ADRENALIN. (Sarcode)

 Description :

Extract of super-renal bodies. Its chemical formula is C3 H3 A2 O3 and it forms shining prismatic crystals, which melt at a temperature of 207c. ; it is most soluble in warm water. It has a bitter taste, which leaves a sensation of numbness of the tip of the tongue. In dilute acids it possesses a marked affinity for oxygen, and when exposed to the air it changes into oxyadrenalin which is poisonous, though not possessing the properties of Adrenalin. It is to this chemical change that constantly occurs in the tissues that the evanescent effect of the drug is due.
A number of cases of Addison's disease have been cured, and others arrested in their course, by Adrenalin. The most of these cases have occurred in the practice of other schools, and with large doses of the crude drug. Very few have been reported in the homeopathic school, in fact, Raue says he has been unable to find an authenticated case of this disease cured, in our literature. As yet we have but one proving, made in 1904 by students of the New York Homeopathic College, under the direction of Dr. V. L. Getman and the following provers : M. W. Macduffie, W. G. LaField, G. H. Clapp, J. B. G. Custis, Jr., G. C. Birdsall, and R. C. Miller. The day-books of provers are omitted.

Mind :
Despondent and nervous ; lack of interest in anything : no ambition ; disinclination for mental work ; absence of "grit."
Aversion to mental work, cannot concentrate thoughts.

Head :
Hot headache in left side, extending to right, < by reading and in morning, with a feeling as though the eyes were strained.
Frontal headache, supraorbital, with congested nose and eyes.
Burning heat in head, feeling as though he wanted to open eyes wide.
Headache extending all over but < on left side and over eyes across forehead.
Awoke with headache over eyes and left side of head as though he wanted to open the eyes wide and press on them.
Dull pain all over head, sometimes right-sided sometimes left sided, but always extending to eyes, causing a feeling as though he wanted to open the eyes wide.
Severe pain > by pressure on the eyes.
Headache with nausea and heat in face, without redness, < in the evening, but reappears as soon as pressure is removed.
Headache extending to the ears.
All headaches are < in the afternoon or evening ; in the evening they appear about 7 P. M. and last until relieved by walk in the open air or sleep.
If headache appears in the afternoon the time is 3 P. M., always > by walk in the open air, and somewhat relieved by eating and sleeping, but not so completely as by walk in the open air.
When the headache is worse it is also > by pressure on the eyes and opening the eyes wide, and is < by mental labour and indoors.
Dull headache over eyes ; fullness in head.
Neuralgic headache ; pain start from base of brain, go forward over the head to front and sides ; pains are first shooting and seem to be just under the scalp, appear at 11 A. M. and last until 3 or 4 P. M., and disappear by eating, in open air, < in close, warm room.
Brain feels swollen as though it were too large for skull.
Congestion of brain during the day.
Dull aching in the eyeballs with the headache, > by pressure and by rubbing the eyes.
Headache coming on at 11 A. M., lasting until 12-30 at night, > by eating.
Fullness of the head in the afternoon and evening.
Flushes of heat in the evening over face and head, but face was only slightly red.
Dull feeling in the head from 3 to 6 P. M.
Frontal headache.

Eyes :
Strained feeling ; congested : feeling as though he wanted to open them wide or press upon them.
Pain in the right eye.
Pressure on the eyes and opening them wide > the headache.
Hyperemia of the conjunctiva dissipated almost immediately when used locally ; thus rendering operations possible.
Aching in eyeballs, > by pressure and rubbing.

Ears :
Aching in the left ear accompanies the headache : sharp pain in both ears at times.
Itching and tickling in right ear, > by boring into ear with finger.

Nose :
Congested, full feeling in nose.
Gelatinous mucus drops from the posterior nares, difficult to detach.
On going out into the cold air had a copious, watery nasal discharge, < on right side ; when indoors, the nose felt full and stopped up.
Slight stuffiness in the nose, with full feeling at the root of the nose.

Face :
Feels flushed but is not red.
Flushes of heat over face and heat ; flushed throughout evening.

Mouth :
Bad taste on waking.
Mouth filled with dark brown mucus, which has nasty taste.
Tongue coated white, red edge and tip.
Tongue clean anteriorly ; mouth dry.
Tongue coated white at times posteriorly.

Throat :
Much hemming and hawking to clear throat.
Vocal cords inflamed ; laryngeal catarrh, profuse secretion from the pharyngeal glands of whitish gelatinous mucus which was difficult to loosen.
Right side swollen and sore, red and inflamed, < by swallowing.

Stomach :
Belching after meals.
Appetite increased.
Sensation of nausea as though he would vomit.
Pain in stomach passing from right to left, coming and going suddenly.
Nausea before meals, though appetite is good when he once began to eat.
Appetite increased ; ravenous hunger.
Less thirst than usual.
Thirst at times for large quantities, increased in the evening.

Abdomen :
Rumbling in the intestines ; borborygmus.

Stools :
Passage of foul flatus.
Stool loose, brown, semi-solid, passed quickly, with fetid odour.
Sudden spluttering diarrheal ; all over in a minute, followed with burning in anus.

Urine :
Strong odour, hot and scalding ; frequent, profuse, pale.
Burning before and during micturition.
Sudden urgent desire to urinate.
Amount of urine decreased, solids increased.
Crystals of sodium oxalate increased while sodium urate appeared during the proving, and was very prominent, no casts.
Pus corpuscles which were present at the beginning disappeared ; no epithelia.
Haematuria with severe pain in the renal region ; cured.
Urine more frequent than usual.

Male :
Spermatozoa present (in the urine ?) at the beginning and during the first part of the proving, totally disappeared.
Sexual desire increased, without erections.
Erections ; lascivious dreams all night causing waking from sleep.
Emissions in early morning without any bad effects.

Respiratory :
Cough, from irritation in suprasternal fossa.
Expectoration of gelatinous mucus, which is hard to detach.
Increase of respiratory movements, soon followed by suffocation and death from paralysis of medulla and pneumogastric (crude drugs).

Back :
Pain especially on the left side ; better by sitting up straight or lying straight.

Extremities :
Slight rheumatic pains coming and going down leg.
Left foot, leg and buttocks go to sleep easily and feel numb ; this numbness extends to both lower extremities but is < in the left.
Arms and legs go to sleep easily ; numbness and tingling from below upwards.
Corns on the toes.
Aching in limbs on walking in the morning ; aching in the calves.
Rheumatic pains in left elbow and little finger on waking.
Severe cramp in right heel lasting ten minutes, then the same in left heel, followed by stomach-ache.
Legs tired and ache, especially in the calves and below the knees.
Ankles feel weak and tired.
Painful swelling on first finger of right hand, resulting in a felon.
Tired aching in arms and legs on waking.
Dull pain in arms and legs.

Tissues :
It possesses powerful local action over dilated blood vessels.
When injected into the circulation arteries become contracted and blood pressure rises.
Prolonged contraction of the general muscular system.
Repeated injections cause atheroma and heart lesions in animals.
The skin becomes bronzed ; great loss of strength ; rapid emaciation ; exceedingly rapid pulse ; irregular intermitting heart beats ; general marked anaemia.

Sleep :
Great sleepiness and drowsiness.
Sleepy in evening and after a good night's sleep.
Dullness and sleepiness from 3 to 6 P. M.

Fever :
Flushes of heat over face and head.