Description :
In the subsequent list of antisoric remedies no isopathic remedies are mentioned, for the reason that their effects upon the healthy organism have not been sufficiently ascertained. Even the itch miasm (psorinum), in its various degrees of potency, comes under this objection. I call psorin a homeopathic anti-psoric, because if the preparations of psorin did not alter its nature to that of a homeopathic remedy it never could have any effect upon an organism tainted with that same identical virus. The psoric virus, by undergoing the processes of trituration and shaking, becomes just as much altered in its nature as gold does, the homeopathic preparations of which are not inert substances in the animal economy, but powerfully acting agents.
Psorinum is a similimum of the itch virus. There is no intermediate degree between idem and similimum ; in other words, the thinking man sees that similimum is the medium between simile and idem. The only definite meaning which the terms "isopathic and Êquale" can convey is that of similimum ; they are not idem.
Hitherto syphilis alone has been to some extent known as such a chronic miasmatic disease, which when uncured ceases only with the termination of life. Sycosis (the condylomatatous disease), equally ineradicable by the vital force without proper medicinal treatment, was not recognized as a chronic miasmatic disease of a peculiar character, which it nevertheless undoubtedly is, and physicians imagined they had cured it when they had destroyed the growth upon the skin, but the persisting dyscrasia occasioned by it escaped their observation.
Incalculably greater and more important than the two chronic miasm just named, however, is the chronic miasm of psora, which, whilst those two reveal their specific internal dyscrasia, the one by the venereal chancre, the other by the cauliflower-growths, does also, after the completion of the internal infection of the whole organism, announce by a peculiar cutaneous eruption, sometimes consisting of only a few vesicles accompanied by intolerable voluptuous tickling itching (and a peculiar odor), the monstrous internal chronic miasm the psora, the only real fundamental cause and producer of all the other numerous, I may say innumerable, forms of disease, which under the names of nervous debility, hysteria, hypochondriasis, mania, melancholia, imbecility, madness, epilepsy and convulsions of all sorts, softening of the bones (rachitis), scoliosis and cyphosis, caries, cancer, fungus hematodes, neoplasms, gout, hemorrhoids, jaundice, cyanosis, dropsy, amenorrhƓa, hemorrhage from the stomach, nose, lungs, bladder and womb, of asthma and ulceration of the lungs, of impotence and barrenness, of megrim, deafness, cataract, amaurosis, urinary calculus, paralysis, defects of the senses and pains of thousands of kinds, etc., figure in systematic works on pathology as peculiar, independent diseases.

Characteristics :
Especially adapted to the psoric constitution.
In chronic cases when well selected remedies fail to relieve or permanently improve (in acute diseases, Sulph.) ; when Sulphur seems indicated but fails to act.
Lack of reaction after severe acute diseases.
Appetite will not return.
Children are pale, delicate, sickly.
Sick babies will not sleep day or night but worry, fret, cry (Jalap.) ; child is good, plays all day ; restless, troublesome, screaming all night (rev. of, Lyc.).
Great weakness and debility ; from loss of animal fluids ; remaining after acute diseases ; independent of or without any organic lesion, or apparent cause.
Body has a filthy smell, even after bathing.
The whole body painful, easily sprained and injured.
Great sensitiveness to cold air or change of weather.
Stormy weather he feels acutely ; feels restless for days before or during a thunderstorm (Phos.) ; dry, scaly eruptions disappear in summer, return in winter.
Ailments : from suppressed itch or other skin diseases when Sulphur fails to relieve ; severe, from even slight emotions ; never recovered from typhoid.
Feels unusually well day before attack.
Extremely psoric patients ; nervous, restless, easily startled.
All excretions diarrhea, leucorrhea, menses, perspiration have a carrion-like odor.
Anxious, full of fear ; evil forebodings.
Religious melancholy ; very depressed, sad suicidal thoughts ; despairs of salvation (Mel.), of recovery.
Despondent : fears he will die ; that he will fail in business ; during climaxis ; making his own life and that of those about him intolerable.
Driven to despair with excessive itching.
Headache : preceded, by flickering before eyes ; by dimness of vision or blindness (Lac d., Kali bi.) ; by black spots or rings.
Headache : always hungry during ; > while eating (Anac., Kali p.) ; from suppressed eruptions, or suppressed menses ; > by nosebleed (Mel.).
Hair, dry, lustreless, tangles easily, glues together (Lyc.). Plica polonica (Bar., Sars., Tub.).
Scalp : dry, scaly or moist, fetid, suppurating eruptions ; oozing a sticky, offensive fluid (Graph., Mez.).
Intense photophobia, with inflamed lids ; cannot open the eyes ; lies with face buried in pillow.
Ears : humid scurfs and soreness on and behind ears ; oozing and offensive viscid fluid (Graph.).
OtorrhƓa : thin, ichorous, horribly fetid discharge, like decayed meat ; chronic, after measles or scarlatina.
Acne : all forms, simplex, rosacea ; < during menses, from coffee, fats, sugar, meat ; when the best selected remedy fails or only palliates.
Hungry in the middle of the night ; must have something to eat (Cina, Sulph.).
Eructations tasting of rotten eggs (Arn., Ant. t., Graph.). Quinsy : tonsils greatly swollen ; difficult, painful swallowing ; burns, feels scalded ; cutting, tearing, intense pain to ears on swallowing (painless, Bar. c.) ; profuse offensive saliva ; tough mucus in throat, must hawk continually.
To not only > acute attack but eradicate the tendency.
Hawks up cheesy balls, size of a pea, of disgusting taste and carrion-like odor (kali m.).
Diarrhea : sudden, imperative (Aloe, Sulph.) ; stool watery, dark brown, fetid ; smells like carrion ; involuntary, < at night from left to 4 A. M. ; after severe acute diseases : teething : in children ; when weather changes.
Constipation : obstinate, with backache ; from inactivity of rectum ; when Sulphur fails to relieve.
Enuresis ; from vesical paresis ; during full moon obstinate cases, with a family history of eczema.
Chronic gonorrhea of year's duration that can neither be suppressed nor cured ; the best selected remedy fails.
Leucorrhea : large, clotted lumps of an intolerable odor ; violent pains in sacrum ; debility, during climaxis.
During pregnancy : most obstinate vomiting, fetus moves too violently ; when the best selected remedy fails to relieve ; to correct the psoric diathesis of the unborn.
Profuse perspiration after acute diseases, with relief of all suffering (Calad., Nat. m.).
Asthma, dyspnƓa : < in openair, sitting up (Laur.) ; > lying down and keeping arms stretched far apart (rev. of Ars.) ; despondent, thinks he will die.
Cough returns every winter.
Hay fever ; appearing regularly every year the same day of the month ; with an asthmatic, psoric or eczematous history.
Patient should be treated the previous winter to eradicate the diathesis and prevent summer attack.
Cough : after suppressed itch, or eczema ; chronic of years' duration, < mornings on waking and evenings on lying down (Phos., Tub.) ; sputa green, yellow or salty mucus ; pus-like ; coughs a long time before expectorating.
Skin : abnormal tendency to receive skin diseases (Sulph.) ; eruptions easily suppurate (Hep.) ; dry, inactive, rarely sweats ; dirty look, as if never washed ; coarse, greasy, as if bathed in oil ; bad effects from suppression by Sulphur and Zinc ointments.
Sleepless from intolerable itching, or frightful dreams of robbers, danger, etc. (Nat. m.).
Psorinum should not be given for psora or the psoric diathesis, but like every other remedy, upon a strict individualization the totality of the symptoms and then we realize its wonderful work.

Relations :
Antidoted by Coffea, Nux v. (if < when too frequently repeated or over-dose).
Compatible : Carb. v., Cinchona, Opium, Sul., Tub. (if want of susceptibility to medicinal action).
Followed well by Alum., Bor., Hep., Lyc., Sul., Tub.
Complementary : Sul., Tub. ; after Lact. ac. and Nux v. (vomiting of pregnancy) ; after Arn., Bellis, Ham. (in traumatic affections of the ovaries) ; Sulph. follows Psor. in mammary cancer.
Inimical : Apis, Crot., Lach. and the serpent poisons.
Compare : Cham., Jalap (sick babies, fret day and night) ; (happy all day, scream at night) (Lyc.) cry all day, sleeps at night ; nervous effects of electric storms (Phos., X-ray) ; Gels., Lac. d., Kali bi. (headache preceded by dim vision and dark spots) ; Anac., Kali phos. (headache with hunger > while eating) ; Mel. (headache relieved by nose-bleed) ; Baryt. c., Lyc., Sars., Tub. (plica polonica) ; Kali mur. (offensive cheesy balls from the throat) ; Cal., Nat. mur. All symptoms > by lying down and keeping arms stretched far apart ; (Ars., must sit up and lean forward) ; Phos., Tub. (cough and affections of the respiratory tract < mornings on walking, and evenings lying down) ; Graph., Hep., Sil. (eruptions and slight injuries of the skin easily suppurating) ; Dig. (drinking < cough) ; Bry., Nat., Mal. (earthy, sallow, greasy face) ; Puls., Tub. (erratic shifting pains < from fats and pastry < evenings) ; Sang., Tub. (sensation as if tongue were burned) ; Ars., Bap., Pyr. (sensation as if parts were separated, Ars. body at waist, Bap. the brain and limbs) ; Kali c., Pyr., Tub. (profuse sweat during convalescence) ; Amb., Caps., Cin., Lauh., Op., Val. (lack of susceptibility to best selected remedy) ; Gels., Kali iod., Sab., Cin. n. (hay-fever) ; Cina, Chin. s., Ign., Lyc., Sul., Tub. (hungry at night, can't sleep until they eat).
Ars., Rhus, X-ray, Tub. causes ; mental emotions, or mental labor ; overlifting ; suppressed eruptions ; weather changes ; electric storms ; traumatism ; sprains and dislocations.

Mind :
Thoughts vanish after overlifting.
Memory weak, cannot remember ; does not even know his room.
Thoughts which he cannot get rid of constantly reappear in his dreams.
Dull all forenoon, disinclined to work.
Dull, stupid, foggy, as after a debauch, on awaking in night ; dizziness, he falls down.
As if stupid in left half of head, morning.
Mental labor causes ; fullness in head ; intense headache ; throbbing in brain ; pain in left temple.
Very disagreeable mood ; impatient ; extremely ill-humored.
Irritable, peevish, passionate, noisy ; nervous, easily startled ; restless, hands tremble.
Intolerably self-willed, annoys those about him ; a boy, suffering from an eruption.
She is very irritable, easily angered ; always thinks of dying.
Vacillating, fearful ; mania.
Anxiety, with oppression of chest.
Anxious, full of fear, melancholic ; evil forebodings.
Great fear of death ; anxiety about heart and dyspnƓa, with attacks of pain in chest.
Believes the stitches in heart will kill him if they do not cease.
Restlessness ; with eruption, in a child ; with oppression of chest.
Sentimental : full of spleen, very low-spirited.
His ideas are sad and joyless.
Very depressed, sad, suicidal thoughts.
Depressed in spirits and hopeless.
Melancholy, sorrowful, despairing.
Despairing mood ; fears he will fail in business.
Much depression on account of an eruption on dorsum of hand which appears over night.
Greatest despondency, making his own life and that of those about him intolerable ; dry cough ; evening fever.
Is so downhearted she could commit suicide ; then is so full of phantasms.
Great depression of mind during climaxis, with chronic abdominal disorders.
Hypochondriasis, with hemorrhage from rectum.
Religious melancholy. (Melilotus.)
Despairs of recovery ; thinks he will die ; hopeless ; especially after typhus, > from nosebleed.
Melancholy after suppressed itch ; emaciated, pale, earthy complexion, weakness of limbs ; flushes of heat and palpitation prevent sleep ; sleep comes toward morning ; would like to stay in bed until midday ; aversion to work, indifference, weeping ; seeks solitude, despairs of recovery ; she is irritable and forgetful.
Feels the greatest anguish in head, with a whirling before eyes every day, from 5 A. M. until 5 P. M., since two years ; walks up and down his room wringing his hands and moaning continually, "Oh, such anguish !" Oh, such anguish !" only when he takes his meals he ceases moaning ; appetite is good.
Has been nervous about nine months ; was obliged to abdomen all business ; has taken much quinine and other drugs ; a very disagreeable feeling about head ; mental depression ; thinks he will not recover ; has lost all hope ; cannot apply his mind to business ; confusion of senses, he cannot reckon ; attacks of numbness of legs and arms, left side < ; < on going to bed ; formication and crawling, with pricking and smarting on scalp, and some on extremities ; tongue white.
Driven to despair with excessive itching.
Every moral emotion causes trembling.
Severe ailments from even slight emotions.
Disturbances of the mind and spirit of all kinds.
Melancholy by itself, or with insanity, also at times alternating with frenzy and hours of rationality.
Anxious oppression, early on awaking ; Anxious oppression in the evening after going to bed.
Anxiety, several times a day (with and without pains), or at certain hours of the day or of the night ; usually the patient then finds no rest, but has to run hither and thirther, and often falls into perspiration.
Melancholy, palpitation and anxiousness cause her at night to wake up from sleep (mostly just before the beginning of the menses).
Mania of self-destruction (spleen).
A weeping mood ; they often weep for hours without knowing a cause for it.
Attacks of fear ; e. g., fear of fire, of being alone, of apoplexy, of becoming insane, etc.
Attacks of passion, resembling frenzy.
Fright caused by the merest trifles ; this often causes perspiration and trembling.
Disinclination to work, in persons who else are most industrious ; no impulse to occupy himself, but rather the most decided repugnance thereto.
Excessive sensitiveness.
Irritability from weakness.
Quick change of moods ; often very merry and exuberantly so, often again and, indeed, very suddenly, dejection ; e. g., on account of his disease, or from other trifling causes.
Sudden transition from cheerfulness to sadness, or vexation without a cause.
Numbness and giddiness of the head ; the patient can neither think, nor accomplish any mental labor.
She cannot control her thoughts.
At times she seems to be deprived of thought ; she sits there as if she were absent.
The head feels benumbed and drowsy in the open air.

Sensorium :
Vertigo ; mornings, objects seem to go around with him ; with headache ; eyes feel pressed outward ; with confusion and drawing in forehead, with roaring in ears.
Great dullness of head ; he fears inflammation of brain ; nosebleed relieves.
Fullness and heaviness in head.
Vertigo ; the patient reels in walking.
Vertigo, on closing the eyes, everything around him seems to turn ; he is then attacked with nausea.
Vertigo ; on turning briskly he almost falls over.
Vertigo attacking him with a jerk in the head ; he loses his seems for a moment.
Vertigo, accompanied with frequent eructations.
Vertigo, on looking down upon the floor, or on looking up.
Vertigo, in walking along a road in a plain, which is not enclosed on either side.
Vertigo ; she appears to herself either too large or too small ; other objects, likewise, appear either too large or too small.
Vertigo resembling a swoon.
Vertigo, causing a loss of consciousness.

Inner Head :
Frontal headache, with sensation of weakness in forehead.
Headache by sweat at night.
Pain as if brain had not room enough in forehead, when rising in morning, a forcing outward ; < after washing and eating.
Pressing headache in small spots in forehead and temples, < left side ; feels intoxicated, stupid.
Morning headache, with pressing in forehead ; stupefaction, staggering ; eyes feel sore.
Sensation as from a heavy blow received on forehead awakens him ; 1 A. M.
Surging, drawing and digging in forehead with vertigo.
Pain beginning over left eye and goes to right ; < from hour to hour, then diarrhea and nausea, finally bloody vomiting ; dizziness, obliges her to lie down ; blur, and blue stars before eyes ; veins of temples much distended ; day before headache inordinate appetite ; also during first hours of pain ; < and brought on by change of weather, so that even in middle of night she is awakened by pain and always knows there has been a change ; soreness of stomach, sensitive to touch and pressure of clothes ; catamenia regular.
Headache preceded by : flickering before eyes ; dimness of sight or spots ; spectres ; objects dancing before eyes, black spots or rings.
Headache from repelled eruption.
Pressing headache, especially unilateral.
Cramplike contractive headache.
Like hammers striking head from within outward ; all through head as from a hammer.
Fullness of head during mental labor.
Fullness in vertex as if brain would burst, with formication in head, followed by heavy sleep.
Pain in back of head as if sprained ; pressure in right side of occiput as if luxated.
Pain from right to left as if a piece of wood was laid on back of head.
Is always very hungry during headaches.
Congestion of blood to head immediately after dinner.
Great congestion of brain, relieved nosebleed.
Congestion to head, heat ; awakened at night stupefied ; could not recollect ; after sitting still awhile had to rise to collect his senses.
Congestion to head, cheeks and nose red and hot ; eruption on face reddens ; great anxiety every afternoon after dinner.
Fifth month of pregnancy.
Vertigo : reeling while walking.
Vertigo : when closing the eyes, everything seems to turn around with him ; he is at the same time seized with nausea.
Vertigo : on turning around briskly, he almost falls over.
Vertigo, as if there was a jerk in the head, which causes a momentary loss of consciousness.
Vertigo with frequent eructations.
Vertigo even when only looking down on the level ground, or when looking upward.
Vertigo while walking on a road not enclosed on either side ; in an open plain.
Vertigo : she seems to herself now too large, now too small, or other objects have this appearance to her.
Vertigo : resembling a swoon.
Vertigo, passing over into unconsciousness.
Dizziness ; inability to think or to perform mental labour.
Her thoughts are not under her control.
She is at times quite without thought (sits lost in thought).
The open air causes dizziness and drowsiness in the head.
Everything at times seems dark and black before his eyes, while walking or stooping, or when raising himself from a stooping posture.
Rush of blood to the head.
Heat in the head (and in the face).
A cold pressure on the top of the head.
Headache, a dull pain in the morning immediately on waking up, or in the afternoon when walking rapidly or speaking loudly.
Headache on one side, with a certain periodicity (after 28, 14 or a less number of days), more frequently during full moon, or during the new moon, or after mental excitement, after a cold, etc. ; a pressure or other pain on top of the head or inside of it, or a boring pain over one of the eyes.
Headache daily at certain hours ; e. g., a stitching in the temples.
Attacks of throbbing headache (e. g., in the forehead) with violent nausea as if about to sink down, or, also, vomiting ; starting early in the evenings repeated every fortnight, or sooner or later.
Headache as if the skull were about to burst open.
Headache, drawing pains.
Headache, stitches in the head (passing out at the ears).
Roaring noise in the brain, singing, buzzing, humming, thundering, etc.
Rush of blood to the head.
Sometimes he sees everything dim or black on walking or stooping, or raising the head from stooping.
Rush of blood to the head.
Heat in the head and in the face.
Feeling of cold pressure on the head.
Dull headache in the morning, on waking up, or in the afternoon, either on walking fast or speaking loud.
Headache, twinges in the head (coming out by the ears) ; usually in walking, especially in walking and taking exercise after eating.
Headache, shooting pains in the head coming out by the ears ; they often see everything black.
Din in the brain, singing, humming, noise, thunder, etc.
Stupefying, pressing, morning headache ; > relieved by sweat at night.
Pain from right to left, as if piece of wood were laid on back of head.
Headache preceded by dim vision or dark spots before eyes ; extreme dullness, fears inflammation of brain ; > by nosebleed followed by darkness before eyes.

Outer Head :
Hair : dry, lustreless ; tangles easily ; glues together ; must comb it continually.
A man, Êt. 28, dark complexion, dark brown hair, had a spot on left frontal region, commencing at edge of hair and extending upward three-fourths of an inch ; the skin covering spot was many shades whiter than the surrounding skin, and the lock of hair growing on it had turned perfectly white ; after Psor. hair and spot became natural color.
Sensation as if head was separated from body.
Averse to having head uncovered ; wears a fur cap in hot weather.
Viscid sweat about head.
Whole head burns.
Pustules, boils on head, mostly scalp, which looks dirty and emits an offensive odor.
Moist, suppurating, fetid, also dry eruptions on scalp.
Scurfy eruption of children ; large yellow vesicles around and between scabs.
Profusely suppurating fetid eruption on head ; rawness and soreness behind ears.
Large humid blotches on head, with scabby eruptions on face.
Pustules and boils on head, containing large quantities of pus ; severe itching, causing child to scratch so violently that blood flows ; formation of thick, dirty, yellow scabs, which when removed show a raw surface from which a yellow lymph exudes, which makes the linen stiff ; after removal new scabs form ; eruption spreads on nape of neck, scalp and most of forehead ; the eruption is of very offensive odor ; such large quantity of lymph is exuded that head seems to stick to pillow ; child very restless, scratches head violently, and if prevented becomes irritable and screams ; large pustules on arms and body, which show no tendency to heal.
Eruption on head, particularly on occiput, completely hiding scalp from view ; profuse exudation, soiling pillow at night and causing excoriation of skin of nape of neck ; offensive smelling ; innumerable lice.

Humid, scabby itching ; offensive smelling eruption on head, full of lice ; glandular swellings.
Head so covered with eruptions that no part of scalp was visible.
Eruption on head ; with swelling of glands : with urticaria.
Tinea capitis et faciei.
Crusta serpiginosa.
The scalp full of dandruff, with or without itching.
Eruption on the head, tinea capitis, malignant tinea with crusts of greater or less thickness, with sensitive stitches when one of the places becomes moist ; when it becomes moist a violent itching ; the whole crown of the head painfully sensitive to the open air : with it hard swellings of the glands in the neck.
The hair of the head as if parched.
The hair of the head frequently falls out, most in front, on the crown and top of the head ; bald spots or beginning baldness of certain spots.
Under the skin are formed painful lumps, which come and pass away, like bumps and round tumors.
Feeling of contraction in the skin of the scalp and the face.
The hairy scalp is covered with scales, with or without itching.
Eruptions on the head, scald, malignant scabs (the crust being more or less thick), with shooting pains when a liquid is oozing out ; intolerable itching during the wet stage ; the whole top of the head painfully affected by the open air ; at the same time hard glandular swellings on the back part of the neck.
Hair feels as if it were dried ; hair falling out abundantly, especially on the forepart and on the top of the head, or in the centre of the crown, or baldness of some places.
Painful tubercles on the skin of the head, coming and going, like boils ; round tumors ; in rare cases they terminate in suppuration.
Sensation of constriction in the skin of the head and face.

Eyes and Sight :
Aversion to light.
Great photophobia, walks with eyes bent upon ground ; scurfy eruption on face.
Photophobia ; when walking in open air ; with inflammation of lids.
Fiery sparks before eyes.
Objects seem to tremble for a few moments and get dark.
Confusedness before eyes after anxiety.
Vision blurred ; black spots before eyes ; flickering ; dancing about of objects.
Darkness before eyes and ringing in ears.
Amaurosis, with scabby eruption on occiput and ears.
Serous choroiditis ; some ciliary congestion and great haziness of vitreous, so that optic nerve was only discerned with great difficulty and then was found decidedly hyperemic, as was the whole fundus ; headache, especially in morning ; constant profuse sweating of palms of hands.
Lids spasmodically closed ; intense photophobia and profuse flow of hot tears ; much pustular eruption on face ; large brown scab on right eye, from beneath which pus pours forth abundantly when touched ; bowels costive ; appetite poor and only for dainties.
Pustular keratitis.
Recurrent pustular inflammation of cornea and conjunctiva ; chronic form ; scrofulous basis.
Eyes feel tired in evening.
Stitches in eyes.
Soreness of eyes and burning, must close them frequently.
Heat and redness of eyes with pressing pains.
Burning, pressing pains in eyes.
Heat, redness and pressure in eyes ; tendency to catarrhal inflammation ; lids slightly agglutinated during morning.
Inflammation of eyes with burning.
Eyes water, inflamed ; hurt so she can scarcely open them ; pains over eyebrows, down nose, also back of head ; complained mostly of head.
Right eye inflamed, pressure as from foreign body when lids are closed.
Ophthalmia, with pressing pains, as if sand were in eyes.
Right eye red, internally and externally ; vesicles on cornea ; eruption on head.
Acute ciliary blepharitis ; internal surface of lid chiefly affected ; photophobia ; strumous diathesis, with unhealthy, offensive discharges.
Ciliary blepharitis right to left, < morning and during day ; chronic cases ; subject to exacerbations.
Scrofulous inflammation of eyes ; ulceration of cornea.
Rheumatic, chronic and blepharophthalmia.
Eyes become gummy.
Inflammation of lids, internal surface much congested ; great photophobia, cannot open eyes, lies on face.
Eyelids : swollen ; inflamed ; bloated ; child rubs eyes ; puffy ; greatly swollen, closely pressed together ; thickened ; tendency to styes ; itching, especially in canthi ; herpetic eruption ; scrofulous inflammation, covered with thick crusts, whole body covered with branlike tetter.
Eyes much inflamed, left more than right ; supra-orbital pain ; profuse lachrymation ; intolerance of light, must bury face in pillow ; tear-sac very sensitive.
The right eye feels as if moulting away.
Pressive pain on the eyes especially late in the evening ; he must shut them.
He cannot look long at anything, else everything flickers before him ; objects seem to move.
The eyelids, especially in the morning, are as if closed ; he cannot open them (for minutes, sometimes even for hours) ; the eyelids are heavy as if paralyzed or convulsively closed.
The eyes most sensitive to daylight ; the are pained by it, it makes them smart, and they close involuntarily.
Sensation of cold in the eyes.
The canthi are full op pus-like mucus (eye-gum).
The edges of the eyelids full of dry mucus.
The meibomian glands round the edges of one of the eyelids are inflamed, either one or more (stye).
On the edges of the eyelids, inflammation of single meibomian glands or of several of them.
Inflammation of the eyes, of various kinds.
Yellowness around the eyes.
Yellowness of the white of the eye.
Dim, opaque spots on the cornea.
Dropsy of the eye.
Obscuration of the crystalline lens, cataract, squinting.
Far-sightedness ; he sees far in the distance, but cannot clearly distinguish small objects held close.
Short-sightedness ; he can see even small objects, by holding them close to the eye, but the more distant the object is, the more indistinct it appears, and at a great distance he does not see it.
False vision ; he sees objects double, or manifold, or only the one-half of them.
Before his eyes there are floating as it were flies, or black points, or dark streaks, or networks, especially when looking into bright daylight.
The eyes seem to look through a veil or a mist ; the sight becomes dim at certain times.
Night-blindness ; he sees well in daytime, but, in the twilight, he cannot see at all.
Blindness by day ; he can only see well during the twilight.
Amaurosis, uninterrupted dimness of vision increased finally even to blindness.

Hearing and Ears :
Singing, cracking, humming, buzzing and ringing in ears with hardness of hearing.
Sensation as if he heard with ears not his own.
Severe pain in ear, confined him to bed for four days ; ear swollen ; though pain would drive him crazy.
Discharge of reddish earwax or fetid pus.
OtorrhƓa : with headache ; thin, ichorous and horribly offensive, like, rotten meat ; very offensive, purulent (watery, stinking diarrhea) ; brown, offensive, from left ear, for almost four years ; chronic cases following scarlet fever.
Ulceration of membrana tympani.
Itching in ears ; child can hardly be kept from picking or boring in meatus.
Meatus externus scabby.
External ears raw, red, oozing, scabby ; sore pain behind ears.
Soreness of whole external ear, with abundant yellow, offensive smelling discharge ; severe itching < in evening and lasting till midnight, preventing sleep and nearly driving him crazy ; loss of appetite ; great despondency.
Herpes from temples over ears to cheeks ; at times throws off innumerable scales ; at others shows painful rhagades with yellow discharge, forming scurfs ; fetid humor ; itching intolerable.
Right ear a mass of crusts and pus, the crusts extended behind auricle to occiput upward upon parietal bone nearly to vertex, forward to right ear and over cheek ; upon edge of region involved small vesicles filled with clear fluid, which became yellow, then crusted, and pus flowed from beneath crusts.
Humid soreness behind ear.
Scurfs on ears, and humid scurfs behind ear.
Scabby eczema behind right ear came out, curing child's old dry deafness.
Pustules : on and behind concha ; behind left ear.
The hearing is excessively irritated and sensitive ; she cannot bear to hear a bell ring without trembling, he is thrown into convulsions by the beating of the drum, etc. ; many sounds cause pains in the ear.
There are stitches in the ear, outwardly.
Crawling sensation and itching in the ear.
Dryness in the ear ; dry scabs within, without any ear-wax.
Running from ear of thin, usually ill-smelling pus.
Pulsation in the ear.
Various sounds and noises in the ear.
Deafness of various degrees even up to total deafness, with or without noise in the ear, occasionally worse, according to the weather.
Swelling of the parotid glands.
A brown-colored offensive discharge from the left ear for four years.
Ears : pain in ear so severe as to confine him to bed for five days.
External ear much swollen.
Thought the pain in his ear would make him insane.
Soreness in jaw, right side, around the ear ; could not use his mouth, because of the contraction and pain ; could scarcely crowd his fingers between his teeth.
Ears : man, aged 40, discharge of reddish cerumen from left ear < at night : had troubled him for many years.
Sensation of valve opening and shutting in left ear < in afternoon.
Buzzing in ear which stopped suddenly and was followed by violent itching.
Dull, heavy pain in base of brain in afternoon, with sensation as though skin of abdomen was greatly relaxed and drawn down.
Face sallow and greasy.
Many pustules on skin and neck, which itch intensely and bleed easily when scratched. - G. A. Whippy.

Nose and Smell :
Loss of smell ; with coryza.
Smell of blood.
Soreness of nose ; nose sensitive when inhaling air.
Boring, stinging in right nostril, followed by excessive sneezing.
Burning followed by thin nasal discharge, which relieves.
Dry coryza with stoppage of nose.
Septum narium inflamed, with white, suppurating pustules.
Tough mucus in nose ; feels like a plug there ; it nauseates him ; > when stooping.
Catarrh, with cough and expectoration of yellow-green mucus.
Bloody, purulent discharge from nose.
Chronic catarrh ; dropping from posterior nares, so as to awaken him at night ; hawking quantities of lumpy mucus gave temporary relief from feeling of fullness ; mucus in nose would dry like white of egg, needed to be forcibly removed.
Pain in liver, < from sneezing.
Acne rosacea.
Epistaxis, more or less profusely, more or less frequently.
The nostril as it were stopped up.
Sensation of dryness in the nose, troublesome even when the air passes freely.
Polypi of the nose (usually with the loss of the power of smelling) ; these may extend also through the nasal passages into the fauces.
Sense of smell, weak, lost.
Sense of smell perverted.
Too violent sensation of smell, higher and highest sensitiveness for even imperceptible odors.
Scabs in the nose ; discharge of pus or hardened clots of mucus.
Fetid smell in the nose.
Nostrils frequently ulcerated, surrounded with pimples and scabs.
Swelling and redness of the nose or the top of the nose, frequent or continual.
Coryza at once, whenever she comes into the open air ; then usually a stuffed coryza while in her room.
Dry coryza and a stuffed nose often, or almost constantly, also sometimes with intermissions.
Fluent coryza at the least taking of cold, therefore mostly in the inclement season and when it is wet.
Fluent coryza, very often, or almost constantly, also in some cases uninterruptedly.
He cannot take cold, even though there have been strong premonitory symptoms of it, simultaneously with other great ailments from the itch malady.
Chronic catarrh : constant dropping from posterior nares awakens patient at night ; hawking quantities of lumpy mucus with temporary > from sensation of fullness ; mucus in nose would dry like white of an egg, needing to be forcibly removed.
Psorinum 200th cured.

Face :
Face : pale, yellow, sickly ; broad blue rings around eyes ; bluish appearance, burning heat and redness ; swollen, with eruption.
Painful tension and pressure in right zygoma, towards ear.
Cheek bones pain as if ulcerated.
Pain as if lame in condyle of jaw.
Sweat of face with general heat.
Much roughness of skin of face ; eruption on forehead between eyes ; stools very offensive.
Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Scabby face ; especially cheeks from ears ; lips and eyelids swollen, sore about eyes.
Crusta lactea on face and scalp, especially over either ear and cheek, exfoliating numerous scabs, or it cracks and discharges a yellow, fetid humor.
Moist scab behind ears with dry tetter on back of head, on both cheeks extending upward to eyes and downward to corners of mouth, reddish, very closely packed, millet-seedlike, itching, dry pimples, with frequent loose stools ; a child one and a half years old.
An offensive-smelling, crusty eruption extending over whole face for three months, had completely closed eyes.
Eruption on face of a child ; whole face covered with a crust, lips and eyelids swollen, aversion to light, large moistening spots on head and behind ears.
Humid eruptions on face ; whole, face covered with humid scurfs or crusts, with swelling of lips and eyelids and humid soreness behind ears.
Pimples on forehead.
Red, small pimples on face, especially on nose, chin and middle of cheeks.
Closely packed, itching pimples on both cheeks from eyes to corners of mouth.
Ulcers in face.
Coppery eruption on face.
Tinea faciei.
Lips : painful ; swollen, particularly upper ; dry ; burning ; brown and black, dry ; ulcerated ; swollen and covered with scurfs.
Corners of mouth sore, often ulcerated ; sycotic condylomata.
Soreness of jaw, right side, around ear ; could not open wide enough to admit fingers.
Submaxillary and lingual glands swollen, sore to touch ; at same time suppurating pustules on same place.
Paleness of the face during the first sleep, with blue rings around the eyes.
Erysipelas on the face.
Frequent redness of the face, and heat.
Yellowish, yellow color of the face.
Sallow yellowish complexion.
Gray, yellow color of the face.
Painfulness of various spots on the face, the cheeks, the cheek-bones, the lower jaw, etc., when touched ; while chewing, as if festering inwardly ; also like stitches and jerks ; especially in chewing there are jerks, stitches and a tension so that he cannot eat.
Under the nose or on the upper lip, long-lasting scales or itching pimples.
The red of the lips is quite pale.
The red of the lips is dry, scabby, peeling off ; it chaps.
Swelling of the lips, especially of the upper lip.
The inside of the lips is lined with little sores or blisters.
Cutaneous eruptions of the beard and of the roots of the hairs of the beard, with itching.
Eruptions of the face of innumerable kinds.
Glands of the lower jaw swollen, sometimes passing over into chronic suppuration.
Glandular swellings down the sides of the neck.

Teeth and Gums :
Stitching in teeth from one side to other, radiating to head, with burning in right cheek, which is swollen.
Sensation of soreness of teeth.
Stinging in teeth (while eating).
Looseness of teeth ; they feel so loose, fears they may fall out, < from touch, especially from teeth.
Toothache : < at night and from cold ; > from warmth.
Gums : ulcerated, bleeding.
Gums bleeding at a slight touch.
Gums, the external or the internal, painful, as if from wounds.
Gums, with erosive itching.
Gums, whitish, swollen, painful on touching.
Gums, recession, leaving the front teeth and their roots bare.
Gnashing of the teeth during sleep.
Looseness of the teeth, and many kinds of deterioration of the teeth, even without toothache.
Toothache of innumerable varieties, with varying causes of excitation.
She cannot remain in bed at night, owing to toothache.

Taste and Tongue :
Loss of taste with coryza.
Taste : bitter, goes off when eating or drinking ; foul, much mucus in mouth ; > in fresh air ; bitter with yellow-coated tongue ; flat, sticky, dinner tastes oily.
Tongue : dry, tip feels burnt as far as middle, he has hardly any taste ; tip very dry, as if burnt, painful ; white yellow ; thickly coated with whitish-yellow slime ; ulcerated.
On the tongue, painful blisters and sore places.
Tongue white, coated white or furred white.
Tongue pale, bluish white.
Tongue full of deep furrows : here and there, as if torn above.
Tongue dry.
Sensation of dryness on tongue, even while it is properly moist.
Stuttering, stammering ; also at times sudden attacks of inability to speak.

Mouth :
Adhesion of tough mucus to posterior surface of soft palate, necessitating hawking.
Tough mucus in mouth of a foul, nauseous taste, teeth stick together as if glued.
Dryness of mouth ; burning.
Tickling, burning ; mouth inflamed, sore, > from warm food ; not annoyed by cold food.
Blisters inside lower lips ; burning, painful.
Ulcers in mouth.
On the inside of the cheeks painful blisters or sores.
Flow of blood from the mouth ; often severe.
Sensation of dryness of the whole internal mouth, or merely in spots, or deep down in the throat.
Fetid smell from the mouth.
Burning in the throat.
Mouth inflamed and sore ; < from warm food, but not annoyed by cold.
Constant flow of saliva, especially while speaking, particularly in the morning.
Continual spitting of saliva.
Insipid, slimy taste in mouth.
Intolerably sweet taste in the mouth, almost constantly.
Bitter taste in the mouth, mostly in the morning.
Sourish and sour taste in the mouth, especially after eating, though the food tasted all right.
Putrid and fetid taste in the mouth.
Bad smell in the mouth, sometimes mouldy, sometimes putrid like old cheese, or like fetid foot-sweat, or like rotten sauerkraut.

Throat :
Accumulation of mucus in throat and mouth.
Tough mucus in throat, hawking.
Sensation of a plug or lump in throat impeding hawking.
Dryness in throat with thirstlessness.
Dryness ; scraping sensation in throat.
Throat burns, feels scalded.
Tension and swollen feeling in throat.
Difficult swallowing, throat feels swollen.
Pain when swallowing saliva.
Cutting tearing pain in throat on swallowing.
Steam arising from fat causes immediate constriction of throat and chest.
Severe angina ; on right side an ulcer, with a sore pain deep inside and burning in fauces.
Tonsillitis ; submaxillary glands swollen ; fetid otorrhƓa.
Ulcerated sore throat.
Ulcers on right side, with deep-seated pain and burning in fauces.
Frequently mucus deep down in the throat (the fauces), which he has to hawk up with great exertion and expectorate frequently during the day, especially in the morning.
Frequently inflammation of the throat, and swelling of the parts used in swallowing.

Appetite, Thirst. Desires, Aversions :
Good appetite, with daily attacks of anxiety, easily satisfied ; great hunger, even after a hearty meal ; canine hunger preceding attacks (diarrhea).
Diminished appetite ; after typhus ; but great thirst ; during convalescence.
Thirst : during dinner ; with dryness of throat ; especially for beer, mouth feels so dry.
Desire for acids.
Loathing of pork.
Ravenous hunger at midnight, waking from sleep.

Eating and Drinking :
While eating ceases complaining.
Immediately after dinner, congestion of blood to head.
Pain in chest extending to shoulder, < after cold drinks.
Drinking causes cough.

Hiccough, Belching, Nausea and Vomiting :
Eructations ; sour, rancid ; tasting and smelling like rotten eggs ; room is filled with an offensive odor. Arn., Graph., Ant. t. Arn. especially in A. M. ; Ant. t. at night ; Graph. in A. M. only, after rising, disappearing on rinsing the mouth.
Waterbrash when lying down, > on getting up.
Nausea ; with poor appetite ; in morning ; with backache, after suppressed itch ; morning with pain in small of back ; all day, with vomiting.
Vomiturition, followed by vomiting, first of blood, then of sour, slimy fluid.
Constant nausea during the day, with inclination to vomit ; a kind of vomiting of sweet mucus every morning at ten and in evening.
Vomiting of sour mucus in morning before eating.
Eructations, with the taste of the food, several hours after eating.
Eructations, empty, loud, of mere air, uncontrollable, often for hours, not infrequently at night.
Incomplete eructation, which causes merely convulsive shocks in the fauces, without coming out of the mouth ; spasmodic straining in the esophagus.
Eructation, sour, either fasting or after food, especially after milk.
Eructation, which excites to vomiting.
Eructation, rancid (especially after eating fat things).
Eructation, putrid or mouldy, early in the morning.
Frequent eructations before meals, with a sort of rabid hunger.
Heart-burn, more or less frequent : there is a burning along the chest, especially after breakfast, or while moving the body.
Waterbrash, a gushing discharge of a sort of salivary fluid from the stomach, preceded by writhing pains in the stomach (the pancreas) with a sensation of weakness (shakiness), nausea causing as it were a swoon, and gathering of the saliva in the mouth, even at night.
The ruling complaints in any part of the body are excited after eating fresh fruit, especially if this is acidulous, also after acetic acid (in salads, etc.).
Nausea early in the morning.
Nausea even to vomiting, in the morning immediately after rising from bed, decreasing from motion.
Nausea always after eating fatty things or milk.
Vomiting of blood.
Hiccough after eating or drinking.
Swallowing impeded by spasms, even causing a man to die of hunger.
Spasmodic, involuntary swallowing.

Scrobiculum and Stomach :
Stitching pain in pit of stomach.
Weakness of stomach.
Frequent oppression of stomach, especially after eating.
Cramps in stomach.
Dyspepsia ; eructations, flatus and stools like spoiled eggs.
Gastric bilious affections.
Frequent sensation of fasting and of emptiness in the stomach (or abdomen), not unfrequently with much saliva in the mouth.
Ravenous hunger (canine hunger), especially early in the morning ; he has to eat at once else he grows faints, exhausted and shaky (or if he is in the open air he has to lie straight down).
Ravenous hunger with rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen.
Appetite without hunger ; he has a desire to swallow down in haste various things without there being any craving therefor in the stomach.
A sort of hunger ; but when she then eats ever so little, she feels at once satiated and full.
When she wants to eat, she feels full in the chest and her throat feels as if full of mucus.
Want of appetite ; only a sort of gnawing, turning and writhing in the stomach urges her to eat.
Repugnance to cooked, warm food, especially to boiled meat, and hardly and longing for anything but rye-bread (with butter), or for potatoes.
In the morning, at once, thirst ; constant thirst.
In the pit of the stomach there is a sensation of swelling, painful to the touch.
Sensation of coldness in the pit of the stomach.
Pressure in the stomach or in the tip of the stomach, as from a stone, or a constricting pain (cramp).
In the stomach beating and pulsation, even when fasting.
Spasm in the stomach ; pain in the pit of the stomach as if drawn together.
Griping in the stomach ; a painful griping in the stomach ; it suddenly constricts the stomach, especially after cold drinking.
Pain in the stomach, as if sore, when eating the most harmless kinds of foods.
Pressure in the stomach, even when fasting, but more from every kind of food, or from particular dishes, fruit, green vegetables, rye-bread, food containing vinegar, etc.
During eating, feels dizzy and giddy, threatening to fall to one side.
After the slightest supper, nocturnal heat in bed ; in the morning, constipation and exceeding lassitude.
After meals, anxiety and cold perspiration with anxiety.
During eating, perspiration.
Immediately after eating, vomiting.
After meals, pressure and burning in stomach, or in the epigastrium, almost like heartburn.
After eating, burning in the Ɠsophagus from below upward.
Feels shaky and exhausted ; wants food continually, or else gets cold and wet all over.

Hypochondria :
Deep-seated stitching, pressing pain in region of liver, < from external pressure and lying on right side ; pain hinders sneezing, laughing, yawning, coughing, deep inspiration and walking.
Stinging, sharp pain in region of liver and spleen.
Chronic hepatitis.
Stitches in spleen, > when standing ; < when moving, and continuing when again at rest.
Chronic induration of spleen.

Abdomen :
Bloated abdomen.
Flatulency with disorders of liver.
Constant feeling of emptiness and looseness in abdomen ; sensation as if intestines were hanging down.
Pains in abdomen after eating ; flatulency and tendency to diarrhea : > when flatus passes.
Pain in abdomen while riding.
Cutting pain in intestines.
Colic : removed by eating ; > passing fetid flatus.
Painful bearing down, with painful burning micturition.
Stinging, sharp pains in inguinal glands.
Pain through right groin when walking.
Lumps in right groin, preventing stooping.
Inguinal hernia ; hernial sac infiltrated.
Chronic abdominal affections.
Abdominal affections during climaxis, with a high degree of ill-humor.
After meals, distension of the abdomen.
After meals, very tired and sleepy.
After meals, as if intoxicated.
After meals, headache.
After meals, palpitation of the heart.
Alleviation of several, even remote, complaints from eating.
The flatus does not pass off but moves about, causing many ailments of body and spirit.
The abdomen is distended by flatus, the abdomen feels full, especially after a meal.
Sensation as if the flatus ascended ; followed by eructations then often a sensation of burning in the throat, or vomiting by day or by night.
Pain in the hypochondria when touched, and in motion, or also during rest.
Constricting pain in the epigastrium, immediately under the ribs.
Cutting pains in the abdomen, as if from obstructed flatus ; there is a constant sensation of fullness in the abdomen the flatus rises upwards.
Cutting pains in the abdomen almost daily, especially with children, oftener in the morning than in other parts of the day, sometimes day and night without diarrhea.
Cutting pains in the abdomen, especially on the one side of the abdomen, or the groin.
In the abdomen qualmishness, a sensation of voidness, disagreeable emptiness, even immediately after eating, he felt as if he had not eaten anything.
From the small of the back, around the abdomen, especially below the stomach, a sensation of constriction as from a bandage, after she had had no stool for several days.
Pain in the liver, when touching the right side of the abdomen.
Pain in the liver, a pressure and tension a tension below the ribs on the right side.
Below the last ribs (in the hypochondria), a tension and pressure all over, which checks the breathing and makes the mind anxious and sad.
Pain in the liver, stitches ; mostly when stooping quickly.
Inflammation of the liver.
Pressure in the abdomen as from a stone.
Hardness of the abdomen.
Crampy colic, a grasping pain in the bowels.
In colic, coldness on one side of the abdomen.
A clucking, croaking, and audible rumbling and grumbling in the abdomen.
So-called uterine spasms, like labor pains, grasping pains often compelling the patient to lie down, frequently quickly distending the abdomen without flatulence.
In the lower abdomen, pains pressing down towards the genitals.
Inguinal hernias, often painful while speaking and stinging.
Swellings of the inguinal glands, which sometimes turn into suppuration.

Stool and Rectum :
Emission of hot, fetid, sulphurous flatus ; smelling like rotten eggs.
Stool : normal, but passed in a great hurry, with quantities of flatus ; can hardly reach the water-closet. (Aloe.)
Griping and desire for stool while riding.
Diarrhea, preceded by colic.
Frequent thin stool, with eruption on head.
Green bilious diarrhea, mixed with mucus ; soft, voided with difficulty from weakness.
Stool : dark brown, very fluid and foul-smelling ; having the smell of rotten eggs ; mostly in children in their first or second summer ; green mucus, or bloody mucus ; smell like carrion, < at night ; frequent, liquid ; involuntary ; nearly painless.
Semiliquid, brownish, indelible, insufferably nasty ; passed during sleep, at 1 and 4 A. M., with undigested food.
Infantile diarrhea.
Horribly offensive, nearly painless, almost involuntary, dark and watery stool ; only at night and most towards morning.
Involuntary stool during sleep.
Boy, Êt, four months, whitish bad-smelling diarrhea ; constantly crying, with drawing up of knees as if in pain ; rattling cough, cries all night ; acts as if he had earache in left ear, from which there was a slight discharge ; seldom urinates ; after second dose, sixteen hours after first, broke out all over his head and face, with a small pimply eruption, a vesicle at the apex of each pimple, which exuded lymph which dried in a thick brown scab, which gradually fell off in a day or two, and in two weeks left the skin perfectly clean.
Diarrhea : after acute disease ; at night ; early in morning ; when rising in the morning ; in childbed ; when weather changes (general condition).
Before stool : griping pains about navel.
Cases which do not respond promptly to the indicated remedy, the children having dirty, yellow, greasy skin, with a partially developed eruption on forehead and chest, with constant fretting and worrying.
Chronic diarrhea ; offensive stools.
Cholera infantum ; stools dark brown, watery, of an intolerably offensive odor ; liquid, mucous or bloody and excessively fetid.
Cholera infantum in summer ; nervous and restless at night, awake at night as if frightened, or cry out during sleep ; then two or three nights afterwards, they begin with diarrhea ; stools are profuse and watery, dark brown or even black in color, very offensive, almost putrid in odor, < at night.
Soft stool : passed with difficulty ; from weakness.
Obstinate constipation : with coryza and obstruction of nose ; pain in small of back ; blood from rectum ; due to torpor of rectum ; lasting three of four days, due to inactivity of rectum ; stool on third or fourth day was accompanied by severe pains which induced patient to withhold effort as much as possible.
Sensitive hĂŠmorrhoidal pain in rectum.
Unpleasant burning in rectum.
Soreness in rectum and anus while riding.
Hemorrhage from rectum ; in old women large quantities of blood discharged at once, with constipation and hypochondriasis.
Burning hĂŠmorrhoidal tumors.
Prolapsus recti, with burning.
Stool : normal, but imperative ; passed in a great hurry, with large quantities of flatus ; can scarcely reach the toilet.
Prolapsus recti, with intense burning of parts.
Constipation : delayed stools sometimes for several days, not infrequently with repeated ineffectual urging to stool.
Stools hard, as if burnt, in small knots, like sheep-dung, often covered with mucus, sometimes also enveloped by veinlets of blood.
Stools of mere mucus (mucous piles).
Passage of round worms from the anus.
Discharge of pieces of tape-worm.
Stools, in the beginning very hard and troublesome, followed by diarrhea.
Very pale, whitish stool.
Gray stools.
Green stools.
Clay-colored stools.
Stools with putrid, sour smell.
At the stools, cutting pains in the rectum.
Stools show diarrhea for several weeks, months, years.
Frequently repeated diarrhea, with cutting pains in the abdomen, lasting several days.
After stool, especially after a softer, more copious evacuation, great and sudden prostration.
Diarrhea soon weakening, that she cannot walk alone.
Painless and painful hĂŠmorrhoidal varices on the anus, in the rectum (blind piles).
Bleeding hĂŠmorrhoidal varices on the anus or in the rectum (running piles), especially during stools, after which the hemorrhoids often pain violently for a long time.
With bloody discharges in the anus or in the rectum, ebullition of blood through the body and short breathing.
Formication and itching formication in the rectum, with or without the discharge of ascarides.
Itching and erosion in the anus and the perineum.
Polypi in the rectum.
Cholera infantum : obstinate, which seemed to defy the best selected remedy.
Stool very thin and watery ; dirty, greenish, smelled like carrion.
Child very fretful, had no sleep for two days and nights.
Psorinum 4 cm., one dose.
In two hours child went to sleep, and in four hours was well, without a repetition. - W. A. Hawley.

Urinary Organs :
Involuntary urine, cannot hold it ; vesical paresis.
Enuresis : wets bed at night ; again during full moon ; obstinate cases.
Scanty urination nearly every half hour, with burning in urethra and in condylomata.
Urine : dark brown, with reddish sediment ; loaded with pus, frequent, scanty ; burning and cutting in urethra ; thick whitish ; turbid ; red deposit ; cuticle forms on surface ; profuse.
During micturition, anxiety, also at times prostration.
At times too much urine is discharged, succeeded by great weariness.
Painful retention of urine (with children and old people).
When he is chilled (feels cold through and through), he cannot urinate.
At times, owing to flatulence, she cannot urinate.
The urethra is constricted in parts, especially in the morning.
Pressure on the bladder, as if from an urging to urinate, immediately after drinking.
He cannot hold the urine for any length of time, it presses on the bladder, and passes off while he walks, sneezes, coughs or laughs.
Frequent micturition at night ; he has to get up frequently at night for that purpose.
Urine passes off in sleep involuntarily.
After urinating, the urine continues to drip out for a long time.
Whitish urine, with a sweetish smell and taste, passes off in excessive abundance, with prostration, emaciation and inextinguishable thirst (diabetes).
During urination, burning, also lancinating pains in the urethra and the neck of the bladder.
Urine of penetrating, sharp odor.
The urine quickly deposits a sediment.
The urine discharged is at once turbid like whey.
With the urine there is discharged from time to time a red sand (kidney grits).
Dark-yellow urine.
Brown urine.
Blackish urine.
Urine with blood particles, also at times complete HĂŠmaturia.

Male Sexual Organs :
Excessive, uncontrollable sexual instinct.
Aversion to coition ; impotence ; want of emission during coitus.
Absence of erections ; parts flabby, torpid.
Prostatic fluid discharged before urinating.
Drawing pains in testicles and spermatic cords.
Inflamed ulcer on glans, with swelling and heaviness of testicles.
After suppressed gonorrhea ; rheumatism, lameness, conjunctivitis, with granulations ; intense photophobia ; pain darting around through head ; other eye sensitive to light.
Chronic painless discharge from urethra, leaving yellow stain upon linen.
Gleet of twelve years' duration.
Seven large, moist, itching, occasionally burning condylomata on prepuce ; every night nocturnal enuresis ; during day must urinate nearly every half hour ; urination scanty and accompanied by burning in urethra and condylomata ; lips ulcerated, particularly at corners of mouth ; in several localities, but particularly in popliteal spaces, dry, herpetic eruption, not itching.
Sycotic excrescence on edges of prepuce, with itching and burning.
Boy, Êt. 7, suffering since birth ; right-sided inguinal hernia, about three inches of intestine descending to testicle through widely opened inguinal canal ; upon applying a bandage severe inflammation of tunica vaginalis occurred, which yielded to Pulsat., but returned every time bandage was applied ; child gradually grew miserable and thin and lost all appetite ; fever set in, and a large amount of water collected in tunica vaginalis ; as the case improved a painful, burning, itching excoriation with acrid discharge appeared upon inner surface of prepuce and upon corona glandis.
Hydrocele, caused by repeated inflammation, in consequence of pressure from a truss.
Discharge of prostatic fluid after urination, but especially after a difficult stool (also almost constant dripping of the same).
Nocturnal passage of semen, too frequent, one, two or three times a week, or even every night.
Nightly discharge of the genital fluid in women, with voluptuous dreams.
Nocturnal pollutions, even if not frequent, yet immediately attended with evil consequences.
Semen passes off almost involuntarily in daytime, with little excitation, often even without erection.
Erections very frequent, long continuing, very painful, without pollutions.
The semen is not discharged, even during a long continued coition and with a proper erection, but it passes off afterwards in nocturnal pollutions or with the urine.
Accumulation of water in the tunica vaginalis of the testicle (hydrocele).
There is never a complete erection, even with the most voluptuous excitement.
Painful twitches in muscles of the penis.
Itching of the scrotum, which is sometimes beset with pimples and scabs.
One or both of the testicles chronically swollen, or showing a knotty induration (Sarcocele).
Dwindling, diminution, disappearance of one or both testicles.
Induration and enlargement of the prostatic gland.
Drawing pain in the testicle and the spermatic chord.
Pain as from contusion in the testicle.
Lack of the sexual desire in both sexes, either frequent or constant.
Uncontrollable, insatiable lasciviousness, with a cachectic complexion and sickly body.
Sterility, impotence, without any original organic defect in the sexual parts.

Female Sexual Organs :
Left ovary indurated after a violent knock ; followed by itching eruption on body and face.
Knotty lump above right groin ; even a bandage hurts.
Pinching in pubic region in women.
Cutting in left loin ; cannot walk without assistance.
Menses delayed and scanty.
AmenorrhƓa : in psoric subjects when tetter is covered by thick scurfs ; with phthisis.
Dysmenorrhea near climaxis.
Menstrual disorders during climaxis.
Leucorrhea, large lumps, unbearable in odor ; violent pains in sacrum and right loin ; great debility.
Ulcers of the labia.
Disorders of the menstrual function ; the menses do not appear regularly on the twenty-eighth day after their last appearance, they do not come on without other ailments and not at once, and do not continue steadily for three or four days with a moderate quantity of healthy colored, mild blood, until on the fourth day it imperceptibly comes to an end without any disturbance of the general health of body and spirit ; nor are the menses continued to the forty-eighth or fiftieth year, nor do they cease gradually and without any troubles.
The menses are slow in setting in after the fifteenth year and later, or after appearing one or more times, they cease for several months and for years.
The menses do not keep their regular periods, they either come several days too early, sometimes every three weeks, or even every fortnight.
The menses flow only one day, only a few hours, or in imperceptibly small quantities.
The menses flow for five, six, eight and more days, but only intermittently, a little flow every six, twelve, twenty-four hours, and then they cease for half or whole days, before more is discharged.
The menses flow too strongly for weeks, or return almost daily (bloody flux).
Menses of watery blood or of brown clots of blood.
Menses of very fetid blood.
Menses accompanied with many ailments, swoons or (mostly stitching) headaches, or contractive, spasmodic, cutting pains in the abdomen and in the small of the back ; she is obliged to lie down, vomit, etc.
Polypi in the vagina.
Leucorrhea from the vagina, one or several days before, or soon after, the monthly flow of blood, or during the whole time from the one menstrual discharge to the other, with a diminution of the menses, or continuing solely instead of the menses ; the flow is like milk, or like white, or yellow mucus, or like acrid, or sometimes like fetid water.
Pelvic tumor, pronounced malignant by Dr. Macdonald ; after opening abdomen refused to remove it on account of adhesions ; urine loaded with pus ; stool involuntary and horribly offensive, nurses could not endure it.
Psor. 30 cured.
S. S. Moffatt.
A lady, 32, had severe fever, temperature from 103 to 105, attended with headache, backache and cramps in muscles of limbs, with severe abdominal and pelvic pains, the result of instrumental abortion.
As the acute symptoms passed off, there was a great fear and mental restlessness, which Aconite failed to relieve.
Each evening at 6, would become restless and break out in profuse icy cold sweat, continued all night, very exhausting, not > by external heat.
As evening approached, great fear of the oncoming cold sweat and icy chilliness.
With the cold copious sweat was a foul taste and very offensive odor.
Psorinum dmm., one dose dry on tongue >.

Parturition. Pregnancy. Lactation :
During pregnancy : fetus moves too violently ; abdomen tympanitic ; nausea ; vomiting ; obstinate cases.
MammÊ swollen, painful ; redness of nipples, burning around them.
Pimples itching violently, about nipples ; oozing a fluid.
Second month of pregnancy.
Mammary cancer.
Dwindling of the breasts, or excessive enlargement of the same, with retroceding nipples.
Erysipelas on one of the breasts (especially while nursing).
A hard, enlarging and indurating gland with lancinating pains in one of the mammĂŠ.
Itching, also moist ad scaly eruptions around the nipples.
Premature births.
During pregnancies great weariness, nausea, frequent vomiting, swoons, painful varicose veins on the thighs and the legs, and also at times on the labia, hysteric ailments of various kinds, etc.
Mrs. H. E. L., aged 56, had an attack of acute peritonitis two years ago, involving especially the right lower abdomen ; has never been well since, having persistent attacks of pain in right inguinal region, so severe that her attending physician always resorted to Morphine.
The concomitant symptoms were easily controlled, but on their disappearance the attacks of pain increased in frequency and violence. Physical examination revealed adhesive bands, which contracted the vagina, and involved the right broad ligament and right ovary, which was apparently firmly bound to the side of the pelvis. The pain was < by moving the limb ; walking ; standing erect ; lying on the painful side.
After attempting in vain for months to relieve the localized pain by the careful selection of a remedy, with only temporary relief, certain to be followed by a more severe relapse, in desperation Psorinum was given ; the pains disappeared and have never returned, notwithstanding the pathological diagnosis.
A lady, 32, had severe fever, temperature from 103 to 105, attended with headache, backache and cramps in muscles of limbs, with severe abdominal and pelvic pains, the result of instrumental abortion. As the acute symptoms passed off, there was great fear and mental restlessness, which Aconite failed to relieve.
Each evening at 6, would become restless and break out in profuse icy cold sweat, continued all night, very exhausting, not > by external heat. As evening approched, great fear of the on-coming cold sweat and icy chilliness. With the cold, copious sweat, was a foul taste and very offensive odor. Psorinum dmm., one dose dry on tongye >.

Voice and Larynx. Trachea and Bronchia :
Hoarseness ; when talking, phlegm sticks in larynx.
Talking is very fatiguing.
Voice weak, trembling.
Suffocative and crawling sensation in larynx, producing a paroxysmal, dry, hacking cough.
Tickling throat as if narrowing, must cough to relieve it.
For eleven years hay fever, coming on about 20th of August.
Hoarseness, after the least amount of speaking, she must vomit in order to clear her voice.
Hoarseness, also sometimes aphony (she cannot speak loud but must whisper), after a slight cold.
Constant hoarseness and aphony for years ; he cannot speak a loud word.
Suppuration of the larynx and the bronchia (laryngo-bronchial phthisis).
Hoarseness and catarrh very often, or almost constantly ; his chest is continually affected.
Cough : there is frequently an irritation and a crawling in the throat ; the cough torments him, until sweat breaks out upon the face (and upon the hands).

Respiration :
Short breath or want of breath.
Convalescents go out for a walk, instead of being invigorated return home in order to get breath or to lie down so they can breathe more easily, feel < instead of > from being in open air.
Chest expands with great difficulty ; cannot get breath.
Anxious dyspnƓa, with palpitation and pain in cardiac region.
DyspnƓa : < when sitting up to write, > when lying down, congestion to head after dinner, great despondency ; < the nearer arms are brought to body.
Must keep arms spread wide apart.
Asthma, as if he would die ; precursor of hydrothorax.
Stitches from behind forward, in chest and back, when breathing.
Want of breath in open air, must hurry.
Obstruction of the breath, with stitching pains in the chest at the slightest amount of walking, he cannot go a step farther (angina pectoris).
Asthma, merely when moving the arms, not while walking.
Attacks of suffocation especially after midnight ; the patient has to sit up, sometimes he has to leave his bed, stand stooping forward, leaning on his hands ; he has to open the windows, or get out into the open air, etc. ; he has palpitations ; these are followed by eructations or yawning, and the spasm terminates with or without coughing and expectoration.
Palpitation with anxiety, especially at night.
Asthma, loud, difficult, at times also sibilant respiration.
Shortness of breath.
Asthma, on moving, with or without cough.
Asthma, mostly while sitting down.
Asthma, spasmodic ; when she comes into the open air it takes her breath.
Asthma, in attacks, lasting several weeks.

Cough :
Cough : from tickling in larynx ; dry, hard, caused by tickling in trachea ; in evening with pains in chest and throat, passing off when she is quiet ; produced by talking ; with sensation of weakness in chest ; dry, with sensation of heaviness in chest ; dry, with soreness under sternum, with stitches in chest ; dry, with constricting pain in chest ; < mornings when awaking and evenings on lying down ; coughs a long time before expectorating ; periodic attacks ; chronic, spasmodic ; of twenty-five years duration.
Severe, dry cough with oppression of chest and pain as if everything in chest were raw and scratched ; fever in evening ; great depression of spirits, making life burdensome to him.
Cough, causing tearing from centre of chest to throat, all on right side ; cough < at night ; urine escapes when coughing.
An old, dull cough, palpitation and a fixed pain in chest disappear, the entire feeling is better, only the lower white of eye turns red and ulcers form on it, eye waters, without pain, with photophobia, > in fresh air.
Dry cough, pain in the chest for last three months, a constricting pressure at fourth and fifth ribs near sternum, excessive irritability and ill-humor.
Cough with expectoration ; asthma, thinks he will die.
Cough with expectoration of green mucus, nearly like matter ; especially in morning when waking and evening when lying down, with nausea ; it sticks firmly and he can only expectorate with difficulty.
Cough with salty-tasting, green and yellow expectoration ; oppression of chest ; gradual loss of strength ; after suppressed itch.
Expectoration : of blood with hot sensation in chest ; yellowish green.
Chronic blennorrhƓa of lungs, threatening phthisis.
Drinking causes cough.
Cough aggravates pain in liver and pain in chest extending to shoulder.
Cough ; frequent irritation and crawling in the throat ; the cough torments him, until perspiration breaks out on his face (and on his hands).
Cough, which does not abate until there is retching and vomiting, mostly in the morning or in the evening.
Cough, which terminates every time with sneezing.
Cough mostly in the evening after lying down and whenever the head lies low.
Cough, waking the patient up after the first brief sleep.
Cough, especially in the night.
Cough, worst after awaking in the morning.
Cough, worst after eating.
Cough, at once with every deep breath.
Cough, causing a sensation of soreness in the chest, or at times stitches in the side of the chest or the abdomen.
Dry cough.
Cough, with yellow expectoration resembling pus, with or without spitting of blood.
Cough, with excessive expectoration of mucus and sinking of the strength (mucous phthisis).
Attacks of spasmodic cough (whooping cough).

Inner Chest and Lungs :
Oppression : in chest ; anxious, every morning ; with cough.
Pressure on chest.
Burning pressing pain in chest.
Pain in chest, great anxiety by spells.
Constriction of chest when inhaling steam from fat.
Excruciating pains in chest.
Cutting as of knives in chest.
Feels as if everything were torn in chest.
Whole chest feels sore.
At times bruised, suppurative pain through whole chest, extending towards right shoulder and becoming fixed there ; < after frequent coughing ; after cold drinks.
Pain in chest, a if raw, as from subcutaneous ulceration.
Ulcerative pain in chest under sternum.
Stitches : in sternum, with backache ; from behind forward in chest and back when breathing ; in right side of chest when breathing ; in chest (left side).
Sharp pain, right side, opposite tenth rib.
Fixed pain in right side of chest.
Pains in right side of chest < from motion, laughing, coughing, with sweat.
Chest pains from coughing.
Pains in chest grow more severe two or three times a day, begin with chilliness and trembling, followed by heat one hour in duration ; great anxiety of heart and mind with fear of death, dyspnƓa and restlessness ; attacks pass off with sour, clammy sweat and chilliness ; sweat however occurs every night independent of attack.
Hot sensation in chest.
Tedious recovery in pneumonia.
Dull pressure in right side of chest, extending thence over whole chest, < bending forward in writing, not by motion or deep inspiration ; dry cough with expectoration of small lumps of mucus ; speaking affects him very much ; great prostration after preaching, so that he must rest a long time to recuperate ; voice is not husky, but it requires all his strength to get through with his work ; chest narrow, shoulders projecting.
Pain in chest comes by fits ; great anxiety ; a feeling of ulceration under sternum ; chest inflates only with much exertion ; coughs a long time before beginning to expectorate.
Phthisis pulmonalis.
Suppuration of lungs. Phthisis pulmonalis.
Chronic blennorrhƓa of lungs.
Chest symptoms > when lying down.
Violent, at times unbearable, stitches in the chest at every breath ; cough impossible for pain ; without inflammatory fever (spurious pleurisy).
Pain in the chest on walking, as if the chest was about to burst.
Pressive pain in the chest, at deep breathing or at sneezing.
Often a slightly constrictive pain in the chest, which, when it does not quickly pass, causes the deepest dejection.
Burning pain in the chest.
Frequent stitches in the chest, with or without cough.
Violent stitches in the side ; with great heat of the body, it is almost impossible to breathe, on account of stitches in the chest with hemoptysis and headache ; he is confined to his bed.
Rush of blood to the chest.

Heart, Pulse and Circulation :
Stitches in cardiac region, low gurgling extending towards heart, for a moment breathing is impossible.
Pain in heart > when lying down, thinks the stitches will kill him if they continue.
Gurgling (gluckern) in region of heart, particularly noticeable when lying.
Palpitation : with anxiety ; mental disquietude, dislike for work ; from coughing ; in those suffering from hepatic disorders.
DyspnƓa : with palpitation ; with pain in cardiac region.
Sounds of heart indistinct ; bellows' murmur with first sound.
Stenosis of left osteum venosum ; purring in region of apex ; cyanotic lips ; dyspnƓa and shortness of breath when walking in open air ; > lying down.
Rheumatic pericarditis ; pulse 144 ; skin dry ; pain in head and limbs, but more particularly in shoulder ; dyspnƓa, with pain in region of heart ; effusion, indistinct heart sounds ; bellows' murmur with first sound ; inability to lie down.
Pericarditis of psoric origin ; > lying quietly.
Pulse : weak, feeble ; irritable, indicating return of abscesses on neck.

Neck and Back :

Painful stiffness of neck, soreness and tearing on bending backward.
Glands of neck swollen on both sides, painful to touch, as if bruised ; pain extends to head.
Herpetic eruption on side of neck extending from cheek.
Nape of neck excoriated by discharge from eczema capitis.
Tearing and stitches between scapulĂŠ.
Weakness and pain in small of back ; < from motion.
Constant pressing pain in small of back, < from motion.
Excessive backache.
When breathing, frequent stitches from back toward chest.
Backache when walking, with stitches in sternum.
Severe backache, as if bruised, cannot straighten out.
Backache with constipation.
Backache after suppressed eruption.
Spina bifida.
In the small of the back, in the back and in the nape of the neck, drawing (tearing), tensive pains.
Lancinating, cutting, painful stiffness of the nape of the neck ; of the small of the back.
Pressive pains between the shoulder-blades.
Sensation of pressure upon the shoulders.

Upper Limbs :
Attacks of lameness and soreness in right shoulder, extending to hand.
Arms as if paralyzed and lame from shoulders to hands.
Tearing in arms.
Tetter on arm with small millet-like eruption exuding a yellow fluid ; itches intensely in heat.
Eruption in bends of elbows and around wrists.
Itchlike eruption on wrists with tearing in limbs.
Dry tetter on wrists with rheumatism in limbs.
Trembling of hands.
Swelling and tension of backs of hands and of fingers.
Malignant boil ; on hand a cone-shaped scab the size of a quarter of a dollar on a base as large again, bluish-red and strongly demarcated, where scab extends over ring there is another moist, white ring which forms a new scab ; much tension and burning.
Pustules on hands, near finger-ends suppurating.
Copper-colored eruption or red blisters on backs of hands.
Itching between fingers ; vesicles.
Herpes in palms of hands ; itching tetter.
Sweaty palms, especially at night.
Small warts size of pin's head on left hand.
Nails brittle.
Itch : in axillÊ ; bends of elbows ; arm ; forearm ; elbow and wrist ; hands ; finger joints.
Arthur D., aged 21, has had for two months a papular eruption on his hands, forearms, between his fingers, in the popliteal and elbow flexures, with intolerable itching ; bleeding and burning after scratching.
Great thirst for cold water in large quantities.
Itching < at night, when warm in bed ; sweats easily and profusely ; very weak and emaciated ; is anxious regarding his condition.
Psorinum cm., one dose, cured.
E. M., aged 8, a papular vesicular eruption over entire body, but < in the flexures of joints, on hands and wrists, and between fingers ; in palms, which resembled eczema ; the itching was intolerable ; scratched until it bled, which > itching, and he would sleep ; < at night on undressing and in bed ; night sweats without relief ; face sallow, pale ; tongue coated dirty white ; great thirst for cold water ; offensive odor from body.
Was attended with periostitis on right tibia, resulting in abscess.
After removal of sequestrum, under Psorinum, completely recovered.
M. V. had chronic eczema on legs, of twenty years' standing.
Had been treated by specialists, and spent months in various hospitals, with all kinds of external applications, without relief.
The front of left leg, from knee to ankle, covered with thick whitish crusts, and the skin drawn and wrinkled.
At the edges of the crusts the skin was red and irritable.
White bran-like scales shed in large quantities, during sleep, by scratching or rubbing the leg ; underlying surface red, angry looking, bleeding ; with intolerable itching.
Psorinum 200, one dose dry on tongue, effected a permanent cure.
Child, aged 3, had milk crusts since three months old ; was emaciated, with enlarged cervical glands, and a sickly, puny appearance ; the whole scalp was involved, and emitted an offensive odor.
The hair was matted, impossible to keep it clean ; bowels constipated, never moving without artificial aid.
Psorinum 200, one dose, produced severe <, then a permanent cure.

Lower Limbs :
Pain in hip-joints as if dislocated, < when walking, with weak arms.
Sciatic pains ; tension down to knee while walking.
Ischias : sciatica.
Paralysis of legs from suppression of eruption on arms.
Purpura on inner side of thigh.
Old itch eruption on inner side of thigh and in popliteal space.
Knees give way under him.
Dry herpes, especially in bend of knees.
Eruption about joints makes walking difficult, as if encased in armor.
Pain in knee caused by a fall a year ago.
Chronic gonitis.
Pains in legs, especially in tibiĂŠ and soles after too much exercise in walking, with a peculiar restlessness in legs, so that he frequently changes position, passing off after rising.
Oozing blisters on legs, from small pustules, increasing in size, with tearing pains.
Vesicles becoming ulcers, on feet.
Ulcers : on legs usually about tibiÊ and ankles or other joints ; ulcers are indolent, slow to heal ; on lower legs with intolerable itching over whole body ; on feet.
Large swelling about ankle.
For four or five weeks, feeling when walking as if left foot were pulled around inward ; < for last two weeks, so that he sometimes looked to see if it were really so.
Locomotor ataxia.
Feet go to sleep.
Eruption on insteps soon becoming thick, dirty, scaly, suppurating ; painful and itching at times, keeping him awake.
Heat and itching on soles.
Corns between second and third toes of left foot.
Gout in lower extremities.
Weakness in all the joints as if they would not hold together.
Trembling of hands and feet.
Hands and feet feel as if broken early in morning and after a little work.
Herpetic and itching eruption especially in bends of joints, in bends of elbows and in popliteal spaces.
Tearing in limbs ; in left knee and left axilla.
Chronic rheumatism in limbs, with a dry eruption on wrists.
Arthritis : rheumatism, especially in chronic forms.
For many weeks gouty pains, etc. ; dry cough ; constrictive pressure and cutting, tearing pain at sternum near fourth and fifth ribs ; greatest despondency and ill-humor.
Heat in hands and feet.
Hands moist, with cold, clammy sweat, the very touch of which was unpleasant ; profuse sweating of feet ; feet very painful, causing shuffling gait.
Caries ; rachitis.
In the limbs, drawing (tearing), tensive pains, partly in the muscles and partly in the joints (rheumatism).
In the periosteum, here and there, especially in the periosteum of the long bones, pressive-drawing pains.
Stitching pains in the fingers or toes.
Stitches in the heels and soles of the feet while standing.
Burning in the soles of the feet.
In the joints a sort of tearing like scraping on the bone, with a red, hot swelling which is painfully sensitive to the touch and to the air, with unbearably sensitive, peevish disposition (gout, podagra, chiragra, gout in the knees, etc.).
The joints of the fingers, swollen with pressive pains, painful when touching and bending them.
Thickening of the joints ; they remain hard swollen, and there is pain on bending them.
The joints, as it were, stiff, with painful, difficult motion, the ligaments seem too short.
Joints, painful on motion.
Joints crack on moving, or they make a snapping noise.
Numbness of the skin or of the muscles of certain parts and limbs.
Dying off of certain fingers or of the hands and feet.
Crawling or also pricking formication (as from the limbs going to sleep) in the arms, in the legs and in the other parts (even in the finger-tips).
A crawling or whirling, or an internally itching restlessness, especially in the lower limbs (in the evening in bed or early on awaking) ; they must be brought into another position every moment.
Varices, varicose veins in the lower limbs (varices on the pudenda), also on the arms (even with men), often with tearing pains in them (during storms), or with itching in the varies.
Erysipelas, partly in the face (with fever), partly in the limbs, on the breast while nursing, especially in a sore place (with a pricking and burning pain).
Whitlow, paronychia (sore finger with festering skin).
Chilblains (even when it is not winter) on the toes and fingers, itching, burning and lancinating pains.
Corns, which even without external pressure cause burning, lancinating pains.
Boils (furuncles), returning from time to time, especially on the nates, the thighs, the upper arms and the body.
Touching them causes fine stitches in them.
Ulcers on the thighs, especially, also upon the ankles and above them and on the lower part of the calves, with itching, gnawing, tickling around the borders, and a gnawing pain as from salt on the base of the ulcer itself ; the parts surrounding are of brown and bluish color, with varices near the ulcers, which, during storms and rains, often cause tearing pains, especially at night, often accompanied with erysipelas after vexation or fright, or attended with cramps in the calves.
Tumefaction and suppuration of the humerus, the femur, the patella, also of the bones of the fingers and toes (spina ventosa).
Thickening and stiffening of the joints.
Eruptions, either arising from time to time and passing away again ; some voluptuously itching pustules, especially on the fingers or other parts, which, after scratching, burn and have the greatest similarity to the original itch-eruption ; or nettle-rash, like stings and water-blisters, mostly with burning pain ; or pimples without pain in the face, the chest, the back, the arms and the thighs ; or herpes in fine miliary grains, closely pressed together into round, larger or smaller spots of mostly reddish color, sometimes dry, sometimes moist, with itching, similar to the eruption of itch and with burning after rubbing them.
They continually extend further to the circumference with redness, while the middle seems to become free from the eruption and covered with smooth, shining skin (herpes circinatus).
The moist herpes on the legs are called salt rheum ; or crusts raised above the surrounding skin, round in form, with deep-red, painless borders, with frequent violent stitches on the parts of the skin not yet affected ; or small, round spots on the skin, covered with bran-like, dry scales, which often peel off and are again renewed without sensation ; or red spots on the skin, which feel dry, with burning pain ; somewhat raised above the rest of the skin.
Freckles, small and round, brown or brownish spots in the face, on the hands and on the chest, without sensation.
Liver spots, large brownish spots which often cover whole limbs, the arms, the neck, the chest, etc., without sensation or with itching.
Yellowness of the skin, yellow spots of a like nature around the eyes, the mouth, on the neck, etc., without sensibility.
Warts on the face, the lower arm, the hands, etc.
Encysted tumors (wens) in the skin, the cellular tissue beneath it, or in the bursĂŠ mucosĂŠ of the tendons (exostosis), of various forms and sizes, cold without sensibility.
Glandular swellings around the neck, in the groin, in the bend of the points, the bend of the elbow, of the knee, in the axillĂŠ, also in the breasts.
Watery swelling, either of the feet alone, or in one foot, or in the hands, or the face, or the abdomen, or the scrotum, etc., alone, or again cutaneous swelling over the whole body (dropsies).
Attacks of sudden heaviness of the arms and legs.
Attacks of paralytic weakness and paralytic lassitude of the one arm, the one hand, the one leg, without pain, either arising suddenly and passing quickly, or commencing gradually and constantly increasing.
Sudden bending of the knees.
Children fall easily, without any visible cause.
Also similar attacks of weakness with adults, in the legs, so that in walking one foot glides this way and the other that way, etc.
While walking in the open air sudden attacks of faintness, especially in the legs.
While sitting the patient feels intolerably weary, but stronger while walking.
The predisposition to spraining and straining the joints at a misstep, or a wrong grasp, increases at times even to dislocation ; e. g., in the tarsus, the shoulder-joint, etc.
The snapping and crackling of the joints at any motion of the limb increases with a disagreeable sensation.
The going to sleep of the limbs increases and follows on slight causes ; e. g., in supporting the head with the arm, crossing the legs while sitting, etc.
The painful cramps in some of the muscles increase and come on without appreciable cause.
Slow, spasmodic straining of the flexor muscles of the limbs.
Sudden jerks of some muscles and limbs even while walking ; e. g., of the tongue, the lips, the muscles of the face, of the pharynx, of the eyes, of the jaws, of the hands and of the feet.
Tonic shortening of the flexor muscles (tetanus).
Involuntary turning and twisting of the head, or the limbs, with full consciousness (St. Vitus' Dance).
Sudden fainting spells and sinking of the strength, with loss of consciousness.
Attacks of tremor in the limbs, without anxiety.
Continuous, constant trembling, also in some cases beating with the hands, the arms, the legs.
Attacks of loss of consciousness, lasting a moment or a minute, with an inclination of the head to the one shoulder, with or without jerks of one part or the other of the body.
Almost constant yawning, stretching and straining of the limbs.
Increasing susceptibility of straining a joint, even by a very slight muscular effort, by light mechanical labor, on stretching the arms above the head for the purpose of reaching something elevated, on lifting light things, on turning the body quickly, on rolling something, etc.
Thus, often slight, straining or extending the muscles sometimes induces the most violent diseases, swoons, hysterics, complaints of all degrees, fevers, hemoptysis, etc., whereas a person that is not affected with psora is able to lift any burdens he pleases, without any inconvenience.

Rest. Position. Motion :
Sitting aggravates dyspnƓa (asthma) and pain in heart ; these and other ailments are > while lying down.
Many ailments are < or come on when riding in a carriage, and when exercising in open air, and > by rest and in room.
Rest : stitches in spleen.
Lying down : waterbrash ; cough < ; chest symptoms > ; pain in heart > ; gurgling in region of heart ; pericarditis better.
Lies in same position in morning as when he fell asleep.
Lies on face : inflammation of eyes.
Lying on right side : pain in region of liver <.
Must lie down : dizziness ; to breathe more easily.
Cannot lie down : rheumatic pericarditis.
Cannot straighten out : backache.
Changes position : restlessness in legs.
Sitting up to write : dyspnƓa <.
The nearer arms are brought to body, dyspnƓa <.
Bending forward : pressure in chest <.
Bending backward : painful stiffness of neck.
Stooping : tough mucus in nose ; lumps in groin prevent.
Had to rise at night to collect his senses.
Getting up : waterbrash >.
Standing : stitches in spleen >.
Morning : stitches in spleen < ; pain in chest < ; does not < pressure in chest ; pains in small of back <.
Exertion : causes perspiration ; eczematous eruption ; urticaria.
Slightest exercise : profuse perspiration.
Walking : pain in region of liver hinders ; pain through groin ; cannot walk without assistance ; cutting in left loin : shortness of breath in open air ; backache ; pain in hip joints < ; tension to knees ; difficult, eruptions above joints, as if left foot were pulled around inward ; profuse sweat with debility.

Nerves :
Nervous, restless, easily startled.
Subsultus tendinum.
Malaise : feels tired out.
Constantly tired and sleepy ; very little labor exhausts him ; exhausted after riding in a wagon.
Looks pale, exhausted and thinner than usual.
Very weak and miserable after suppressed itch.
Weakness ; of all the joints of the body as if they would not hold together.
Loss of strength, with cough, with oppression of chest.
Trembling and chilliness, with attacks of pain in chest.
Stormy weather affects him.
Debility : independent of any organic disease ; loss of appetite ; tendency to perspiration on exertion and at night ; after acute diseases ; after protracted diseases of loss of fluids ; after typhus, with despair of recovery ; thinks he is very ill when he is not ; appetite will not return ; in the evil consequence of suppressed itch, especially after large doses of sulphur.
After typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia. (Kali c. after parturition or abortion).
Constantly increasing debility, with abdominal affections.
A man, Êt. 21, was obliged to run until nearly exhausted ; although strong and well before, he now became weak, perspiring easily and had severe pain in right side, < by coughing, laughing, motion.
Frequent attacks of epilepsy ; religious melancholy (improved).
Epilepsies of various kinds.
Burning pains on the whole right side of body ; felt as if the right side of the head and right eye would burst, was painful and swollen.
Mr. C., 43, spare, dark. Hypochondriacal. Nervous for nine months. Had to give up business. Took much quinine and many other drugs, without >, Complains of every disagreeable feeling about the head, great mental depression ; thinks he will never recover ; hopeless and despondent. Cannot apply his mind to business. Seems confused ; cannot reckon. Numbness of legs and arms < on left side ; < going to bed, formication and crawling, with pricking and smarting on scalp and on extremities. Tongue coated white. After three months' treatment remained stationary. It was then ascertained that he sweated very easily on least exertion, and somewhat at night, with great loss of memory. Psorinum 400 soon caused marked improvement and enabled him to return to business. - J. B. Bell.

Sleep :
Sleepy by day ; sleepless at night, from intolerable itching ; dyspnƓa ; congestion to head.
Sleepless after 12 P. M., from congestion to head.
Child apparently well, but at night would twist and turn and fret from bedtime till morning and next day be as lively as ever.
Sick babies will not sleep at night, but worry and fret and cry. (See Jalapa.).
Dreams : anxious ; vivid, continue after waking ; of robbers, danger, travelling, etc.
On waking : cannot get rid of the one persistent idea.
In morning lies in same position as when he fell asleep.
Night-mare ; he usually suddenly awakes at night from a frightful dream, but cannot move, nor call, nor speak, and when he endeavors to move, he suffers intolerable pain, as if he were being torn to pieces.
Sleepiness during the day, often immediately after sitting down, especially after meals.
Difficulty in falling asleep, when abed in the evening ; he often lies awakes for hours.
He passes the nights in a mere slumber.
Sleeplessness from anxious heat, every night, an anxiety which sometimes rises so high that he must get up from his bed and walk about.
After three o'clock in the morning, no sleep, or at least no sound sleep.
As soon as he closes his eyes, all manner of fantastic appearances and distorted faces appear.
In going to sleep, she is disquieted by strange, anxious fancies ; she has to get up and walk about.
Very vivid dreams, as if awake ; or sad, frightful, anxious, vexing, lascivious dreams.
Loud talking, screaming, during sleep.
Somnambulism ; he rises up at night, while sleeping with closed eyes, and attends to various duties ; he performs even dangerous feats with ease, without knowing anything about them when awake.
Attacks of suffocation while sleeping (nightmare).
Early on awaking, dizzy, indolent, unrefreshed, as if he had not done sleeping and more tired than in the evening, when he lay down ; it takes him several hours (and only after rising) before he can recover from his weariness.
After a very restless night he often has more strength in the morning, than after a quiet sound sleep.
Various sorts of severe pains at night, or nocturnal thirst, dryness of the throat, of the mouth, or frequent urinating at night.

Time :
Aggravations in the evening and before midnight.
Morning : left half of head stupid ; vertigo ; when rising, forcing outward in head ; headache < ; eyes slightly agglutinated ; ciliary blepharitis < ; nausea towards stools ; early, diarrhea ; when rising, diarrhea ; cough < when awaking ; hands and feet, as if broken.
Forenoon : dull.
Day : ciliary blepharitis worse ; nausea and vomiting ; sleepy.
Evening : fever ; eyes feel tired ; itching in ear < ; vomiting ; cough ; chilliness in upper arm and thighs, as if he should lose his senses ; heat, with delirium, itching and heat in eyes.
Night : feels dull, stupid ; dropping from posterior nares awakens him ; toothache < ; stools < ; stools only ; diarrhea ; nervous, restless ; awakens as if frightened ; wets bed ; cough < ; sweaty palms ; perspiration ; sleepless ; child twists, turns and frets ; heat ; terrible itching of whole body ; screaming.

Temperature and Weather :
Great sensitiveness to cold air or change of weather, wears a fur cap, overcoat or shawl, even in hottest summer weather.
Aggravation from sudden changes of weather.
Feels a restlessness in his blood days before and during a thunderstorm.
Cough : returns every winter.
Air : nose sensitive when inhaling.
Open air : when walking, photophobia ; taste > ; feels < ; cough > ; shortness of breath ; itching >.
Averse to having head uncovered.
While in bed : itching of body.
Warmth : toothache > ; of body causes itching ; intolerable itching.
Warm food : inflamed mouth <.
Summer : cholera infantum ; dry scaly eruption disappeared.
Cold : toothache < ; drinks, < pain in chest ; weather, dry scaly eruption returned.
Change of weather : headache caused and made < ; diarrhea.
Washing : > pressure in head.
Increasing susceptibility to colds, either of the whole body (often even from repeatedly wetting the hands, now with warm water, then with cold, as in washing clothes), or only susceptibility of certain parts of the body, of the head, the neck, the chest, the abdomen, the feet, etc., often in a moderate or slight draft, or after slightly moistening these parts ; even from being in a cooler room, in a rainy atmosphere, or with a low barometer.
So-called weather prophets ; i. e., renewed severe pain in parts of the body which were formerly injured, wounded, or broken, though they have since been healed and cicatrized ; this renewed pain sets in, when great changes of the weather, great cold, or a storm are imminent, or when a thunderstorm is in the air.

Fever :
Chilliness in evening on upper arms and thighs, with thirst ; drinking causes cough, then heat and cough, with oppression of chest ; and trembling, with attack of pain in chest.
The more intense the pain the more he sweats.
Internal shivering, creeping chills and icy-cold feet.
Heat : at night and dryness in mouth ; in afternoon or evening, feels as if he would lose his senses, with thirst ; in evening, with delirium, great thirst, followed by profuse sweat ; when riding in a carriage ; sudden over whole body, with trickling perspiration all over face.
Sweat easily, weak. Sweats : profuse ; cold, clammy from least exertion ; profuse when taking slightest exercise ; when walking ; at night ; on face, palms of hands and perineum when moving about ; profuse sour, clammy, with faint oppression of chest after chill and heat ; after typhus ; colliquative.
Sweat : profuse at 3 A. M.
When taking a walk profuse sweat with consequent debility, taking cold easily.
Sweat at night > headache.
Profuse sweating relieves all the complaints ; chronic diseases. (Calad.).
Profuse night sweats of phthisis.
Want of perspiration ; dry skin.
Typhus : picks bedclothes, reaches for objects in air ; profound debility.
After ague color of face worse.
Painful sensation of cold in various parts.
Burning pains in various parts (frequently without any change in the usual external bodily temperature).
Coldness, repeated or constant of the whole body, or of the one side of the body ; so also of single parts, cold hands, cold feet which frequently will not get warm in bed.
Chilliness, constant, even without any change in the external bodily temperature.
Frequent flushes of heat, especially in the face, more frequently with redness than without ; sudden, violent sensation of heat during rest, or in slight motion, sometimes even from speaking, with or without perspiration breaking out.
Warm air in the room or at church is exceedingly repugnant to her, makes her restless, causes her to move about (at times with a pressure in the head, over the eyes, not infrequently alleviated by epistaxis).
Rushes of blood, also at times a sensation of throbbing in all the arteries (while he often looks quite pale, with a feeling of prostration throughout the body).
Perspiration comes too easily from slight motion ; even while sitting, he is attacked with perspiration all over, or merely on some parts ; e. g., almost constant perspiration of the hands and feet, so also strong perspiration in the axillÊ and around the pudenda.
Daily morning sweats, often causing the patient to drip, this for many years, often with sour or pungent sour smell.
One-sided perspiration, only on one side of the body, or only on the upper part of the body, or only on the lower part.
Intermittent fever, even when there are no cases about, either sporadic or epidemic, or endemic ; the form, duration and type of the fever are very various ; quotidian, tertian, quartan, quintan or every seven days.
Every evening, chills with blue nails.
Every evening, single chills.
Every evening, heat, with rush of blood to the head, with red cheeks, also at times an intervening chill.
Intermittent fever of several week's duration, followed by a moist itching eruption lasting several weeks, but which is healed again during a like period of intermittent fever, and alternating thus for years.
The more intense the pain, the more profuse he sweats (Tilia).
Perspiration, cold and hot alternately, appeared about 3 A. M.

Attacks, Periodicity :
Every other day ; headache, thirst, cold.
Nearly every half hour : urination.
Two or three times a day ; pains in chest grow severe.
At 1 A. M. : sensation as of a heavy blow of forehead, diarrhea.
Immediately after dinner : congestion of blood to head.
Every morning at ten : oppression.
Every afternoon : great anxiety.
Every day, from 5 A. M. until 5 P. M. ; anguish in head.
Every night : nocturnal enuresis ; sweat.
Day before headache : inordinate appetite.
For three or four days : constipation.
During full moon : wets bed.
For four or five weeks ; feeling when walking as if left foot were pulled around inward.
Nine months : has been nervous.
For four years : discharge from ear.
For eleven years on 20th of August : hay fever.
Twelve years' duration : gleet.
For twenty-five years : cough.

Locality and Direction :
Right : pressure in side of occiput ; large brown scab on eye ; eye inflamed ; ear a mass of crusts ; eczema behind ear cured deafness ; stinging in nostril ; soreness of jaw ; burning in cheek ; ulcer on side of throat ; pain through groin ; lumps in groin ; inguinal hernia ; knotty lump over groin ; violent pain in loin ; tearing in side from cough ; pain extending to shoulder ; stitches in side of chest ; sharp pain opposite tenth rib ; fixed pain in side of chest ; dull pressure in chest ; lameness and soreness in shoulder ; small vesicles behind ear.
Left : half of head stupid ; pains in temple ; numbness of arm and leg ; pressing headache < ; pain over eye ; spots on frontal region much whiter than surrounding skin ; discharge from ear ; pustules behind ear ; ovary indurated after violent knock ; cutting in loin ; stitches in chest ; stenosis of osteum venosum ; small warts on hand ; as if foot was pulled inward ; corns between toes ; tearing in knee ; in axillÊ.
From right to left : pain in occiput ; ciliary blepharitis.
From left to right ; pain in eyes.
From within outward : as of hammers striking head.
From behind forward : stitches in chest.

Sensations :
As if stupid in left half of head ; eyes as if pressed outward ; as if brain had not room enough in forehead ; as if brain would protrude ; back of head as if sprained ; right side of occiput as if luxated ; as if piece of wood were lying across back of head ; as if head were separated from body ; as of a foreign body under eyelid ; as if sand were in eyes ; as if heard with ears not his own ; cheek bones as if ulcerated ; condyle of jaw as if lame ; tongue as if burnt ; teeth as if glued together ; as if a plug in throat ; as if intestines were hanging down ; as if frightened ; throat as if narrowing ; asthma as if he would die ; as if everything in chest were raw and scratched ; as if everything were torn in chest ; glands of neck as if bruised ; back as if bruised ; arms as if paralyzed ; hip joint as if ulcerated ; joints as if encased in armor ; as if left foot were pulled around inward ; as if joints would not hold together ; hands and feet as if broken ; as if he would lose his senses.
Pain : in left temple ; in chest ; over left eye to right, in back of head ; over eyebrows ; down nose ; in liver ; in cheek bones ; in condyle of jaw ; in throat ; in chest extending to shoulder ; in small of back ; in abdomen ; through right groin ; in rectum ; in cardiac region ; in chest and throat ; in heart ; in head and limbs ; in hip joint ; in knee ; in legs.
Excruciating pains : in chest.
Intense pain : in head.
Violent pains : in sacrum and right loin.
Severe pain : in left ear ; in limbs.
Sharp pain : right side opposite tenth rib.
Anguish : in head.
Cutting, tearing pain : in throat.
Cutting pains : in intestines ; in urethra, in loin.
Tearing : from centre of chest to throat ; in neck ; between scapulÊ ; in arms ; in limbs ; in legs ; in left knee and left axilla.
Cutting : in chest.
Stitches : in heart ; in eyes ; in teeth ; in spleen ; in chest and back ; in sternum ; in right side of chest ; in cardiac region ; between scapulÊ ; from back towards chest.
Stitching pain : in pit of stomach ; in region of liver.
Throbbing : in brain.
Fixed pain : right side of chest.
Griping pains : about navel.
Cramps : in stomach.
Cramplike contractive pain : in head.
Ulcerative pain : in chest under sternum.
Suppurative pain : through whole chest.
Pinching pain : in pubic region.
Constricting pain : in chest.
Boring : in right nostril.
Digging : in forehead.
Drawing : in forehead ; in testicles and spermatic cords.
Pressing pain : in small spots in forehead and temples ; in eyes ; in region of liver ; in small of back.
Sore pain : behind ears.
Burning pressing pain ; in chest.
Stinging : in right nostril ; in teeth ; in region of liver and spleen ; in inguinal glands ; in many parts of skin.
Burning of eyes ; in nose ; of face ; in right cheek ; of blisters on inside of lower lip ; of throat ; in fauces ; in rectum ; in urethra ; in condylomata ; of excrescences on prepuce ; around nipples.
Smarting : on scalp.
Soreness : of eyes ; of stomach ; behind ears ; of external ear ; of nose ; of jaw ; of teeth ; of mouth ; in rectum and anus ; under sternum ; of whole chest ; in neck ; in right shoulder.
Rawness : behind ears.
Hot sensation : in chest.
Pricking : on scalp.
Heat : of eyes ; of hands and feet.
Rheumatism : in limbs.
Constricting pressure : at fourth and fifth ribs near sternum ; at sternum.
Constriction : of throat and chest.
Pressure : in right side of occiput ; in right zygoma ; on chest ; in right side of chest.
Heaviness : of head ; of testicles ; in chest.
Tension : in right zygoma ; in throat ; of hands and of fingers ; of boil on hand ; down to knees.
Fullness : in head ; in vertex.
Oppression : of chest ; of stomach.
Singing : in forehead.
Tired feeling : in eyes.
Dullness : of head.
Painful stiffness : of neck.
Lameness : of shoulders and arms.
Numbness : of legs and arms.
Weakness : in forehead ; of stomach ; in chest ; in small of back ; in joints.
Trembling : of hands ; of feet.
Restlessness : in legs.
Dryness : of tongue ; of mouth ; of throat.
Tickling : in throat ; in larynx ; in trachea.
Crawling : on scalp ; in larynx.
Formication : on scalp ; in head.
Itching : eruption on head ; in canthi ; in ears ; of external ear ; of pimples of cheeks ; of excrescence on prepuce ; of pimples around nipples ; of tetter on arm ; of body in bed ; between fingers ; tetter on palms ; intolerable over whole body ; of eruption on instep ; on soles ; inner angles of eyes ; condylomata ; of herpes.
Disagreeable sensation of dryness over the whole body (also in the face, around and in the mouth, in the throat or in the nose, although the breath passes freely through it).

Tissues :
Thinner than usual, pale, exhausted.
Great emaciation, in children ; they are pale, delicate, sickly, will not sleep day or night, but worry, fret and cry, or child is good, plays all day, is restless, troublesome, screaming all night.
Glandular swellings with eruption on head.
All excretions, diarrhea, leucorrhea, menstrual flow and perspiration, have a carrion-like odor.
Body has a filthy smell even after a bath.
Whole body painful, easily sprains and hurts himself.
Rheumatism and arthritis.
Deeply penetrating ichorous ulcers.
Caries ; rachitis, dropsy.
The joints are easily sprained or strained.
Increasing disposition to strains and to overlift oneself even at a very slight exertion of the muscles, even in slight mechanical work, in reaching out or stretching for something high up, in lifting things that are not heavy, in quick turns of the body, pushing, etc.
Such a tension or stretching of the muscles often then occasions long confinement to the bed, swoons, all grades of hysterical troubles, fever, hemoptysis, etc., while persons who are not psoric lift such burdens as their muscles are able to, without the slightest after effects.
The joints are easily sprained at any false movement.
In the joint of the foot there is pain on treading, as if it would break.
Softening of the bones, curvature of the spine (deformity, hunch-back), curvature of the long bones of the thighs and legs (morbus anglicus, rickets).
Fragility of the bones.

Touch. Passive Motion. Injuries :
Touch : stomach sensitive ; lingual glands sore ; teeth < ; vesicles sore.
Pressure : stomach sensitive ; pain in region of liver < ; from a truss ; inflammation.
Bandage : caused inflammation of tunica vaginalia.
Rubbing : causes small vesicles to arise.
Riding : pain in abdomen : griping and desire for stool ; soreness in rectum and anus ; in a wagon, exhausted ; sweat.
Violent knock : left ovary indurated.
Fall : caused pain in knee.
Painful sensitiveness of the skin, the muscles and of the periosteum on a moderate pressure.
Intolerable pain in the skin (or in the muscles, or in the periosteum) of some part of the body from a slight movement of the same or of a more distant part ; e. g., from writing there arise a pain in the shoulder or in the side of the neck, etc., while sawing or performing other hard labor with the same hand causes no pain ; a similar pain in the adjacent parts, from speaking and moving the mouth ; pain in the lips and in the back at a slight touch.

Skin :
Abnormal tendency to receive skin diseases.
Large suppurating pustules on hands, particularly near ends of fingers ; had eight or ten within a few weeks, itching of body particularly while in bed.
Skin inactive ; want of perspiration.
Itching : when body becomes warm ; and stinging in many parts at same time ; intolerable, < in bed and from warmth ; scratches until it bleeds ; over whole body, when rubbed, small papules and vesicles arise ; between fingers ; in knee joints ; in bends of knees ; terrible, of whole body at night, preventing sleep.
A girl, Êt. 18, sallow complexion but cleanly appearance ; constant irritation of the different parts of body, day and night, compelling her to scratch ; numerous podiculi corporis cling to neck, back and shoulders ; menstruation had never occurred ; anxious, depressed and tearful ; inner angles of eyes filled with gummy mucus, heat and itching in them, in evening ; corners of mouth sore.
Skin has a dirty, dingy look, as if patient never washed ; in some places looks coarse as if bathed in oil ; sebaceous glands secrete in excess ; body always smells dirty.
Skin dirty, greasy looking, with yellow blotches here and there.
Severe pains in limbs and dark, burning spots, so that skin of whole body except face resembled that of a mulatto ; itch had been suppressed five times.
Scaly condition of skin of whole body ; skin has a dirty, tawny color, although carefully kept ; much itching causing desire to scratch, which gave but temporary relief ; some months back instep showed signs of eruption, which soon became a thick, dirty-looking mass of scales and pus, painful and violently itching ; at times pain kept her awake at night ; disease of at least a dozen years' standing.
Rash on back and neck.
Urticaria with eruptions on head.
Fine, red eruption, forming small white scales.
Dry and scaly eruption, with little pointed vesicles around reddened edges, disappearing during summer, but reappearing when cold weather comes on.
Eczematous eruption after any severe exertion, accompanied by sensation of tension and swelling on fingers, dorsum of hands, nape of neck and towards ears ; slightly elevated blotches upon an erysipelatous, swollen, hard base ; eruption of numberless small vesicles ; face in several places affected ; eyelids swollen ; intolerable itching, disturbing sleep ; fingers so swollen that they cannot be flexed ; after several days desquamation in very fine scales occurred.
Eczema behind ears, on scalp and in bends of elbows and armpits, accompanied by abscesses affecting bones ; nothing relieved, but the eruption disappeared, to reappear again, years after, on wrists ; there was then a patch on each wrist as large as a half dollar, with intense itching, preventing sleep, with constant desire to scratch.
Eruption of small vesicles, quickly filling with a yellow lymph, painful, like sores, to touch, drying up after a few days, on forehead and several places on face, also behind right ear.
Moist herpes after suppressed scabies ; intolerable itching when getting warm ; < before midnight and in open air.
Herpes : with itching and burning ; with biting-itching, with meal-dust, humid.
Herpetic eruptions.
On face, hand and back, also on legs, an itchlike eruption appears and the eyes agglutinate so that they cannot be opened.
Itch : dry on arms and chest, most severe on finger joints ; followed by boils ; inveterate cases with symptoms of tuberculosis ; in recent cases, with eruptions in bend of elbows and around wrists ; repeated outbreak of single pustules after main eruption seems all gone.
After suppressed itch : urticaria in attacks, after every exertion ; tuberculosis ; single pustules often appear.
Consequences of itch suppressed by sulphur ointment.
Psoriasis ; psoriasis syphilitica.
Copper-colored pustules, no itching.
Pustules on forehead, chin and chest.
Pustules or boils on head, particularly on scalp ; scalp had a dirty look and emitted an offensive odor ; fine, red eruption, forming small white scales ; pustules on hands.
Burning itching pustule after vaccination.
Eruptions bleed easily and constantly tend to suppurate.
Crusty eruptions all over body.
Crusta serpiginosa.
Retrocession of eruption.
Ulcers : deep, penetrating, ichorous ; on face and legs ; old, with fetid pus ; violently itching ; scrofulous, with swelling of bones.
Moist, itching condylomata.
Suppressed eruptions.
Dryness of the (scarf) skin either on the whole body with inability to perspire through motion and heat, or only in some parts.
Sensation of dryness over the whole body, also in the face, at the mouth and in the mouth, in the throat or in the nose, although the air passes freely (especially upon the hands, the external side of the arms and legs, and even in the face ; the skin is dry, rough, parching, feels chapped, often scaly like bran).
Eczema : something more than a year since a young lady came under my observation who had one of the worst cases I ever saw. At 15 years I remember her as attractive and brilliant, with a fine head of hair and one of the most perfect complexions, or skins, I ever saw. Upon questioning her I learned : Family history negative. Had been in every way in perfect health. At 14 years was vaccinated, "worked" well, six months later attended a school exhibition one very cold night in winter and face was considerably exposed. Next morning awakened, face grealty swollen, intensely red, almost unbearable itching. Eyes suffused and injected, ears double their normal size. Very little constitutional disturbance. Called an allopathic physician who employed local and internal measures with little immediate result. Soon papules were formed, many of which became vesicular and not a few pustular ; discharge of thick, dirty fluid which stained and stiffened linen. Hair was cut close and "locals" applied here also. Week after week she had slight improvements and aggravations. She was of strong allopathic faith, yet after three years of arsenic, potash, cathartics, zinc and a dozen other local applications she sought homeopathic treatment. Appeared to improve for a time, then as bad as ever, and finally returned to allopathy ; finding no relief, employed some patent remedies with apparent transitory improvement. She was now, at the time I saw her, taking nothing at all, had suffered for six years, and was still as bad as ever, or even slightly worse. I found her in mind, though naturally bright and cheerful, very despondent, with even suicidal thoughts, complete despair of recovery. Hair dry and without lustre, eyes somewhat suffused and injected, which condition attends a sort of incipient asthmatic affection, making its appearance each fall ; some hoarseness. Face, neck and much of body was coarse, rough and of a dirty brown color. Does not perspire at all. Eruption behaves much the same as at first and above described, itching intolerably, better by gentle scratching which is continued until it bleeds. Between points of eruption skin is much indurated. Eruption surrounded by bluish circle ; pruritus worse at night, when undressing, and by warmth of bed. Desquamation is so great that the sheet was each morning shaken and scales swept away. I went to work with a faint heart, feeling that I was somewhat lacking in uncommon and peculiar symptoms. I prescribed Psorinum 200 (B. & T.), a powder each night dry on tongue, for a week.
Eruption in bends of elbows and knees ; dry, scaly and small pointed vesicles around the reddened joints ; disappeared entirely in summer and reappeared when cold weather set in ; violent itching < by warmth of bed or by scratching. Psorinum 42 m., two doses, at six weeks intervals, cured. No return the following winter.
A teething baby, nine months old, had eczema, beginning at outer angle of right eye and spreading over entire face. First a raised inflamed base of a tawny red, then scattered pustules which coalesced to form large crusts, from which oozed an oily, yellow, viscid discharge, cracks upon ears with a similar discharge. Graphites cm. was given without result ; then Sulphur, but the eruption spread until the cheeks were a mass of crusts. It then appeared on back and arm and one leg, and here gave off fine bran-like scales. The scalp soon became involved and covered with crusts a quarter of an inch thick. Psorinum cm., one dose, which < for a week, then improvement began and went on to a perfect cure ; notwithstanding the eruption of three teeth.
A man, aged 80, suffered with eczema since 18 years old, which appeared soon after vaccination. A very troublesome cough had annoyed him for months, for which I was called to attend him.
Cough < at night, on lying down and on rising in the morning. Coughs long before expectorating. Sputa yellowish, salty, puriform. Sensation of pressure on chest ; requires great effort to expand lungs. Chest painful, < after coughing ; mucous rales over both lungs. Loss of appetite. Eczema always < in winter ; intense itching < nights. The eczema had been suppressed by local treatment, and cough developed. Psorinum cm. Within 48 hours cough and chest symptoms improved, but the eczema reappeared over the body, with intense itching. Improving in health, but still has some eczema which gives him little trouble. - Chapman.
Mrs. M., aged 72, tissues enormously distended with dropsy, unable to lie down for nine weeks from dyspnƓa. Legs from ankles to crest of ilium and arms from wrist to elbows covered with a dirty, scaly eruption, itching violently < at night, could not avoid scratching, which gave no relief until it caused bleeding. All forms of external applications had been used in a vain effort to suppress the eruption. Psorinum 52m. one powder in four teaspoonfuls of water, given in four doses, half hour intervals, and six powders of placebo, one each night, gave prompt relief, and the patient was able to walk in two weeks. One week later another dose was required, as there was a slight return of the eruption on the ankles ; this completed the cure. - Hawley.
Eczema Rubrum : Mrs. G., aged 71, face red and swollen, almost erysipelatous in appearance. Heat of fire caused torture when it touched her face ; always sits with her back to the fire. Cold air > bathing <, must dry face with great care. Burning and itching intolerable ; cannot sleep ; sits all night by an open window gently rubbing face with a handkerchief. Scratching increases burning and itching ; mental excitement, of which she has much, greatly <. Psorinum 500 cured in one month.
A woman had attacks of terrible itching of skin without eruption through three periods of gestation. In the last she complained of the same itching, when Dr. Lippe advised Psorinum. In two days erysipelas appeared. Her face was very much swollen.