharp and pointed pressure.
A sensation of motion in stomach.
Loud gurgling in left side of stomach, becomes more continuous like water from a bottle.
A loud cooing noise in stomach, to left, and after a while repeated as a quick croaking.
Great oppression in stomach, has to open her clothes.
A slightly hot, quiet, aching sensation below chest, sometimes lower down, often in entire abdomen, as if in intestines.
Stomach empty, or may contain a dark, opaque substance, frequently resembling coffee grounds ; in mucous membrane of stomach and intestines, decided injection of blood-vessels ; upon former frequently hemorrhagic erosions.

Hypochondria :
A pressing pain : in right side, near last ribs, with breathing ; in hypochondria, after quick walking.
Shooting in right side of abdomen.
Pain in region of liver and right kidney.
Pain from within outward in right side.
Fatty degeneration of liver.
In upper part of abdomen, left side (region of stomach and spleen), a continued gnawing pressure in forenoon.
Aching from below waist to feet.
Pain in left side at 8 A. M.
Pressing pain in region of spleen when walking fast.
Painful throbbing as if an abscess was forming in region of spleen, but very deep in, exact locality is half way between median line and outline of left side ; it lasted eight days ; with it departed remnant of a similar affection in this locality, against which eleven years of allopathic treatment had proved of no avail.
Under mamma hot sensation, quietly aching, sometimes same lower down or in whole of abdomen, as if in intestine.
Tearing from left hypochondriac region to right.

Abdomen :
A rending pain across abdomen from left to right, in evening when in bed.
Pain in right side of abdomen proceeding from uterus.
Pain down left side of abdomen.
Pressing in abdomen.
A drawing in abdomen below navel.
Cramp in lower part of abdomen.
Painful sensation deep in upper portion of abdomen, as if behind duodenum ; in forenoon.
Colicky pain in abdomen ; when it subsides stinging in small of back.
Severe bellyache, lasting an hour, awoke from sleep at 11:30.
Violent bellyache.
Sticking : in right side of abdomen, when taking a breath ; in abdomen above hip ; with feeling of motion in lower part of abdomen.
Stitches : in right side of abdomen ; in belly, an inch from crista ilea.
Shooting in abdomen.
A sense of motion, with slight stinging in middle of abdomen.
A burning, waving and surging, proceeding from abdomen, spreads through entire chest to head.
After cooling sensation and scratching in esophagus had subsided, there appeared a half cooling, half burning sensation in entire upper part of abdomen.
General soreness in whole of lower abdomen.
Distension of abdomen ; every evening.
Rigidity of muscles of abdomen.
From both loins a drawing downward, followed by cramps in lower abdomen.
Aching : in loins ; into back ; down to feet.
Dull pressing pain above right inguinal region on a defined place.
Pain in right groin, with some swelling.
Drawing, dragging pain in groins ; heavy, bruised feeling in thighs.
Drawing from groins downward, then cramps in abdomen, accompanied by dizziness.
Aching from groins to feet, in evening.
Pain in both groins ; in right, two small kernels under skin, very painful.
Inguinal glands very much swollen, they pain for two hours.

Stool and Rectum :
Tenesmus during and after stool.
Dysenteric stools with tenesmus ; renewed as soon as he hears or sees water run.
When in morning some water was poured out from pitcher into basin, pain and desire to stool returned.
When he sees or hears running water, violent pain and tenesmus return ; in a case of dysentery in Summer, of six weeks' standing, in which stools were most frequent in night, consisted of bloody mucus and were followed by pains in rectum and small of back, which forced patient to walk about in spite of great weakness ; could neither stand nor lie down ; had drunk no water whole time, only hot tea occasionally.
Stools watery and profuse, with severe pains in lower bowels ; frequently of stools not uniform, some days five or six, others fifteen or twenty, usually more frequent in morning.
Chronic camp diarrhea.
Diarrhea : with much pain, most during day, eighteen hours after dose, lasting twenty-four hours, with pain in lower part of bowels ; < in morning ; followed by nausea as if she would have to vomit ; attended with violent pains early in morning ; after stitches in side.
Chronic diarrhea contracted in Southern camps.
Difficult passage of flatus as if anus resisted expulsion.
Stools of bloody mucus.
Involuntary stools.
Straining to evacute, causing a violent pain in small of back and in rectum, afterwards compelling him to walk about although weak.
Bowels constipated ; stool very dark in color.
Stools became dark and thickish in appearance, mingled with shreds of wool or cotton, bits of wood and coal that had been swallowed ; a dog.
Passage of bright red blood from anus, with terrible burning and pricking in it as from thorns.
Difficult stool, piles protrude.
Hemorrhoidal troubles, passes blood from anus during catamenia.
Throbbing in anus externally.
Darting into anus causes contraction.

Urinary Organs :
Dull pressure in region of left kidney.
Flying pains increase, seize urinary organs ; create a difficulty and heat in discharging urine.
Some pain about neck of bladder in evening.
A cooling, burning, congested feeling in region of bladder, in evening.
Profuse watery urine, in evening.
In morning and evening urine is yellowish-brown, turbid and diminished in quantity ; reddish sediment.
Urine dark, brownish, with whitish sediment, visible when urinating upon snow.
Brighter colored urine and in larger quantities, but not more frequent.
Urine scanty or muddy, often of a dull, greenish-yellow color ; dog ; A whitish-yellow sediment in urine.
Urine scanty, no albumin ; dark, cloudy, frequently contains sugar, evidently the result of lesions in medulla oblongata.
Urine too scanty and high colored.
Urging to urinate after a slight accumulation.
Constant desire to urinate on seeing running water ; urinates a little at a time.
Tickling burning in urethra near orifice after urinating.
After passing feces and urine there is an urging to urinate again, it moves slowly several times from above downward without succeeding in passing a drop.
Prostatic juice passes after urinating.
Since fourteenth day after bite says she has passed no water ; passes daily from time to time a little dark blood from uterus, differing in quantity and quality from menstrual flow.
If he passes but a small quantity of urine his sense of weakness is increased ; weakness after urinating as if he passed his strength away.

Male Sexual Organs :
Inclined to lascivious ideas, although there is not much sexual desire.
Lasciviousness : after eating, with feeling of weakness in parts ; with erections in afternoon.
Erections with but little desire.
Strong erections, without sexual excitement or thoughts, in evening while undressing in cold room.
Sexual indifference with erections, even during act of coition, which is perfectly performed.
Increased sexual desire.
(Dropsy of spine with sheep. Hydrophobia of sheep).
Priapism, with frequent seminal emissions.
Satyriasis in a stallion ; hot breath streamed from nostrils.
Insufficient seminal discharge.
Semen is discharging too late or not at all during coition.
During a very strong and warm embrace excitement diminished at its height, and there followed no emission.
No emission during coition, but afterwards semen escaped unconsciously in sleep.
A seminal emission with dreams, quite unusual.
Without being preceded by an erection there is a discharge of prostatic fluid, smelling salty and musty ; the glans penis is dry.
Feeling of weakness around and in sexual parts.
After coition with difficult and tardy emission, there is a sensation of emptiness and discomfort in parts, lasting all of next day.
Painful urging in penis, as after excessive coition, accompanied by lasciviousness.
Itching and burning on corona glandis, with tickling and discharge of greenish pus, in afternoon.
Glans in dry and sticks to foreskin.
Burning and tenesmus as if in prostatic gland and in urethra ; in afternoon.
Itching on os pubis, left side, extending to root of penis.
Increased peristaltic motion of scrotum, all afternoon and evening ; motion of testicles also increased.
Scrotum tightly drawn up for two or three weeks.
Hanging down of scrotum on eighth day, while before and after it was contracted.
Painful sensation in testicles.
Pain in testicles on day after an embrace, particularly felt towards noon and first afternoon hours.
Atrophy of testicles ; testicles diminish in size, first left then right.
Complaints resulting from abnormal sexual desire.

Female Sexual Organs :
Aphrodisiac sense deficient.
Pain extending from uterus into breast and right side of abdomen.
Insatiable heat ; with cows.
Pain in left ovarian region, uneasiness there.
Bearing down in uterine region.
Sharp pain in uterus shooting down to labia.
Occasional acute pain in and below uterus ; at times a violent shooting pain in left of vagina, extending upward, so severe as almost to cause her to scream.
Increase of uterine sensitiveness, conscious of having a womb.
With a painful sensitiveness of womb, slight degree of prolapsus, so that after any considerable effort there would be a strong conviction that it was prolapsed.
Considerable pain in lower part of back, with a soreness felt through pubic region, which was clearly proved to be in neck of womb by an increase of pain from pressing finger on neck ; principally at point where finger came in contact with womb.
Womb high up in abdomen, enlarged in fundus.
Abrasion about os tincĂŠ (treated with caustic) some tumefaction of cervix and walls of vagina remained, showing a low degree of inflammation.
Speculum showed os tincĂŠ of size of a small goose quill, smooth and normal, except that there was a string of bloody mucus of size of os hanging from it, so tough and viscid that it was difficult to wipe it away with a sponge.
Swelling of womb in all its parts, extending somewhat into vagina.
Bright redness of vaginal portion of womb.
After menses found that prolapsus uterus, a case considered incurable, was in its proper position, and continued so after an interval of two months, though she has done much to test the cure, lifting a heavy child in and out of bed at night, when she was necessarily without her supporter.
Prolapsus uteri of seven years' standing.
Metritis, prolapsus or induration of uterus ; in cows.
A girl, ĂŠt. 14, and another ĂŠt. 21 took the 30th after their catamenia had ceased for the three days, next day it reappeared.
Catamenia appeared (after a few globules of 30th) two weeks before time, and very copious.
Menstruation, with hemorrhoids, pulsations in anus and weakness of back.
Menses rather frequent, protracted, dark, and at times fetid.
During interval of menses "a show" that seemed quite obstinate.
Anemia in consequence of disturbed sexual function.
Continual discharge of offensive mucus from uterus for several months.
White discharge like leucorrhea, which weakened her ; never had leucorrhea.
Slimy leucorrhea.
Severe leucorrhea, with pains in back and lower part of bowels ; sore vagina.
Sensitiveness of vagina rendering coition quite painful.
Menses too profuse, at times a little too frequent.
Discharge of blood from rectum during menses.
Weakness in back, with copious catamenia.
Tearing, followed by pressing downward, could not make a hard step during catamenia.

Pregnancy. Parturition. Lactation :
During pregnancy : strange notions, desires or cravings ; rush of blood from chest upward ; toothache, backache and other complaints ; great sense of bearing down ; intense pain from inflammation of os and cervix (formerly treated with Caustic.) ; great soreness in lower part of back and bowels.
All changes of position that tilt or rotate to a moderate extent the os uteri cause much pain.
Spasms excited whenever she attempts to drink water, or if she hears it poured from one vessel into another ; sight or sound of water affects unpleasantly, even though desiring water.
Since childbirth more pain with coition and a dislike to it.
Since cessation of lochia a sever leucorrhea ; pain in back and lower part of bowels ; soreness of vagina.
Both breasts swollen when waking in morning, she can hardly get up ; three mornings in succession ; same swelling of breasts at night when opening her dress.

Voice and Larynx. Trachea and Bronchia :
Voice altered in tone ; tones much suppressed ; hoarse ; rough ; harsh and weak (last stage) ; shrill, inarticulate sounds ; shrill sounds of utmost despair, or occasioned by violent expirations ; very shrill and piercing bark, changing near its termination into a distressing, continuous howl (dogs).
Epiglottis crisp and dry.
Inflammation or redness in superior part of trachea.
Pain next to larynx, on right side, felt on turning neck and on pressure.

Respiration :
The breath is hot : sulphurous.
Hot breath streams from nostrils, Satyriasis in a stallion.
On inspiring : a cooling sensation ; stinging on left side.
Can scarcely speak from weakness.
Weakness of chest ; tired from talking or reading.
When breathing, stitches in right side of abdomen.
Breathing accelerated or rattling in last stage.
Asthmatic sensation, air going through larynx makes a kind of wheezing.
Sighing and groaning respiration, may be occasioned by violent expiration.
Frequent sighing and sobbing.
A general feeling of discomfort in chest forces him to deep breathing or to emit sighs, which alleviate.
Sighing with pain in heart.
Now and then he has to take a deep breath, with coldish feeling far back and deep in throat, followed by great relief.
At 9 A. M. suffocating feeling in chest, had to sigh several times, lasting till 10:30 P. M., when he fell asleep.
Breathing laborious and difficult, quickly repeated, and attended with a constant and peculiar kind of hawking, in order to expel breath, which has been taken for an imitation of bark of a dog.
DyspnƓa : with flatulency, cough and rattling in chest ; with sighing, groaning respiration ; from cardiac pain ; < lying down.
Constriction about breast and difficulty in breathing become so extreme, that on a blast of air blowing on them they are seized with greatest distress, cover their months, seem ready to expire, as if struggling for breath.
On attempting, at request, to drink a little water ; a violent spasm of muscles of neck and throat came on, preceded by a deep sigh or gasp, as if she might just have plunged into cold water.
Difficult breathing and spasmodic sensation in trachea.
Suffocative spasm in throat.
Convulsive breathing and spasm in muscles of throat, either come together or breathing precedes throat spasms.
The convulsive breathings during paroxysms are very similar to those produced by a sudden cold water bath, and are always combined with spasms in throat muscles.
Oppression in breathing before a severe suffocative attack occurs, induced by spasmodic constrictions of respiratory muscles, combined with spasmodic, alarming constriction of pharynx.
Barathing during paroxysm gasping, irregular and usually quite rapid, often with decided dyspnƓa.

Cough :
Barking like a dog, with a sort of noisy cough ; headache.
Cough when attempting to swallow water forcibly, forces it out of mouth.
Cough and gagging.

Inner Chest and Lungs :
Chest and abdomen feel expanded ; expanding chest seems to invigorate him, though usually it fatigues.
Pressing in chest ; between tenth and eleventh ribs, right side.
Rheumatic pain across chest when drawing her breath.
Pain as if in nerves, from side of chest up to throat.
Cramplike pain and stitches in left side followed by diarrhea and afterwards nausea and inclination to vomit.
Pinching pain : at fourth rib on right side.
Stinging in lower part of chest.
Stitches under left mamma, going towards left.
Shooting between left mamma and last ribs.
Shooting, flying pains through left chest.
Burning, surging through chest.
Burning stinging in left side of chest when taking a deep breath.
Burning like heartburn in right side of back, in region where ribs bed.
Blood mounts from chest to head.
Extending to chest, pain in uterus.
Great weakness in chest, particularly when walking and reading aloud, chest feels fatigued ; some deep pain in left side.
Upon pleura is often seen a soaplike deposit, as in case of cholera.
Gangrene of lungs, caused by pneumonia and sexual excitement.
Satyriasis in stallion.

Heart, Pulse and Circulation :
Pain in left chest on a small spot in region of heart ; more backward and to left in chest.
Dull pain in heart all day, with a pinching pain about fourth rib, right side.
Constant pain in lower part of heart.
A very strange and unusual feeling in heart, something like bands compressing it, in middle of chest and, as if needles were sticking in it, a dull kind of stitching pain, very painful, alarming and disagreeable.
Pain in heart entirely gone, but every two or three hours has a twitch there.
Painful shock or jerk from lower or hind part of esophagus to heart and front chest.
At 7 P. M., slight, dull shooting pain in heart, lasting till he went to sleep at 10:30 P. M.
Considerable pain in heart, and a corresponding pain in right side ; a severe sticking and shooting pain, producing shortness of breath and sighing.
At 11 A. M. two or three stitches of a shooting kind in heart, lasting a few minutes.
Stitches in and around heart.
Pricking sticking pain in heart.
Stinging, sharp pain in heart.
Sticking pains at intervals in heart.
Sharp, shooting pains in region of heart, lasting four hours.
At 9 P. M., violent pain of a sticking character in heart and to left of it.
Stitches in heart from ringing of church bells.
Stitches in heart, more while walking ; they would kill him if they continued.
heart had for three months not been free from a sticking, drawing, squeezing pain, result of an attack of rheumatism and cold, together with a palpitation and difficulty of breathing.
Violent pain in heart, as if it would burst or had needles running into it.
Heat and burning in heart.
Burning pain around heart and in forehead.
Pain in heart ; with headache ; with sore throat and heaviness in legs.
Sensation going from heart through to back, with sinking.
Pain in cardiac region, to which he is subject, is < half an hour after, but much > in several days.
While writing, a burning ebullition and gurgling from upper part of abdomen through chest and head, at first followed by a pain in ear ; now a pressing stinging in inner upper vertex to right ; as if a hot, wavelike stream was moving on and spreading outward, but not extending to spine or limbs.
Heart palpitated violently and felt as if it was coming up into throat ; drank several mouthfuls of water, which relieved.
Palpitation causes anxiety.
Feels beating of pulse through whole body, and from time to time like a slow rising wave through throat into head, followed by a sensation of a momentary rush of blood.
Pulse : steady, but rather full and hard, about ten beats above normal standard (80) ; slightly accelerated and hard, being more frequently small than full ; quick and irritable ; 160 ; becomes gradually weaker and quicker, especially after paroxysm, 120 to 180 ; frequently irregular, becoming variable in its rate, and this variation takes place with great rapidity ; unequal, some beats stronger, some quickened ; weak, quick, intermitting ; very small irregular and very rapid (last stage) ; weak, quick and intermittent (latter period) ; becomes constantly more rapid and smaller, until at length it is threadlike, and finally no longer can be felt.

Outer Chest :
The clavicles feel as if they would slip from their sockets ; has to place arms akimbo.
Quivering about sternum.
Spasmodic tearing under left ribs ; at same time it runs to anus, where it causes a constriction ; also at same time a tearing between skin and flesh down thigh to knee.
Pressure : on sternum between mammÊ ; between last ribs on right side.
Stinging in left breast (between mamma and last ribs).
Chest as if beaten, in evening.
Soreness across chest, both breasts swollen ; when waking in morning can hardly get up ; three mornings in succession.

Neck and Back :

Constant pain in neck.
Going to neck : pain from head and from back.
Pressing in neck and up back of head.
From neck heat passes to ear and face.
Pressure and drawing pain in neck.
A stitch in nape of neck.
Muscles of neck and breast, frequently entire muscular system, contract spasmodically ; With inward heat, pains in neck, < if headache is >, or heat in right side of face.
Burning pain in neck.
Throbbing pain extending into neck.
Neck feels stiff ; right side of neck stiff ; muscles felt stiff in morning.
Tearing, stinging and stiffness in neck.
Stiff neck with rending and shooting.
Pain in cicatrix and also some stiffness in muscles of neck and throat.
Pain in muscles of neck and along cervical portion of spinal column.
From nape of neck of heat draws over right ear into right eye and face, seems to pass from within outward.
Neck feels stiff, held himself more erect than usual.
All day difficulty in moving head.
Stiffness in joints of neck ; if she allows her head to hand a while, it is difficult to raise.
Neck feels more comfortable when, in sneezing, she throws head back.
Emphysematous swelling of subcutaneous cellular tissue of lower part of neck ; may extend along upper portion of breast and into mediastinum.
Sterno-cleido mastoid muscle on each side stands out like a thick cord ; a look of mingled anxiety and terror on countenance.
Head feels lopsided and as if something was drawing it toward shoulder.
At 2 P. M. laid down, found his head twisted to left side ; under ordinary circumstances would very soon have changed position, but to his surprise found it quite comfortable and feel asleep ; woke at 4 P. M., felt a numbness in left side of head, and flesh of lower part of body looked like goose-flesh.
As if head was being drawn to shoulders.
Cramplike pressure under right shoulder-blade and between scapulĂŠ.
In back, near right shoulder-blade, a pressing with heat, draws into nape of neck, thence into muscles of left upper arm.
At 2 P. M., severe pain across back between shoulders and waist.
A pain or ache in and between both shoulders, as if a heavy weight was there, lasting two hours.
Pressing, running from between shoulders to occiput and across right ear, in morning.
Below right shoulder-blade a pressure ; not pressing from out inward or > by bending backward.
Pressure in back, five inches below point of right shoulder, on inch from spine ; had same sensation during each of her pregnancies, always on right side, inward from lowest rib to breast bone.
Stinging : below right shoulder-blade ; in cervical vertebra.
Severe backache all day, and numbness of hands.
Spine aches ; right side of throat sore.
Backache and headache.
Pain in back across hips, lasting all day.
Pain in back and both groins.
Burning in back near last ribs, right side, like heartburn.
Pressing in region of kidneys ; dull pressure in region of left.
At 4 P. M. violent pain in right kidney, lasting an hour.
Pain from 4 P. M. till evening in both kidneys and across hips, severe and a little burning > at 9 P. M.
Back extremely sore ; as if beaten, in evening.
Pains with cutaneous hyperĂŠsthesia along vertebral column.
Could not bear least touch along whole vertebrÊ ; slightest touch produced an irritability akin to convulsions.
Sheep turn an wriggle their backs because they cannot bear heat of sun ; increased sexual excitement ; symptoms pointing to madness ; scratching their backs appears to be agreeable to them, as they remain quiet and make a peculiar motion with their mouths, which does not express pain.
Going to back from heart, sensation with sinking.
Want of strength in back, must lean against back of chair in sitting.
Weakness in region of kidneys, loins and sacrum.
Great weakness in back, as if it would split and fall apart.
A sore lameness in back, with some degree of soreness in lower abdomen.
Pain in lower part of spine severe.
Considerable pain in lower part of back, with a soreness left through the public region ; pressing finger on neck increased it
Pressing pain in sacrum, right side ; later it moves to middle of back (repeated eight times).
Shooting through small of back.
Disease peculiar to sheep, termed the "gid ;" dropsy of spine.

Upper Limbs :
Pain on top of right shoulder joint.
Pain in left Shoulder joint, as if beaten and paralyzed ; lameness in left axilla.
All day a tearing, then a stinging in left shoulder joint, as if in middle of bone, down arm and into finger ; and after getting up from bed, for one hour in right arm, then all day in left.
At 1 P. M., slight pain in right shoulder joint ; also in head.
Has a lump in right axilla.
Rheumatic pain, first in right then in left shoulder.
Feeling of great weight on shoulders all day.
Stinging tearing pain in shoulders, passing down through bones of arm to fingers.
Sudden sharp, darting pain, in bitten hand, extending up arm to shoulders and base of brain.
Pain down wounded left arm ; generally in afternoon and evening, < 10 o'clock.
Arm aches and is swollen.
Aching in right arm (the left is bitten) ; feeling as if weather was going to change.
Slight twitching in right arm.
A sting in sore arm once in a while, which makes her start all over (dogbite).
Felt two shocks down wounded arm as from a galvanic battery, clear to finger ends.
Cramp in arms.
The pain up arm was followed by cramps and drawing in back and limbs of bitten side.
Numbness in right arm at 4 P. M., lasting till bedtime.
At 10:30 P. M., soon after taking last dose, numbness in right arm.
Weakness in arms.
Right arm becomes so heavy and inactive that writing is too great an exertion, and he allows arm to drop.
After some pain in arm (finger had a small wound exposed during dissection of a mad dog, forty days ago), feeling of malaise and fatigue, followed by death.
In left upper arm, about axilla, pain as if beaten and lame ; the same near elbow, several minutes after in wrist ; in evening.
Her arm has felt very sore, although wound is almost healed.
A cold flush goes down arm as if ice water was being poured upon it.
Feels a chill strike her right arm when she goes into open air ; Burning pain down wounded arm.
Felt as if fleas were running over right arm.
Arm itches all over ; itching on arms appearing suddenly.
Pain in right elbow as if paralyzed, at noon ; same at 2 P. M. in left, > in a horizontal position and when allowing forearm to hang ; soon after in left knee.
To right of right elbow a black and blue spot.
Throbbing pain in right forearm on flexor side.
Muscles of forearm, as far as hand, painful when pressed, or taking hold of anything.
Blueness in streaks down right forearm.
Wrists have felt sometimes as if strained ; < in morning.
Lame feeling in wrist.
At 10 P. M., straining pain in right hand.
Soreness in right hand.
Quivering in hands.
Hand trembles so much he can scarcely write.
Trembling of left hand when taking hold of anything or pressing it ; muscles hurt most on upper side of forearm down to hand.
Trembling of left hand.
Right hand numb for a long time, clumsy, stiff.
Hands numb with headache.
Right hand swollen ; The ball of right hand hard, cramped and swollen.
After counting copper coin, violent pain in right hand, between third and fourth metacarpal phalanx, in some motions and on pressure.
Smarting in palm of right hand.
Intense pain in forefinger of left hand.
Pain in first joint of right ring finger, as if it was going to gather.
Stiffness of fingers and hand.
Woke at 5 P. M. with stinging in forepart of right index finger, nail turned quite blue.

Lower Limbs :
A pressive pain in right hip bone, goes from there to middle of sacral bone.
Left hip aches in bone.
Felt as if hip bones would slip out of their sockets ; had to rest with hands on hips to > the feeling.
Something runs round and round several times in flesh, in region of hip, then down leg to knee.
Pains in thighs, particularly in anterior portion ; as if fatigued, after going up stairs ; < after sitting down.
Along left sciatic never a dull pain, returning periodically ; < when rising from sitting.
Pain in anterior part of right thigh, as from a bruise.
Twitching in right femur, as if some one was pulling from below ; not painful, comes and goes.
Cramps in thighs.
Biting and itching on thighs.
Laming pain inside of left ; thigh above knee joint, and extending into it.
Tearing pain from middle of anterior portion of right thigh to knee.
Tearing in left thigh to knee.
Knees ache ; tearing, drawing pain.
Stinging in right knee.
Knees tremble at every step.
Laming pain in right knee joint when getting awake in night ; next morning same in left knee.
Aching and heaviness in legs below knee.
All day a feeling of weight in legs below knee, seemed as if there were several pounds of lead in tibia of each leg.
Numbness in right leg below knee.
Pain in all joints of feet, like pressure with a dull point, now here, now there.
Pain in legs very troublesome, not able to walk.
Legs feel as if he had rheumatism.
Pain going down left leg.
Twitching in legs.
Legs tired and aching ; feel as if beaten, in evening, feel sore and very heavy.
A pain in legs as if thighs were too heavy, went off at night.
Right leg falls asleep ; after seven hours.
After sitting awhile, lower limbs go to sleep ; prickling sensation.
Weakness in legs when going up stairs.
Ulcers on legs, with emaciation and coldness, left side ; contraction of hamstrings and relaxation of ligaments of ankle joint and flexors of toes.
A curious feeling in legs, as if calf was heavier than usual.
Cramp in right calf.
Cramp in calves of legs at night in bed ; < from stretching out limbs.
Calf of left leg ached as if it had been cramped, after waking.
The pain in calf came even when he was not thinking of bite at all ; lately much < and quite severe.
Sharp, biting pain in left ankle.
Painful lameness in left ankle joint in night while lying in bed.
Heavy feeling in lower limbs, as if a weight was attached to ankles.
Pain from heel into thigh.
After going to bed, intense pain in back of right heel.
Pain in right heel and in toes of left foot.
Balls of heels so sore that it is painful to walk.
Great swelling in heel of a cow from dogbite ; very restless.
Pain in sole of right foot extending to ankle.
Severe pain in right instep ; < after being in bed during catamenia ; at times extremely painful to move foot ; does not pain much when walking upon side of foot ; left slightly troubling at times.
Extending to feet, pain from groins.
Pain extends from ankle bone to great toe.
Shooting from fourth toe to foot.
Some pain in toe next to little toe of left foot ; shooting into foot.
Tearing in first joint of left little toe.
Toes of both feet troublesome, as if nails were too long and broken ; pain in small of back and right temple.
Each dose he has taken has made him feel as if he was getting corns on every toe, his real corns felt remarkably well and did not pain him at all.
Her corns have troubled her but on one occasion since the proving ; where she felt as having corns, she had twinges.
Pain like rheumatism ; shooting and stinging from knees down ; stinging in palm of right hand to finger ends, as though she had fallen on it.
Aching in knees and shoulders.
Shortly after pain in shoulder joint, afternoon third day ; pain goes into knee joint of same side.
Feeling of pressure on shoulders and weight in legs.
Pains or aches in all his limbs ; feeling of languor and extreme fatigue.
Weight and heaviness of legs and shoulders.
Heaviness of limbs.
A convulsive trembling of limbs during attacks.
When lying in bed, an unusual morbid contraction and tossing about of limbs.
Severe twitches in arms and legs, much resembling chorea.
Shaking or convulsive trembling of limbs.
He felt a severe, bruiselike pain in shoulders, chest, back, arms and legs.
All muscles feel bruised in morning, can neither sit nor lie down.
Loss of power in limbs ; gait unsteady, at times some stiffness of hind legs ; dog.

Rest. Position. Motion :
Moved quite briskly, though feeling fatigued.
After moving, turning, or stooping, feels as if head would burst.
Very little exertion wearies him, and he feels quite languid.
All day had a disposition to straighten herself up.
Had to rest with hands on hips to > feeling as if hip bones would slip out of their sockets.
Horizontal position ; pain in elbows >, also when allowing forearm to hang.
Lying down : thinks she is unable to move head ; like a shock in upper part of brain ; rush of blood to head ; pains up neck and down spine ; impossible, pain in rectum and small of back ; dyspnƓa ; impossible in dysentery ; could not sleep.
Lying in bed ; contraction and tossing about of limbs.
Parts on which he lies ; burning heat.
Does not wish to rise.
Can neither sit nor lie ; all muscles feel bruised.
Sitting : dizziness ; must lean back, want of strength in back ; pain in thighs <.
After sitting awhile : lower limbs go to sleep.
On rising from a chair ; staggers ; cannot walk straight ; dull pain along sciatic nerve.
When rising : rush of blood to head ; tearing stinging in occiput <.
Stooping : inclination to fall to right ; aching in bones above eyes < ; pressing in vertex and forehead ; violent headache < ; painful rush of blood to head ; aching over eyes < ; dizzy on right side of head.
On rising from stooping : dizziness and dimness of vision.
Turning neck : pain in larynx.
Bending head backwards : pain in neck >.
If she allows her head to hang awhile it is difficult to raise.
Throws head back : when sneezing.
Bending backwards : does not > pressure below shoulder-blade.
Standing ; pain in rectum and small of back ; impossible, dysentery.
Standing still ; on waking, head fixed.
Change of position : disinclination to change position of head ; continual change (dog) ; that would tilt or rotate os uteri would cause much pain.
Stretching limbs : cramps in calves.
Can hardly bend fingers ; stiffness.
Turning around ; painful rush of blood to head.
Taking hold of anything : muscles of forearm painful ; trembling of left hand.
Least motion : all joints cracked.
Moving : head < pressing in vertex and forehead.
Aversion to move : great weakness.
At every step ; knees tremble.
Could not make a hard step : during catamenia.
Walking : as if she would fall ; dizziness, with dim sight ; five minutes after, sharp pain above eyebrows and up nose ; quickly, causes pressing pain in hypochondria ; pain in region of spleen ; enforced by terrible pain in rectum and small of back ; great weakness in chest ; stitches in heart ; impossible on account of pain in legs ; painful on account of soreness of heel ; on side of foot, instep not so painful.
Going up stairs : pain in thighs ; weakness of legs ; very weak.
After a short walk ; exceedingly fatigued and weary.
Stirring about : violent headache < ; painful rush of blood to head.
Swallowing : difficult, particularly fluids ; stinging sensation ; causes constriction of throat ; causes terrible pain ; bread causes greatest agony ; stitching sensation.

Nerves :
Until dinner time he felt so strangely in his whole body as never before, without being able to define the feeling.
In all motions of her body and in her looks is expressed a peculiar erethism.
All things affect him more, tobacco included.
Irritability ; violent agitations.
He could neither lie down nor stand up for any length of time.
Great restlessness, anxiousness, distress ; tossing about.
In afternoon whole body trembles, she can scarcely speak ; stinging in one of cervical vertebra ; when stooping feels dizzy on right side.
Afternoon tremulous in whole body and very weak, can hardly talk.
Continual trembling sensation through whole body.
The strange feeling changes during night into a trembling, and he is full of fear.
Twitching of muscles throughout entire body (last stage).
Twitching of tendons, with tendency to general convulsions.
Severe nervous twitches in whole body all day.
Felt quivery all over.
If during great restlessness she attempts to sit down and work, she has alternately twitching in arms and legs.
Nervous twitching, with trembling of right hand.
Starts now and then.
Muscular contractions appear with various degrees of intensity, from slightest convulsion to those of most severe and clonic form ; frequently tetanic convulsions.
Spasms of individual muscles, as well as of muscular system in general, clonic, rarely tetanic.
The spasms have the character of reflexed spasms ; their proximate causes are : attempts to swallow ; speaking ; a current of air ; sight or idea of fluids ; sight or sound of running water ; coming in contact with another person : a bright light ; sight of shining objects or of some strange person ; a loud noise or strong odors.
Sensation of convulsive actions in different parts ; distress of epigastrium ; heaviness of limbs and general prostration ; Exertion is frequently succeeded by convulsions.
Attacks returned every few minutes, for five hours, until they were arrested ; pain passing down spine to loins and hips, and from thence to knees.
Convulsions conjoined with an exalted state of sense of smell, taste and touch.
Spasms of legs and arms, occasionally very severe.
Clonic convulsions ; decided tetanus or trismus not observed ; opisthotonos in rare cases.
In quick succession violent epileptic attacks.
Spasms so violent that four strong men could hardly hold him and prevent him from hurting himself.
Every day at 9 P. M., convulsive startings.
She struck, snapped and bit at everything and every person.
Pain commencing in cicatrix of bitten thumb, producing slight spasm, and still greater disposition to snap and bite and to grind teeth, which were entirely beyond his control, causing him to fall on floor.
Suddenly a severe pain in bitten thumb, after nine days, instantly passing up spine and thence into brain, producing a violent, nervous convulsion for a few moments, with a disposition to snap and bite ; passed off in two or three minutes.
Convulsions came on and lasted for a short time, then perfectly placid for some time before death.
Convulsions daily ; rolls head from side to side ; winking and rolling eyes ; attempts to bite others ; pelvis and legs are turned to one side as far as possible.
Child, ĂŠt, 2, after scarlatina.
Feels as she did when she got up from a nine days' illness ; feels so heavy and sore.
Great debility and disinclination to move about, lasting till 2 P. M., gradually diminishing.
Feeling of malaise and debility at 3 P. M., great disinclination to move.
Does not wish to rise.
Very soon a sensation of weakness, a kind of flabby lassitude, like days after great exertion, or after a fever or other disease.
Great weakness and restlessness, does not know where to turn, would prefer to lie down, but it affects his breathing.
Such weakness that knees tremble at every step, and she feels as if she would fall.
Weakness : with sore throat ; after urinating ; of sexual organs.
During exhaustion more nimble and active.
Fatigue and heaviness in legs.
Great physical relaxation ; whole body feels fatigued ; tired all over.
Felt irritable, tired and nervous.
With numbness of paralytic symptoms the violence of all others increases.
At times a singular sensation, a kind of "die away" feeling, quite instantaneous, cannot describe it ; seems to extend through heart to back ; accompanied with quivering around breast bones and pain in nerves, from left side of chest to throat and left jaw ; fluttering about heart.
Felt stiff and tired ; required an effort to draw his breath.
After singing, suddenly falls down as if dead, with eyes shut face red, quick breathing, pulse 100.
A stage of general paralysis ; an abatement of most distressing symptoms ; a freer respiration ; a diminution of reflex excitability ; less impediment to deglutition ; a rapidly increasing debility and prostration before death.

Sleep :
Inclination to yawn, with stiffness of lower jaw.
Felt inclination to gape and stretch.
Felt drowsy ; in afternoon ; irresistible drowsiness, 9 P. M.
Sleepy after a meal, slept one hour without relief.
Frequent yawning, without sleepiness, particularly when hearing others yawn.
Did not sleep more than thirty minutes until after 2 A. M.
Insomnia ; sleepless in spite of narcotics.
Passed most of his nights sleeplessly, walking up and down in despair.
Restless night, with stupefaction in head.
Sleep fitful, position continually changed ; dog.
Excited, cannot sleep.
Felt as he did some years since, when sitting up with a sick relative three nights out of five, unable to sleep during day from nervous anxiety.
When lying down could not sleep, eyes open, unless he purposely closed them, when they reopened involuntarily.
Went to bed at 10:30 P. M. (as usual), could not sleep (a very unusual circumstance) ; dozed and heard various noises till 3 A. M., which caused him to get out of bed to ascertain what they were ; started frequently ; slept soundly from 7 to 8:30 A. M.
Went to bed at 10 P. M. in great pain all over ; woke up at 11:30 P. M.
With very severe pain in stomach, lasting one hour.
After 10 P. M., while in bed, all symptoms more severe.
Had a restless night, woke repeatedly and felt tired.
Woke several times at night with pain in wounded arm.
Starting in sleep, afternoon.
Has to scratch whole body, and has no sleep for it all night.
Became more restless night before death.
Dreams : of influential persons to whom he occupies position of servant or subordinate ; of a Latin debate with students of law, astonished at facility and fluency with which he spoke Latin, it being far greater than he was capable of in a waking state ; of dogs all the time, but they are different dogs from the one that bit her ; of fighting, of high places, of insane asylum, of churches ; disagreeable, when she falls asleep, night or day ; only in first half hour.
Jumped up in bed.
During night slept but little ; was disturbed by disagreeable, disconnected dreams ; felt strangely.
On waking stands perfectly still for a time ; head fixed as if gazing at some distant object ; a dog.
Sleepiness when unable to sleep, and sleeplessness when she might otherwise have slept ; generally restless at night.
On waking is morose, inclined to be angry.
Late getting awake, and difficult to recover from sleep.
Slept from 4 to 6 P. M., woke up and felt dreadfully nervous ; had a great fear as if something was going to happen.
In morning, after exciting dreams, much fatigued, feels tired in sacrum and back.
If inclined to sleep, it is short, disturbed with frightful dreams, and on awaking is apt to fall into slight convulsions.
On awaking from siesta, numbness in head.

Time :
At 2 A. M. ; did not sleep more than thirty minutes until after.
At 3 A. M. : became cold in bed for one hour.
Morning : violent vertigo, with chill and headache ; after rising, slight frontal headache < ; when getting awake, boring in temples ; woke with burning, aching headache ; severe headache ; lid puffed up like an eggshell ; on awaking lids feel paralyzed before rising ; on hearing water poured, obliged to have an evacuation ; pressing in forehead early ; frequent sneezing : (6 A. M.) tickling in left cheek ; heat in face ; bitter taste ; swallowing less difficult ; little appetite ; stools more frequent, diarrhea, with violent pains ; urine yellowish-brown ; both breasts swollen ; muscles stiff ; pressing across right ear ; wrists as if strained < ; pain in left knee ; all muscles feel bruised ; much fatigued.
At 8 A. M. : pain in left side.
At 9 A. M. : severe headache begins ; suffocating feeling in chest lasting till 10:30 P. M.
At 10 A. M. : began to spit a great deal ; soreness and constriction in throat.
At 11 A. M. : soreness in throat till noon ; stitches in heart for a few minutes.
In forenoon : sore throat ; belching ; gnawing pressure in left side ; painful sensation in upper part of abdomen.
Towards noon : headache with increase of saliva ; pain in testicles <.
At noon : slight headache, lasting rest of day ; pain in right elbow.
Until dinner time : felt strangely in his whole body.
After dinner : disinclined to think ; headache very severe ; pressing in epigastrium ; sexual excitement.
Afternoon : very severe headache ; dull pain in forehead, with stupid feeling ; pressing in vertex and forehead ; dull pain in forehead ; sick headache ; dull heavy pain in head ; headache, with nausea and sore pain around heart ; stinging pressure behind ears ; ranula, with dryness of mouth < ; stinging in chest, with palpitation ; sour belching ; erections ; itching and burning on corona glandis ; burning and tenesmus as if in prostatic gland and in urethra ; increased peristalic motion of scrotum ; first hours pain in testicles < ; pain in wounded left arm ; pain in shoulder joint ; whole body trembles ; drowsy ; starting in sleep ; fever.
At 1 P. M. : slight pain in right shoulder joint.
At 2 P. M. : intense pain in head ; sore throat ; violent spasm of throat ; laid down and found head twisted to left side, found it quite comfortable ; felt numbness in left side ; severe pain across back ; pain in left elbow.
At 3 P. M. : headache very severe ; peculiar constriction in back of throat ; feeling of malaise and debility.
Until 4 P. M. : feels as if he had heard or would hear unpleasant news ; pressure on upper part of head.
At 4 P. M. : constriction in throat < ; violent pain in right kidney lasting one hour.
At 5 P. M. : swallowing more difficult ; woke with stinging in forepart of index finger.
During day : rising of bile in throat ; diarrhea, with pain < ; unable to sleep from nervous anxiety ; disagreeable dreams when falling asleep, only first half hour.
All day ; felt depressed and weak ; spitting of saliva ; headache with dizziness ; sore throat ; intense pain in head ; violent headache < ; a peculiar sensation of head ; itching in nose ; spitting ; very severe sore throat ; slight pain in lumbar region ; terrible pain in throat ; sensation of emptiness and discomfort in sexual parts after coition ; dull pain in heart ; difficulty in moving head ; severe backache and numbness of hands ; pain in back across hips ; a tearing and stinging in left shoulder joint ; weight on shoulders ; feeling of weight in legs ; severe nervous twitches in whole body ; had to lie in bed, with severe pain in all bones.
Evening : fretful, hypochondriac mood ; vacillating motion of head ; dull pain in forehead ; pain above left ear ; shooting in eyes ; pressive burning in right concha ; late, frequent sneezing ; drawing in side of face ; disinclined to think ; want of appetite, followed by great lightness of head ; when in bed, rending across abdomen : aching from groins to feet ; pain about neck of bladder ; cooling, burning, congested feeling in region of bladder ; profuse watery urine ; urine yellowish-brown ; strong erections without sexual excitement or thoughts ; increased peristaltic motion of scrotum ; chest as if beaten ; back extremely sore ; pain in wounded left arm ; pain in left arm and wrist ; legs tired and aching ; late, less inclined to chilliness.
After supper : pressing in spleen ; lewdness, with weakness of parts, but inclined to an emission.
At 6 P. M. : sore throat >.
At 7 P. M. : sore throat ; slight, dull shooting pain in heart till 10:30 P. M.
At 8 P. M. : salivation recommenced.
At 9 P. M. : severe shooting pain in head ; curious stinging pain in left eye ; spasm of throat > ; violent pain in heart ; irresistible drowsiness ; a dripping, warm perspiration from wrist to nails of right hand.
At 10 P. M. : pressing pain in head ; pain in wounded left arm < ; stinging pain in right hand ; pains severe until that time.
After 10 P. M. : while in bed all symptoms more severe.
At 10:30 P. M. : numbness in right arm : went to bed, could not sleep ; dozed and heard various noises till 3 A. M., started frequently.
At 11 P. M. : as if she was going to have a fit.
At 11:30 P. M. : awakes from sleep with severe bellyache.
After going to bed ; intense pain in back of right heel ; pain in heel.
Night delirium < ; tempted to bite her pillow ; incessant talking ; disturbed dreams ; stupidity with restlessness ; on hearing water poured, obliged to have an evacuation ; hears various noises ; vomiting in sleep ; stools most frequent ; swelling of breasts ; laming pain in right knee joint when getting awake ; pain in legs goes off ; cramp in calves of legs ; while lying in bed, laming pain in joint of left foot ; painful lameness in left ankle joint ; strange feeling changed into a trembling, generally sleepless ; walking up and down in despair ; stupefaction in head ; woke several times with pain in wounded arm ; sleepless on account of scratching of whole body ; more restless ; disagreeable dreams ; itching quite severe ; intolerable itching in lower part of body to feet ; stitches in heart ; pain in back ; itching on lower half of abdomen.

Temperature and Weather :
Burning sensation in bitten place > by hot steam striking against it.
Unbearableness of heat of sun.
Dropsy of spine with sheep.
The damp, warm weather oppressed him.
Expressed a desire to go into bath ; after warm bath more irritable to external air, the most distressing symptom that occurs.
Great sensitiveness to every breath of air.
A very gentle stream of air projected from lips on to patient's forehead ; and continued only for a few seconds, brought on a violent spasm.
Asked her mother to beg him not to breathe upon her face again, as it distressed her so much (after Bellad.).
Air, of agreeable temperature, feels cold and disagreeable.
Continually directs a window to be closed which is not open.
Draft of air, or opening or closing door, brings on spasms.
Extreme sensibility to cold or least variation in temperature of air.
Heat of sun : cannot bear it.
Warm drinks : more easily taken than water.
As soon as he gets warm in bed ; itching in inner sides of thighs and knees ; compelled to scratch.
Open air : headache > ; feels a chill strike right arm.
Breath of air : sensitive to.
Blast of air : causes greatest distress.
Wet weather : aching in left side of head <.
In cold room, while undressing : strong erections.
Cold air : > headache ; headache, with nausea and sore pain in heart >.

Fever :
Paroxysms of intense coldness with pain in spine.
During paroxysm, limbs cool and livid.
Attacks of vertigo, chilliness, sometimes chills ; at least one a day for several days, not always accompanied by vertigo, though always accompanying it.
Late in evening less inclined to chilliness.
Chilly feeling, more down right (bitten) arm.
Felt chilly and cold all over ; shaking.
"Desire for heat" marked.
Became cold in bed at 3 A. M., although covered with four blankets ; lasted about one hour.
Chills intermixed and followed by cold sweat.
A fever, sometimes preceded by slight shiverings, generally very mild.
Face sweats, with flushes.
Temperature of body 100 to 104° Fahrenheit, seldom rises to 105 or 106.
Cannot bear heat of sun.
Fever in afternoon.
Slight fever, with flushes of heat.
Fever every evening, commencing at dusk and lasting until bedtime (midnight).
Sensation of burning heat in parts on which he lies.
He feels the pulse's beat through body ; from time to time there is a surging through throat into head, like a slow wave.
Great fever, no chill ; pulse 160 ; no appetite ; thirst, drinks cold water very often ; stupid and sleepy.
Feverish heat, with headache.
Sensation as if a hot wave, fine, like vapor, surged through body, taking an outward course, yet not reaching surface or extending into limbs.
Heat, with pressure in forehead and back.
After drinking some coffee, a strong heat in right side of face, followed by aching in front op upper part of head ; after this again heat from nape of neck up head over ears and right side of face ; with heat in eye from within outward and tickling in ear.
Sensation of heat felt internally and externally through entire body, no external warmth, it forces perspiration out on face as from weakness, and is accompanied by lassitude and aching in legs.
At 9 P. M., a dripping, warm perspiration from whole right hand from wrist to nails ; afterwards hands and fingers stiff, she can hardly bend them.
Skin covered with clammy sweat (last stage).
Skin moist, even covered with sweat ; during spells, limbs cold and livid.
Much better after perspiring.
Intermittent fever.

Attacks, Periodicity :
"Other diseases, when poison is absorbed, have their periods ; the canine poison depends on climate and constitution and different periods, from first day till nineteen months."
Took several drops of 300, after having been bitten in nose ; symptoms next day and following, and well the third day, first symptoms returned on the twelfth day.
First day > ; next day < ; on third day salivation returned.
Irregular fits of backache and chills, increasing steadily ; Paroxysm, combined with a feeling of suffocation, almost produces strangulation.
Sudden convulsions of a paroxysmal character.
Periodically since two weeks.
Spasms of throat.
Attacks every few minutes, for five hours ; pain down spine to loins and knees.
Periodical : ranula ; spasm of esophagus ; dull pain along left sciatic nerve.
Alternating : of heat and headache ; twitches in arms and legs.
Repeated eight times : pain from sacrum to middle of back.
For one hour : pain in right arm.
For two hours : pain in and between both shoulders ; pain in inguinal glands.
Every two or three hours : has a twitch in heart.
For four hours : sharp shooting pains in region of heart.
After seven hours : right leg falls asleep.
From noon till evening : headache.
From 2 P. M. to 9:30 P. M. : violent spasm in throat.
From 3 to 4 P. M. : headache.
From 4 A. M. till evening pain in kidneys and across hips.
From 4 P. M. till bedtime : feeling of numbness in right arm.
Daily : passes from time to time a little dark blood from uterus.
Every evening : distension of abdomen ; fever commencing at dusk and lasting until midnight.
Three successive mornings ; soreness across chest, both breasts swollen.
First days : smoking unpleasant, after first week a crazy, insatiable desire to smoke.
Day after embrace : pain in testicles.
Every other day at 5 P. M. : boring in temples.
During three days : her sense of smell painfully acute.
Lasted eight days : painful throbbing in region of spleen.
After nine days : severe pain in bitten thumb, thence to brain, nervous convulsion for a few moments, passes off in two or three minutes.
Forty days ago : small wound exposed during dissection of mad dog, feeling of malaise and fatigue, followed by death.
Two weeks before time ; catamenia.
For two or three weeks : scrotum tightly drawn up.
In Summer, of six weeks' standing : pain and tenesmus on hearing or seeing running water.
For several months : offensive mucus from uterus.
For three months : sticking, drawing, squeezing pain in heart.
For seven years ; prolapsus uteri.

Tissues :
Affects principally the nervous system.
Great blueness of veins and redness of arteries on wounded arm.
Tearing and shooting as if in bone.
Supraorbital bones feel shattered.
Aching in bones ; every bone seems bruised and sore ; as if every bone had been broken or violently beaten ; never had such pains, had to return to bed and lie there all day.
All his joints cracked on least motion, and pain was quite severe till 10 P. M.
Lost flesh, getting thinner all over.
Quick tendency of body to putrefaction.

Touch. Passive Motion. Injuries :
He cannot bear to ride in a carriage, feels generally unwell during or after it.
When water (in bath) was least ruffled, so as to touch a fresh surface, convulsions were excited.
Faceache after puncturing a pimple on check.
A lacerated wound on right cheek, behind ramus of jaw, one and a half inches, and three lines of abrasion in front of same cheek.
Local sensations of pain in wound or scar continue often after prodromic stage, in an increased degree in higher stage, but are in last scarcely heeded.
Peculiar sensation are frequently experienced at seat of bite, or in adjacent parts ; like a sensation of pricking, boring or burning always proceeding from wound.
Complained of a pain in right arm (bitten part) ; no inflammation or enlargement of glands of axilla could be discovered.
Tearing pains often proceed from wounded parts, frequently attributed by patients to effects of a cold and to rheumatism thereby induced.
Shooting out from bitten part towards trunk, less frequently extending outward from sensorium, or in some locality other than part injured.
Wound in exceptional cases appears inflamed and swollen ; of a reddish or bluish hue.
Sensation of creeping and pain in scar.
Next morning wound red around edges.
Great redness of small bloodvessels around wound.
Soreness in muscles around wound, which is now almost healed.
The wound healed without irritation kindly in course of twelve or fourteen days.
Some are without pain in bitten part.
No pain, swelling or inflammation in lymphatic glands, between bite and thorax.
The wounds heal kindly and characterized by a striking absence of inflammatory reaction.
The subsequent inflammatory reaction (after caustics) is generally slight, while pain thereby produced is moderated.
Even after application of strong caustics, wounds manifest a strong tendency to skin over without granulating.
Never saw a wound more disposed to heal ; he was abroad in five weeks, yet afterwards affected by hydrophobia.
The ready healing of the wound made by the bite of a rabid animal is similar to the rapid healing of wounds in those affected with leprosy.
Touching scar is said to produce peculiar sensations, a shuddering, feeling of anxiety, and sighing.
Sensation of creeping and pain in scar.
A bite of an angry dog into right thigh had not healed, turned into malignant ulcers ; surrounding bluish-red edges, raised and hard, bases badly suppurating and ichorous, with redness and hardness.
Scars from a bite in nose swollen and red for fifteen months.
Ulcers remaining after bite of evil disposed dogs.
Pain on spot bitten became burning, and extended over whole body, and he felt very strangely.
Felt a continued pain in spot on right calf where he was bitten, but without a lesion.
Wounds from bite of dogs, in sheep.
A cow bitten by a dog in foot had a large swelling of part, and animal got very restless.
Two puppies, bitten by their rabid mother, did not get mad after taking Lyssin.
It may be a prophylactic to hydrophobia, but never without at the same time applying radiate heat to the part bitten, and frequent sessions in hot room of Turkish bath ; during the attack remedies are to be applied according to symptoms.
Slightest touch : brings on convulsions ; along whole vertebrÊ causes irritability akin to convulsions.
Touch : on head makes it ache ; small pustules on frontal eminence ; nose very sensitive ; pimple on eminence of forehead painful ; pain on check <.
Pressure : on neck of bladder ; causes < pain in neck ; causes pain in larynx ; muscles of forearm painful ; violent pain in right hand.
Disposition to press hand against lower jaw.
Presses head against wall ; headache.
Rubbing : headache > ; causes ear to pain.
Gentle scratching : headache >.
Scratching : itching in both ears disappears ; scurf off pimple, discharge of lymph and blood ; sheep's back makes them quiet ; < biting and itching in various parts of body ; causes small red spots in a circle on inner side of thighs.

Skin :
Quick tendency of the wound to heal (the same in leprosy).
Many underwent smallpox subsequent to reception of bite, and after their recovery died of hydrophobia.
Biting, itching in various parts of body, < by scratching.
Very slight headache and biting itching all over body and legs.
Itching quite severe during night.
Had to scratch frequently, on rather rub.
Through night intolerable itching in lower part of body down to feet.
Itching in right hand, left foot, and in various parts of body.
Bluish discoloration of bitten place (after Laches.).
Itching as soon as he begins to get warm in bed, particularly on inner side of thighs and knees ; after scratching there appeared small, red spots in a circle.
When in bed he is compelled to scratch ; cannot sleep all night.
Pustules : on forehead ; around inflamed eye ; on finger (after bite).
Malignant ulcers from bite of a dog.
Red scar from bite of a dog.
Cancerous sores.
Herpes circinatus appeared on left leg, below knee and livid yellow complexion gave way to a healthy color.