Description :
Symptoms produced by touching either pole of the magnet, indiscriminately, or by laying the whole of the magnetic surface upon the body. The potencies have been prepared by triturating milk sugar which had been saturated when exposed to the emanations of the magnet, a method Hahnemann does not appear to have practiced.
The pathogenesis of the magnet as a whole, and of each pole separately, is from Hahnemann's Materia Medica Pura. It is to the original provings and observations of Hahnemann that we owe these valuable remedies, and no better or more logical introduction perhaps can be given than he has furnished in the Materia Medica Pura :

To the ordinary mechanical, materialistic, and atomistic heads -and there is a vast number of such- it seemed not only paradoxical, but childish and incredible, that, according to the homeopathic medical doctrine, the administration of doses of only very minute fractions of a grain of the more powerful medicines could be of use.
I grant that it may certainly be more convenient to regard all diseases as accumulations of gross impurities, and active drugs as rough levers and brooms, or as chemical reagents, consequently as palpable things. This may, I repeat, be more convenient than to regard those alterations of the being of living creatures (disease) as pure dynamical affections of the vital force, and medicines as pure, virtual, tone-altering powers, as they are in reality, and to set about curing according to these views.
If we do not adopt these true views, but adhere to those ordinary material ones, the curative powers of medicine must be estimated according to their bulk and the weight of their dose ; and hence the scales must determine the efficacy of the dose. But in that case we must first ascertain the weight of the disease, in order to be able to reckon whether a disease weighing so many pounds (it has, indeed, been hitherto not unusual to employ the phrase "grave illness") could be pried out, as with a lever, by such weight of medicine.
I willingly abandon to those colleagues of mine such atomistic views, by which the business of treatment can be carried on very comfortably, even when half asleep ; for, as we all know, to us poor mortals nothing is more easy of comprehension than the material, ponderable, palpable, and sensible, because much thinking (and observing), as an Isrélitish teacher says, in a weariness to the body. I cannot suppose them capable of regarding disease as immaterial alterations of the vitality, as pure dynamic derangements of our state of health, and medicinal powers as mere virtual, almost spiritual, forces. It is impossible to disabuse them of the idea that for such and such a grave disease a dose of medicine of such and such a weight is required, seeing that they could point to the traditional practice of thousands of years, when palpable quantities of medicine must always be poured into the patient from large bottles, pots, and boxes, in order that any effect should be produced in serious diseases, and yet even this did not usually succeed. I can readily believe this ; the effect of the ordinary treatment of all times fully corroborates it. But how can they reconcile it with the atomistic, materialistic notions they entertain respecting the action of medicines and their curative powers, that a single imponderable spark from a Leyden jar gives a shock to the strongest man, and yet no ascertainable ponderable substance is communicated to his body ? How can they reconcile with their atomistic materialistic notions the enormous power of mesmerism, when a powerful man with a strong will to do good approaches the point of his thumb to the pit of the stomach of a nervous patient ? How can they, finally, reconcile with their atomistic, materialistic notions respecting the actions of medicines the fact that a carefully-constructed magnetic steel rod can effect such a powerful derangement of our health, even when it is not in actual contact with the body, but may even be covered with some thick material (such as cloth, bladder, glass, etc.), so that we suffer therefrom violent morbid affections ; or what is equally remarkable, that a magnetic rod can quickly and permanently cure the most severe disease for which it is a suitable medicine, when it is brought near the body, for but a short time, even though covered as above described ? Atomist ! you narrow-minded wiseacre ! tell me what ponderable quantity of the magnet entered the body in order to effect these often enormous changes in its state of health ? Is not the centillionth of a grain (a fraction of a grain that has 600 ciphers for its denominator) still infinitely too heavy to represent this absolutely imponderable quantity, the kind of spirit that emanated from the magnetic rod into this living body ? Will you now continue to express your amazement at the homƓopathic doses of powerful medicines of the sextillionth, octillionth, the decillionth of a grain, which are gross weights compared with this invisible magnetic power ?
The subjoined symptoms occurred from various powerful magnets brought in contact with various sensitive individuals, without distinction of the poles. They were observed in experiments conducted for half a year for the purpose of ascertaining the proper and most efficacious mode of stroking the steel with magnets, in which a horse-shoe magnet capable of lifting twelve pounds was held in the hands, which were in contact with both poles for an hour at a time.

Mind and Disposition :
While attending to his business in the daytime, he talks aloud to himself, without being aware of it.
He is faint, but excessively solicitous to do his work properly.
Excessive exhaustion of the body, with feeling of heat, and cool sweat in the face with unceasing, and, as it were, hurried and over-strained activity.
Hurried zeal ; afterwards a gnawing pain in the arm and in the head of the humerus.
Hurried heedlessness and forgetfulness ; he says and does something different from what he intends, omitting letters, syllables, and words.
He endeavors to do things, and actually does things contrary to his own intentions.
Wavering irresoluteness, hurriedness.
He is unable to fix his attention on one object.
The things around him strike him like one who is half dreaming.
Print seems to him very bright, but he has a difficulty to comprehend what he reads.
He inclines to be angry and vehement ; and after he has become angry, his head aches as if sore.
He is disposed to feel vexed ; this gives him pain, especially a headache, as if a nail were forced into his head.

Sensorium :
Vertigo in the evening after lying down, as if he would fall, or resembling a sudden jerk through the head.
When walking he staggers from time to time, without feeling giddy.
The objects of sight seem to be wavering, this makes him stagger when walking.

Head :
Whizzing in the whole head, occasioned by the imposition of magnetic surfaces on the thighs, legs and chest.
The head feels confused as when one takes opium.
The head feels as if some one were trying to pull it off the trunk.
When endeavoring to think of something and fatiguing his memory, he is attacked with headache.
Transitory headache, one single jerk, composed of darting and tearing sharp pain in the middle of one of the two hemispheres, like the pain that is felt at the moment when one receives a blow.
In the morning on waking, he feels a horrid, digging-up, stupefying headache, going off immediately after flatulence begins to move about in the abdomen.
Headache, as is felt after catching cold.
Headache occasioned by the least chagrin, as if a sharp pressure were made on a small spot in the brain.
Pain in the region of the vertex, at a small spot in the brain, as if a blunt nail were pressed into the brain, the spot feels sore to the touch.
Sensation on top of the head, as if the head and the whole body were pressed down.

Face :
Cold hands, with heat in the face and smarting sensation in the skin of the face.
Intolerable burning prickings in the muscles of the face, in the evening.
Sweat in the face without heat, early in the morning.

Eyes :
Dilated pupils with cheerfulness of the mind and body.
There was no dilatation of the pupils during the spasmodic attacks and the loss of consciousness.
Burning, tearing, and sparkling in the eye.
Burning, drawing, and constant sparks in the affected eye.
Fiery sparks before the eyes, like shooting stars.
Intensely painful stitches through the right eye, disappearing in the jaw, followed by a drawing through the same eye, down the neck, through the chest, abdomen and hips toward the right lower limb.
Sensation in the eye as if the pendulum of a clock were moving in it.
White, luminous, sudden vibrations, like reflections of light, at twilight, on one side of the visual ray, all around.
Smarting in the eyes in the evening after lying down, as from acrid tears.
Itching of the eyelids and eyeballs in the inner canthus.
Dryness of the eyelids and the inner mouth, in the morning, after waking.
Sensation as if the eyelids were dry.
Twitching of the lower eyelid.

Ears :
The external ear feels hot to him, but is not hot.
Itching or itching burning in the meatus auditorius, early in the morning when in bed.
Fine whistling in the ear, coming and going like the pulse.
Loud strong whizzing in one of the ears, accompanied with headache of the same side, as if a foreign body had lodged in the brain ; the pupil of this side is very much enlarged.
Whizzing before the ears.
Noise as of seething water in the ear.
Electric shocks in the ear.
Hard hearing without noise in the ear.

Nose :
Burning pain at a small spot under the wing of the nose.
Illusion of smell : smell of manure before the nose, from time to time he imagines he has a smell before the nose such as usually comes out of a chest full of clothes which had been closed for a long while.

Teeth and Jaws :
Near the vermilion border of the upper lip, not far from the corner, a white pimple, or a red inflamed little tubercle, painful like a sore, in a state of rest, but most painful when moving or touching the parts.
Little ulcer in the centre of the inner surface of the lower lip, painful to the touch.
Painful sensitiveness around the margin of the lips.
Metallic taste on one side of the tongue.
Tearing pain in the periosteum of the upper jaw, coming with a jerk and extending as far as the orbit ; the pain consists in a tearing, boring, pricking and burning.
Darting-tearing pain in the facial bones, especially the antrum Highmorianum, in the evening.
When taking a cold drink, the coldness rushes into the teeth.
Drawing pain in the jaws extending as far as the temple, with a crampy sensation in the muscles of mastication.
Looseness of the teeth.
Toothache, excited by stooping.
Beating or jerking pressure, only in single jerks.
Violent grumbling in the teeth, even without any apparent cause.
The gums of a hollow tooth are swollen and painful to the touch.
Aching pain of the hollow, carious teeth.
Uniform pain in the roots of the lower incisors, as if the teeth were bruised, sore or corroded.

Mouth and Pharynx :
Shocks in the jaws.
Shock in the teeth with burning.
Pain in the velum pendulum palati, as when a large mouthful has been forced down the throat.
Pain of the submaxillary gland as if swollen, early in the morning, in the open air.
Tensive pain in the submaxillary gland.
Single dull prickings in the submaxillary glands, in the evening.
Frequent accumulation of saliva in the mouth, almost like ptyalism, with pain of the submaxillary glands.
Ptylism every evening with swollen lips.
Bad smell from the mouth which he does not perceive himself, also with much mucus in the throat.
Swelling of the throat, redness of the face and increased palpitation of the heart.
Continual fetid odor from the mouth, without himself perceiving it, as in incipient mercurial ptyalism.
Burning of the tongue, and pain of the same when eating.

Taste and Appetite :
Hunger, especially in the evening.
He has an appetite, but the food has no taste.
He has a desire for tobacco, milk, beer, and he relishes those things ; but he feels satisfied immediately after commencing eating.
Aversion to tobacco, although he relished it.
Want of appetite without any loathing, repletion or bad smell.
Beer tastes like water.

Stomach :
Eructations, tasting and smelling like the dust of sawed or turned horn.
The eructation taste of the ingesta, but as if spoiled.
Frequent attacks of unsuccessful or imperfect eructations.
When stooping, an acid substance rises from the stomach into his mouth.
Pain as from a bandage over the stomach, in both sides.
A sort of rushing through the stomach and the intestines, mingled with stitches.
Pressure in the stomach with cramps in the direction of the upper parts ; restlessness which did not permit her to remain at any one place ; heaviness of the tongue, paleness of the face, and coldness of the body, the pulse being very small, tight, unequal.
This series of symptoms appeared every day at the same hour, for ten days in succession, in three females, decreasing progressively.
Crackling and cracking in the pit of the stomach, as when a clock is wound up.
Sensation of an agreeable distension in the region of the diaphragm.
Pressure in the epigastrium, as from a stone, especially when reflecting much.
Tensive aching and anxious repletion in the epigastrium.

Abdomen :
The flatulence moves about in the abdomen, with loud rumbling, painless incarceration of flatulence in various small places of the abdomen, causing a sharp aching pain and an audible grunting.
Loud, although painless rumbling, especially in the lesser intestines, extending under the pubic bones and into the groin, as if diarrhea would come on.
Emission of short and broken flatulence, with loud noises and pains in the anus.
Loud rumbling in the abdomen early in the morning when in bed ; afterwards colic as if from incarceration of flatulence.
Putrid fermentation in the bowels, the flatulence has a fetid smell and is very hot.
Qualmish sensation and painfulness in the intestines, as if one had taken a resinous cathartic or rhubarb, with painful emission of hot, putrid flatulence.
Every emission of flatulence is preceded by pinching in the abdomen.
Tensive and burning pain in the epigastrium and hypogastrium, followed by a drawing and tensive pain in the calves.
Burning and digging-up in the abdomen like a heaving.
Itching of the umbilicus.

Stools :
Frequent but almost unsuccessful urging to diarrhea in the morning, alternating with rumbling of flatulence in the abdomen.
Diarrhea without colic.
Constipation with headache for several days, as if there were something wrong in the brain ; the head is uniformly affected, the mind feeling vexed and impatient.
Constipation as if the rectum were constricted and contracted.
Violent hĂŠmorrhoidal pain in the anus after stool, erosive as if sore, and as if the rectum were constricted.
Burning at the anus when sitting, as in hemorrhoids.
Itching hemorrhoids.
Blind hemorrhoids after soft stool, as if the varices on the margin of the anus felt sore, both when sitting and walking.
Prolapsus recti when going to stool.
Pain on either side of the anus, consisting of itching and soreness, when walking in the open air.

Urinary Organs :
Burning in the bladder, especially in the region of the neck of the bladder, a few minutes after urinating.

Male Genital Organs :
Burning in the urethra, in the region of the caput gallinaginis, during an emission of semen.
Early in the morning he feels a burning in the region of the visculĂŠ seminales.
Nightly emissions of semen.
Violent continuous erections, early in the morning when in bed, without any sexual desire.
Want of sexual desire, aversion to an embrace.
The penis remains in a relaxed condition, in spite of all sexual excitement.
The prepuce retreats entirely behind the glans.
Swelling of the epididymis, with simple pain when feeling it or during motion.
Itching smarting of the inner surface of the prepuce.
Burning smarting under the prepuce.
Increased metrorrhagia in a woman advanced in age.
Menses had ceased a few days before, returned next day after imposing the magnetic surface and continued ten days.

Larynx :
Frequent fits of nightly cough which does not wake him.
In the evening, after lying down, he has a violent fit of dry cough, sometimes during sleep.
Violent but short-lasting attack of dry cough in the night and at other periods, followed by slight discharge of ordinary mucus from the trachea.
Convulsive cough.
Mucus in the trachea which is easily hawked up, evening and morning.
Violent fit of cough, with profuse expectoration of blood.

Chest and Lungs :
Asthma after midnight when waking and reflecting, occasioned by mucus in the chest, diminished by coughing.
Intolerable burning stitches in the muscles of the side of the chest, toward the back.
Spasmodic cough, with shocks in the chest and anxious breathing, and visible oppression of the chest.
Pricking in the chest, and a cold shuddering burning through the whole body.
A shock in the upper part of the sternum, causing cough and lachrymation.
Violent oppression of the chest, tearing in the stomach and bowels, and beating in the shoulders.
Tearing extending from the right side into the inner parts of the abdomen, mingled with prickings and shocks, as if small pieces of flesh were being torn out, or as if fiery sparks were flying about.
Four burning emanations from the middle of the chest toward either shoulder and side, back, and small of the back, with anxiety, and sensation as if the parts were being dissected.
Burning emanation from the left shoulder through the chest toward the right side, as if the parts would be severed.

Back :
Painful stiffness of the cervical vertebra in the morning, during motion.
Cracking in the cervical vertebra in the morning during motion.
Pain in the omo-hyoid muscle, as if it would be attacked with cramp.
Pain in the back when standing or sitting quiet.
Burning in the dorsal spine.
Twitching of the muscles of the back, and sensation as if something were alive in them.
Pain in sacro-lumbar articulation, in the morning when in bed lying on the side, and in daytime when stooping a long time.
Burning emanation from the stomach through the abdomen and back, separating in the small of the back and extending into the lower limbs.
Shock or jerk in the small of the back, almost arresting the breathing.

Upper Limbs :
Pain in the humeral articulation, or in the ligaments, as if the head of the bone were dislocated, not only as if bruised, or sprained and twisted.
Tearing jerkings in the muscles of the arm when staying in a cold place.
Uneasiness in the sound arm.
Drawing pain in the upper part of the lower arm.
In the evening, between the sixth and seventh hours, he feels a tearing and bruised pain in the joints of the arm, more during rest than when bending the arm ; the pain returns in twenty-four hours.
Beating in the top of the shoulder with sensation as if torn.
Shocks in the top of the shoulder which caused the arms to recede from the body with a jerk.
Shocks in the arm-joints and head, as if those parts were beaten with a light and small hammer.
Drawing pain in either shoulder, and down the nape of neck, with beating in either arm.
Pulling in the points and muscles of the arm.
Digging-up around the wrist, elbow, and shoulder-joints.
Pain in the muscles of the arm, as if they would be divided into fine parts.
Burning and cutting in the arms and chest, with cold shuddering.
Burning in the right arm, as from fiery sparks.
Burning pain in the surface of the arm in various parts.
Prickings in the arm.
The arms are gently elevated, or even crossed as if by spasm ; one of the arms is spasmodically tossed, either horizontally or vertically.
Beating and throbbing in all the joints of the arms and fingers.
Deep-seated pain in the arm, extending as far as the elbow, the arm going to sleep and trembling spasmodically.
Painless shocks in the elbow.
Burning in the elbow joint, as if torn by hot pincers, with violent burning and sparkling of the eyes.
While removing the magnets from the arms, the fingers, hands and arms become curved and even entirely contracted, in a state of unconsciousness.
Drawing from the head down to the tip of the fingers.
The hands are icy cold the whole day, for several days, from touching the centre of the bar.
Pain in the wrist-joint, as if a tendon had become strained, or as if an electric shock were passing through the parts.
Arthritic digging up, and boring pain in a spot of the lower joint of the thumb during rest.
Tearing in the joints of the thumb in the evening when in bed.
Pain as if sprained and bruised, in the morning when in bed, in the lower joint of the thumb, when moving or bending it.
Sudden bending, and sensation as if dislocated in the first and second joint of the thumb.
Prickling and digging-up pain in the tip of the thumb, in the evening after lying down.
Twitching jerking in the muscles of the thumb and in those of the chin.
Continuous burning stitch, accompanied with sore feeling in the thickest part of the muscles of the palm of hand and calf of the leg ; afterwards in the lower part of the tibia.
The fingers are liable to be bent and strained.
In the evening the legs and thighs go to sleep.

Lower Limbs :
Sensation in the upper part of the calf, when rising from a seat, as if it were too short.
Attacks of cramp in the calves and toes after waking.
Pain as if bruised in the fleshy part of the leg, on the outer side of the tibia, in the evening when walking.
Pain from the hip down the limb, as if the parts were being divided by a fine instrument.
Drawing from the hips to the feet, leaving a burning along that tract.
Violent shocks of the right lower limb, occasioned by a burning emanation from the chin and neck through the right side.
Fiery burning in the upper and lower limbs ; when the right limb touched the left one, it seemed as if the latter were set on fire by the former.
Painful going to sleep of the thighs and legs when sitting, disappearing when walking.
Burning tearing in the left leg, mingled with creeping.
Prickling from the knee to the feet.
Stitches in the leg.
Shocks in the knee, causing the leg to be stretched spasmodically.
Throbbing in the left knee.
In the morning after rising and when attempting to walk, he feels a pain in the tarsal-joint and beyond it, as if sprained.
Stitches in the ball of the heel.
Tearing pain in the heel, setting in with a jerk, passing off immediately, but returning from time to time.
In the evening, prickings with burning in the soft parts on the side of the heel.
Painful sensitiveness and soreness in the region of the root of the nail of the big toe, and in the skin over the root, even when merely touching it.
Sore pain under the nail of the big toe of either foot, as if the shoe had pinched him, and as if the nail would come off by suppuration.
Burning and sore pain of the corn, which is generally painless when commencing to walk.
Pain in the upper part of the tarsal joints, as if the shoe had pinched him, and as if a corn were there.

Sleep :
Coma vigil early in the morning for several hours ; after sunrise, sopor or deep sleep set in, full of heavy, passionate dreams, for instance, vexing dreams ; the sopor terminates in a headache as if the brain were sore all over, disappearing after rising.
Sleep disturbed by dreams full of oppression and anxiety, resembling nightmare.
Vivid dreams, as if he saw the thing taking place in his waking state.
Dreams full of feasting, boasting, and bragging.
He wakes at three o'clock in the night ; in a few hours he falls into a sopor full of dreams ; afterwards, feeling of heat in the limbs without thirst, the limbs requiring to be uncovered at first, but afterwards covered carefully.
He wakes at three o'clock in the morning ; at sunrise his eyelids close again, and he lies in a sort of stupor full of heavy dreams.
Early in the morning he sleeps on his back, one of his hands lying under the occiput, the other over the region of the stomach, the knees being apart, with moaning inspiration, half-opened mouth, and low muttering, dreaming of amorous things and emissions, although no emission takes place ; headache in the occiput after waking, as after an involuntary emission of semen, with asthma, and bruised pain in all the joints, going off after rising and during motion, with copious expulsion of catarrhal mucus.
Lascivious dreams, even during the siesta, with discharge of the prostatic fluid.
Wakeful drowsiness in the night, toward morning, he hears every noise and has some power of thinking ; after sunrise the drowsiness increases to a stupor, during which he hears or feels nothing, except violent pain as after a long journey on foot, and a bruised feeling in all the joints, obliging him to change the position of the limbs constantly, accompanied with loud grumbling in the abdomen, which is interrupted from time to time by emission of flatulence, and a disagreeable feeling of warmth in the body ; during which time he generally lies on his back with the mouth open.
The pains in the limbs soon decrease after waking ; but in exchange for those pains he is attacked with a painful a headache, increased after rising to a headache such as is felt when a dry coryza is setting in, disappearing again by sudden sneezing and discharge of mucus from one nostril Sweat without heat, early in the morning while asleep, or mild copious exhalation of the whole body, which is not exhausting, and disappears after waking.
When asleep he snores during an inspiration, and wheezes through the nose during an expiration.
Tossing about in bed during sleep.
In the evening before lying down, he is attacked with symptoms of a catarrhal fever ; the long bones are painful as if bruised in the middle ; accompanied with dull headache causing a cloudiness ; he is hoarse, and the chest is lined with tenacious mucus.
In the morning, after waking, the flatulence increases in the abdomen, with loud grumbling ; there is emission of flatulence, violent sneezing, copious discharge of mucus from the nose and yawning ; all this soon goes off again.
Early in the morning when waking, the mouth is covered with thick, almost dry mucus, and the eyelids are dry ; both these symptoms disappear after sneezing and after a discharge of mucus from the nose.

Fever :
Shuddering over the whole body, partly cold, partly burning, and causing an intense pain.
Hot and creeping sensation in the affected part.
Profuse sweat with shuddering.
Slight sweat in the night, especially where the magnet lay.
Sweat in the region of the stomach.
Fever after midnight, no shuddering ; disagreeable sensation of heat in the whole body, especially in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, with dryness in the throat and sweat in the face, nape of the neck or over the whole body.
Dry heat, early in the morning when in bed.
Heat without thirst in the night, requiring one to lie uncovered.
Disagreeable, troublesome warmth in the whole body, with sweat in the face without thirst.
Imperceptible exhalation of the whole body, having a strong, pungent, though not disagreeable smell, resembling the exhalation which is perceived from a healthy man while sweating.
General sweat after midnight.
Sweat over the whole body, especially in the back, early in the morning while asleep.

Skin :
The recent wound commences to bleed again.
The wound, which is almost healed, commences to pain again like a recent wound.
Boils break out on various parts of the body, passing off soon.
Corrosive pains in various parts, for example, below the ankle.
Itching of the affected parts, the pain is increased by scratching ; it is like a sort of burning in a sore place.
Simple, continuous itching of the soft parts, remaining unchanged after scratching.
Burning itching below the joints, after lying down, even for the mere purpose of taking a nap ; it cannot be appeased by scratching.
A continuous itching-pricking, here and there, terminating in a burning.
Burning stinging pain in various soft parts of the body, not in the joints ; it is more or less continuous.
Single stitches in soft parts here and there, for instance in the ball of the thumb.
In the evening, after having got warm in bed, he feels single burning stitches here and there, terminating in a smarting sensation.
Pricking, moaning, fluttering sort of a pain at a small place, for instance in the sole of the feet, as is felt in a limb previous to going to sleep.
Creeping, and sensation as if all the fluids were accumulating in the region where the magnet is applied.
Small pimples on the chest.
Extremely itching eruption where the magnet lay.
The skin under the magnet is painful and corroded, and is surrounded by itch-like pustules.
Red eruption, red spots.
Red eruption in the palms of the hands resembling watery vesicles.
Burning itching where the magnet lay, obliging one to scratch until blood came out ; the skin is red, and around about small pimples are visible, passing off soon.
Large pimples around the place where the magnet lay.
Deep, lentil-sized ulcers at the place where the magnet lay.
Wide-spread eruption of pimples and blisters, with drawing and prickling pain ; also, red spots here and there.
Secretion of a reddish humor from the wound.

General Symptoms :
Early in the morning, when lying on the side, he feels a continuous, intolerable, simple or bruised pain in all the joints, where the cartilages of the two bones touch one another ; the pain abates as soon as one turns on the back, with the head bent backward, and the knees bent and at a distance from one another.
Bruised pain in the joints of that side on which one rests, in the evening when in bed.
Bruised pain of all the joints, or rheumatic pain of the ligaments of the arms and of all the joints of the chest, back, and nape of the neck, during motion and during and expiration.
Paralytic pain in all the joints, especially those of the small of the back, loins and chest, or pain as if the joints were crushed, broken and bruised ; worse during motion and when standing accompanied with a drawing and tearing sensation, especially in the ligaments and tendons, where they are inserted in the bones, particularly early in the morning after rising, and in the evening before lying down ; the parts are painless when touched ; the pains are relieved by emission of flatulence : an increase of pain obliges one to close the eyes.
The joints are painful when moving the limbs, as if they had been sprained.
Sensation in the limbs during motion, as is felt in the arm when knocking the ulnar nerve in the region of the elbow against anything hard.
The limbs go to sleep, especially when standing or walking, after rising from a seat.
In the morning, when lying in bed, and resisting a desire for an embrace, he is attacked with a kind of arthritic pain in the small of the back, knees and all the joints ; the pains are bruised or weary pains.
Burning emanation from the head, down the right side ; immediately after, the whole body is covered with sweat.
Burning emanations through every part of the body in every direction.
Intolerable burning from the head to the feet, with pain as if the limbs were being torn and divided.
Burning and pricking pains.
During the burning pains there was neither external heat, nor redness of the parts.
Sensation as of flying sparks over the body.
Sensation in every part as if cut up.
Heaviness in all the limbs, and palpitation of the heart from omitting the usual imposition of the magnets.
Dull, numb pain.
Drawing and pricking pain, mingled with itching.
Shuddering movement through whole body.
The joints are painful when touched.
The places on which the magnets lie, burn as if hot coal were lying near them.
The place where the magnet had been imposed goes to sleep, becomes numb and insensible.
Jerking shock, causing the trunk to bend violently upward and forward as low down as the hips, with cries.
The trunk, while in a recumbent position, is jerked up spasmodically as it were, the head being jerked forward upon the bed, and then again backward upon the cushion.
The upper part of the body is spasmodically lifted and jerked forward, and then again backward on one side.
Violent shocks causing a general tremor of the body, burning in the chest and through either arm, and sweat all over.
None of the convulsions excited by the magnet after the pulse.
A sort of starting through the body, afterwards sweat on either hand.
Paralysis for ten days, with loss of sensation, the limb having its natural temperature and being moist.
Shocks deprive him of consciousness.
The spasmodic risings and jerkings of the body forward, are followed by a long-lasting loss of consciousness, followed by blowing with the mouth as when one experiences a great heat ; after which consciousness and cheerfulness return.
Loss of consciousness with staring eyes, open mouth, almost imperceptible inspirations, and a movement in the chest which is almost like palpitation of the heart, the pulse remaining unchanged and having its ordinary quality.
During the loss of consciousness the fingers are moved one after the other ; after the return of consciousness a profuse sweat breaks out.
Languor in all the limbs, accompanied with a swoon, which lasts but a short while and returns several times.
Fits of fainting, palpitation of the heart, and suffocation.
Long-lasting swoons, in which she retained her consciousness.
Swoon, during which she feels her pain, but is unable to complain on account of an inability to speak or move.
Insensibility and deadly sopor.