Mind :
Anxiety, gloomy, melancholy humor.
Has lost melancholy expression she formerly had.
Is disposed to whine and complain ; dejected mind, anxiety.
She is very sad.
Nervous irritation ; aversion to labor.
Aversion to all labor, esp. mental work.
Sensibility to music.
Does not like to be disturbed by people ; trembling of hands.
Felt positively ugly ; personal aversions became almost a mania.
Trifles produced intense irritation and I could not shake them off.
Very irritable, want to fight ; no hesitancy in throwing anything at any one, even without cause.
Memory weak, unable to think.
Comprehension and concentration almost impossible.
Great anxiety for future, otherwise marked indifference.
Great sleepiness and weariness ; entire muscular system relaxed ; desire to lie down all the time.
Nervous ; weak ; IRRITABLE.
Melancholy, despondent, morose, irritable, fretful, peevish ; Ill-mannered, quarrelsome ; lies in bed and complains ; lachrymose, of a sweet disposition, now on the borderland of insanity.
Fretful, snappish, morose, depressed and melancholic, even to insanity.
Ill-mannered, quarrelsome ; lies in bed and complains ; lachrymose, weeps without any provocation, cannot help it.
Melancholy with marked hypochondriacal delirium.
Everything in the room seems strange, as though in a strange place.
Intense restlessness ; and inward restlessness.
With every little ailment whines and complains ; easily frightened, particularly by dogs ; screams in terror when approached by a dog.
Anxiety, gloomy, melancholic humor.
Very restless in the evening when aroused.
Periodical anxiety and terror.
She is very sad, dejected, and complains continually.
Nervous irritation ; averse to physical or mental labor.
Indifferent ; forgetful ; averse to all labor, especially mental work.
Extremely sensitive to music.
Sensibilities dulled ; with chill and aching in the head, back and limbs.
Somnolence ; loss of vital power ; great physical weakness.
Does not like to be disturbed ; trembling of hands and feet.
Soporous, dazed condition ; unable to find the right way ; is confused, surroundings appear strange.
Memory weak or lost ; unable to think or comprehend.
Comprehension difficult ; must read a paragraph several times before he can understand it.
Sopor ; somnolence ; with dyspnƓa.
Coma : profound, lasting three days, with temperature 106.
Delirium and serious meningeal symptoms, following an injection of Tuberculinum.
Complete unconsciousness ; stupor and stertorous breathing.
Insanity ; acute or chronic, with a family history of tubercular affections.
When the best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently cure in a marked tubercular diathesis, with a tubercular family history.
Despondent, discouraged, feel as if I would rather die than live.
Although naturally of a sweet disposition, became taciturn, sulky, snappish, fretty, irritable, morose, depressed and melancholic, even to insanity. - Burnett.

Head :
Vertigo, esp. in morning ; heavy with obscuration of eyes ; is obliged to lean on something by bending down, esp. by rising after bending down ; with palpitation ; with nausea ; with backache in morning ; after dinner.
Great heat in head ; flushes of heat after dinner ; sensation of heat in head in evening.
Headache : deep in forehead ; deep in temples ; on vertex, with sensation of heat ; from neck to forehead ; in morning, passing away in afternoon.
Sensation of heaviness on vertex.
Headache with obscuration of sight.
Headache with vertigo.
Piercing headache.
Piercing pain in forehead from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M.
Headache in evening ; in afternoon.
Frontal headache in morning.
Headache with rushing in ears.
Headache in morning with bleeding of nose.
Headache from neck to forehead ; burning, piercing.
Colossal hyperemia of pia mater and brain substance ; extreme engorgement of vessels on the surface, internally dusky red ; tubercles presented no retrogressive changes (arachnitis).
(Sensation as if brain were squeezed with iron band. Bac.).
Headache < by motion.
Sick-headache commencing about 8 A. M., increasing in severity through the day ; very changeable, leaning the head to one side would increase the pain on that side.
Brain seems loose and rolling around from side to side.
Darting pain in occiput, extending down the spine.
Headache commencing about 10 A. M., increasing until 3 or 4 P. M.
Pains erratic, changing place rapidly ; first in one place then in another, not > in any position.
Headache in evening 8 P. M., neurotic, first in one place then in another, over one eye then the other, then the occiput and down the spine.
Headache in afternoon, worse from going up stairs, better in open air.
Severe headache and vertigo in afternoon ; a dizzy, sick at stomach sensation, like sea-sickness.
Dull headache on waking.
A strange sensation in head on first lying down as if some light substance was rolling from above eyes to vertex.
Severe headache beginning upon mastoid process on left side and extending over head to opposite side.
Complete physical exhaustion without any apparent cause.
Chilly all day, although room was warm, muscles of the whole body sore to touch or pressure.
In morning so weary and muscles ache so severely it is difficult to arise.
Great heaviness in head and pain in occiput and neck.
Severe headache, < on second day, lasting until the third, recurring from time to time for many weeks and compelling quiet fixedness. - Burnett.
Headache, with frequent sharp, cutting pains passing from above right eye through head to back of left ear. - Rose.
Headache of great intensity preceded by a shuddering chill passing from brain down spine, with attack a feeling as if head above eyes were swollen ; became unconscious with screaming, tearing her hair, beating her head with her fists or trying to dash it against wall or floor. - Swan.
Headache of forty-five years' standing, pain passing from right frontal protuberance to right occipital region. - Swan.
Terrible pain in head, as if he had a tight hoop of iron around it ; trembling of hands ; distressing sensation of damp clothes on his spines ; almost absolute sleeplessness ; profound adynamia ; was thought by his friends to be on verge of insanity ; most of his brothers and sisters had died of water on brain ; right lung solid, probably from healed-up cavities, as he at one time suffered from pulmonary phthisis. - Burnett.
Sullen, taciturn, irritable, screams in his sleep, is very restless at night, constipated ; sister died of tubercular meningitis. - Burnett.
Fretful and ailing, whines and complains, indurated glands can be felt everywhere, child hot, drowsy, urine red and sandy, much given to be frightened, particularly by dogs ; was vaccinated and had a very bad arm for four months thereafter ; would not smile, whimpers when spoken to, skin dingy, skull hydrocephalic. - Burnett.
Boy, aged 20 months, ill for days with head, high fever, restlessness and constant screaming ; finally no sleep for forty hours, followed by a condition of collapse ; peculiar smell of body ; family history of tuberculosis. - Burnett.
Tubercular meningitis, with effusion ; head gradually enlarged ; alternately wakeful and delirious at night, talked nonsense by day, at intervals ; nocturnal hallucinations and fright, delirium ; pyrexia ; had eczema which almost disappeared after two unsuccessful vaccinations, and which were soon followed by above condition ; after administration of remedy there occurred a severe pustular eruption, then patches of a lepra and eczema appeared. - Burnett.
Basilar meningitis. - Sinker.
Tubercular meningitis. - Sinker.
Acute cerebral meningitis, with intense strabismus. - Biegler.
Plica polonica : several bad cases permanently cured with Tuberculinum. - Jackson.

Eyes :
Swollen lids ; headache with swollen lids in morning.
Right eye much swollen, conjunctiva inflamed.
Dullness and heaviness of eyes ; darkness before eyes.
Obscuration of vision with vertigo.
Opens right eye (which had been closed).
Breaking down of cicatrices of old corneal ulcers (Stoker).
Clearing of corneal opacity the result of old tuberculous corneitis (Stoker).
Tuberculosis of eyelids, small grey and yellow nodules, existing in conjunctiva of outer sections of lids, increased in size, ran together, then suddenly disappeared.
PhlyctenulĂŠ appeared where none existed before (Maschke).
Conjunctivitis ; herpes on lids.
Amblyopia with irregularity and complete paralysis of pupils (in an alcoholic).
Stye appeared on upper lid of right eye.
Lid swollen, intensely painful ; four days later opened discharging green pus.
Stye on lower lid of right eye, appeared suddenly, began to swell like a bee sting.
Opened within 48 hours discharging green pus.

Ears :
Rushing in ears with heavy head.
Sticking pain from pharynx to ears.
Headache with rushing in ears and pressure on vertex.
Great aching in ears and teeth.
Discharge of yellowish matter from the ears.
Swelling of the glands around the ear and on the neck, worse below the ear and behind.
Slight discharge of yellowish matter from right ear.
No pain.
Earl, aged 2 years.
Light complexion.
January 25, 1895. Consumption on the father's side. Since last February has had a discharge from the ears of a yellowish matter without special indications. Was relieved by some medication until within the last two or three weeks.
Now there is considerable swelling of the glands around the ear and on the neck, worse below the ear and behind, with a slight discharge of yellowish matter from the right ear. No pain. No appetite ; will only take milk when it has tea in it. Not in poor flesh, but thinner than usual.
Desires fresh air and wants to be out of doors. Fretful at night ; seems to be better during the day. Was very feverish a day or so before the ear commenced to run. Tuberculinum 50 m., one dose.
February 7. The swelling about the ear increased till Sunday night (three days) and looked as though it would break on the outside. Since then it has been going down ; his ear quit running yesterday. The discharge became thick and would not run ; they kept it syringed out with warm water and soap ; it gradually grew less. Hardly any odor about the discharge. Stool once or twice a day. Appetite better. A little more restless at night. Anxious to get out of doors, but cried to get back into the house again. Head seems to hurt when he cries. Disposition better ; he is not so cross. The swelling about the glands almost gone. Seems to be gradually improving. Placebo.
February 26. Better in every way. No swelling or running at the ear. The family consider him well. The only thing noticeable is that he seems somewhat pale and nervous when first getting up in the morning, but this soon wears off. Is in better flesh. Sac. lac. The case required no more medicine and rapidly went on to a cure.

Nose :
Secretion of mucus from nose, viscid, yellow-green.
Increased secretion of mucus, with frontal headache.
Aching of ears and teeth with coryza in evening, with headache.
Bleeding of nose.
Comedones on nose, surrounded with minutes pustules.
The nose, which used to feel "hot and burning", has lost this sensation.
Profuse discharge of blood mixed with mucus from nares.
Seem to have a fresh cold with each change of weather.
Blowing blood from nose constantly.
Profuse discharge of bloody mucus.
Small boil at end of nose ; at upper nasal commissure, and one on upper lip.
The boils were small, dark-red in color and contained green pus.
Very slow in healing.
Sneezing, burning, watery coryza.
Seemed to have fresh cold all the time.
Fluent coryza.
Discharge of thick tenacious, gray-colored mucus.
Awakened every morning at 5 A. M. to clear nose and throat.
Rattling of mucus in throat immediately after eating, which must be expectorated.
Soreness inside of nose, commencing as watery pimples, which, suppurating, from scabs ; nose and lips somewhat swollen ; itching slightly. - Rose.

Face :
Edematous, pale face.
Clonic convulsions of musculus orbicularis inferior, acute.
Convulsions in region of facial muscle, esp. buccinator.
In one case the inflammation of the lupus (on face) presented unquestionable erysipelas of a rather severe type, and the patient was for some time in danger.
Flushing of cheek of same side as lung affected, during the reaction (Borgherini).
Upper lip and nose became swollen during the first two or three reactions, the lip becoming cracked on inner surface.
Herpes on lips and eyelids (Heilferich).
After the tenth injection his left moustache, which was kept cut to prevent scabs from gathering, ceased to grow, every hair fell out, and for a month the left upper lip was perfectly denuded of hair, and had all the appearance when seen under a lens of being depilated ; however, the hairs began to grow well before he left the Home. (Hine).
Slight swelling and itching of lips. - Rose.

Teeth :
Vague toothache.
Teeth felt loose.
"Feeling as if teeth were all jammed together and too many for his head."
Sordes on teeth.
Inflammation of gums, scurvy-like.
Gums turgescent, felt swollen.

Mouth :
Tongue foul, furred.
Tongue much coated.
Coating on soft palate and tongue.
Taste : salty, purulent.
AphthĂŠ on tongue and buccal mucosa.
Tongue dry.
Dryness of lips.
On lips black blisters.
Palate : granulations enormously swollen and vascular.
Breath offensive.
Spit up blood streaked mucus from mouth and throat.
A bitter, disagreeable taste ; nothing tasted natural.
This continued for more than a month.
Tongue coated white a back and through the center.
Scalded sensation on tongue and in mouth as though burned ; tongue sore at tip.
Lips dry, chapped ; entire mouth very dry, but no thirst, worse in morning on rising.
Thirst for small quantities of water.
Wakened several times in the night on account of dryness of mouth.

Throat :
Aching in pharynx and larynx.
Scratching in pharynx.
Tickling in throat exciting cough.
Sensation of mucus in throat.
Sensation of tumor in throat.
Dryness in throat ; tonsilitis ; general inflammatory condition of pharyngeal mucous membrane.
Retropharyngeal abscess.
Burning pain in throat.
Sensation of constriction in throat ; in larynx.
Heaviness and sensation of rattling in throat.
Aching extending from throat to ears.
Dysphagia increased ; later diminished (in laryngeal phthisis).
Intense pain in naso-pharynx on swallowing.
Sensation as if throat was swollen on the right side ; expectorating a great deal of mucus from posterior nares, worse immediately after eating.
Needle-like pains in left side of throat < by swallowing.
Pains shooting to the left ear when swallowing ; unable to eat solids.
Dryness of the throat and posterior nares, with a dry, tickling cough at night.

Appetite :
Appetite good ; enjoy food.
It is all right until it reaches lower bowel, then urging begins.
Stool mostly undigested ; lienteria ; weight 112 ; previous to proving, weighed 134.
Loss of appetite, esp. in morning.
Thirst : extreme, day and night ; burning in morning.
Always drank coffee, but now cannot bear even the odor of it, which < the headache.
Great thirst.
Mouth, lips and tongue dry and parched.
Craving for food, for something to eat, but not relieved by eating.

Stomach :
Eructations and sensation of fullness over stomach.
Nausea, vomiting.
Vomited severely with > to headache.
Nausea and vomiting, nausea with efforts to vomit with colic and diarrhea.
Transitory sickness and vomiting after dinner.
Vomiting after every meal.
Nausea and sickness in morning with heaviness in stomach region.
Pressure in stomach, going to throat, as if the clothes were too tight.
Cramping pain in stomach.
Nausea with pains in umbilical region with diarrhea.
Nausea with racking and stirring in stomach and increased thirst.
Sickness in stomach and pressing.
Nausea in morning.
Sticking pains in stomach region.
Belching of tasteless gas.
Constant nausea, but could not vomit.
Belching, with burning sensation in esophagus from stomach to mouth.
Tasteless eructations with much belching.
Nausea and repugnance at sight or odor of food.
Empty, twisted sensation in epigastrium, followed by another stool.
Much pressing, continuous pain in epigastrium.
Feels as if stomach was gripped by a hand.
Great thirst for hot water, which does not relieve.
Empty sensation after eating as if not satisfied.
Windy dyspepsia, with pinching and pains under ribs of right side in mammary line. - Burnett.

Abdomen :
Cramping pains in stomach and abdomen.
Sensation of constriction in abdomen.
Colic with diarrhea and heaviness in stomach.
Colic with great thirst.
Fatigue and sickness in region of stomach and abdomen ; sticking pains deep in spleen ; severe pain in region of liver.
Aching (sticking) in region of liver, spleen, ovaries, spermatic cord, testicles (esp. left), in hip-joints, in rectum.
Pains in region of appendix vermiformis.
Mass of enlarged glands, in right iliac fossa much smaller.
Six pustules at different parts of skin of back and abdomen, and after discharging have healed.
Discrete papular rash over chest and abdomen.
Perforating ulcer in intestines.
Bloated sensation in abdomen all day.
Borborygmus, much rattling and rumbling.
Seems as though something would start in left groin and crawl upward, with persistent rumbling.
Dull pain and rumbling in abdomen, constantly changing from one side to the other.
Great exhaustion and weakness.
Sensation in abdomen as if greatly distended ; clothing very oppressive, particularly about the waist ; obliged to remove corset immediately for fear of suffocation.
Bursting sensation in abdomen.
Empty sensation in abdomen followed by burning from waist through lower extremities.
Fever, emaciation, abdominal pains and discomfort, restless at night, glands of both groins enlarged and indurated ; cries out in sleep ; strawberry tongue. - Burnett.
Tabes mesenterica ; swelling on left side, also on right ; complains of a stitch in side after running ; languid and indisposed to talk ; nervous and irritable ; talks in his sleep ; grinds his teeth ; appetite poor ; hands blue ; indurated and palpable glands everywhere ; a drum belly ; spleen region bulging out. - Burnett.
Inguinal glands indurated and visible ; excessive sweats ; chronic diarrhea.

Stool and Anus :
Obstipation ; stool hard, dry, with wind and colic.
Diarrhea with pinching and burning pains.
Pressure and constriction in rectum.
Pain in rectum.
Itching sensation in anus.
Constant urging to stool ; often ineffectual.
Tenesmus, painful, constant ; not so severe when lying down, but not > by lying.
Ineffectual urging ; no reference to stool ; seems to be sphincter muscles.
Stool seems to drop for some distance above, coming chiefly in small diarrheic dribbles without pain, until sphincter is touched.
Tenesmus begins as soon as feces pass over lower portion of rectum.
Tenesmus and ineffectual urging day and night ; no rest ; disturbed, unrefreshing sleep.
Pain dull, more or less severe ; about hips, sacrum and entire pelvic region.
When I cough seems as if the rectum was being torn out.
Get very weary sitting, but dread to move, as motions < the tenesmus.
Early morning diarrhea ; urgent, watery, dark-brown and offensive, passing with great force, 5 A. M.
This early morning stool continued for eight days, invariably from 5 to 6 A. M.
Early morning, urgent, ineffectual with tenesmus.
Early morning diarrhea ; watery, painless, bright yellow, but little or no exhaustion followed.
Mrs. S---, aged 27, Denver, catarrh of nose, throat and larynx ; cough severe < by lying down ; for ten or fifteen minutes after retiring coughs severely ; loosens some tough mucus which can neither be raised nor swallowed. Nightsweats ; is warmly covered. Morning diarrhea : watery, profuse, gushing, at 6:30 A. M. ; a slight motion, turning in bed, necessitates getting up in a hurry, with a rush. Rumbling, gurgling in abdomen as if quarts of water were in stomach and bowels. By careful eating can go rest of day without. Going without noon-day meal stool is natural, but it would not affect morning diarrhea. In morning, weak ; exhausted. In afternoon, feels fairly well. Excessively nervous during menses. Last three periods have been ten or fifteen days late and more scanty than usual. Under the care of one of our best homeopathic prescribers has had Aloe, Sulphur, Podophyllum, Gamboge and Rumex.
Profuse, watery stool two or three times a day.
Constant urging for stool.
Loose stool ; slight tenesmus.
Constant, ineffectual desire.
Loose, yellow colored stool, with considerable straining ; three stools since 5 P. M., attended with much thirst and borborygmus.
Gripping pain with bearing down in lower part of abdomen ; some relief after stool.
Stool pale yellow color.
Sensation of drawing and constricting of sphincter.
Profuse, watery, ill-smelling, like old cheese, at 5 P. M.
Sudden diarrhea before breakfast, with nausea.
Diarrhea, furious fever, burning hot skin, great heat in head, red flushed face, eyes turned upward, quivering and rolling ; peculiar fetid smell of body. - Burnett.
Cholera infantum. - Swan.
Severe hemorrhage from bowels, cough ; emaciation ; family history of phthisis.

Urinary Organs :
Urine intermits, stops and starts ; flows slowly ; must strain at stool to pass urine.
Unable to pass urine no matter how hard he strains or how full the bladder until after spasm of anus ; then it flows and stops and flows again for several times.
Diminished quantity of urine.
Is obliged to urinate very often, esp. during changes of weather.
One-tenth albumin in height of reaction ; disappeared afterwards.
Specific gravity of urine increases from 1016 to 1023, with an excess of urates and ropy mucus.
Peptonuria in man, 33 (Maregliano).
Hematuria with renal pain.
Excess of urates.
Abundant viscid mucous discharge.
Urine frequent, copious ; deposits yellow, reddish cloud on standing, loaded with urates.
Urine : odor of boiling beans.

Male Sexual Organs :
Pains in testicles, and cord of left side.
Mr. G. A. T., 28, dry goods salesman, light complexion, mental, motive temperament, active, wiry, well nourished. Father and three uncles died of pulmonary tuberculosis, leaving him the only living male representative of the family ; is strictly temperate, uses no coffee, tea, beer, or tobacco. Has suffered for nine years from involuntary emissions, with or without erections, and with and without dreams ; weak and exhausted for two days following emissions ; has six or eight per month. Has had some of the best men of both schools in the city caring for him, and the last six years under homeopathic treatment, and for three years under one of the ablest members of this association.

Female Sexual Organs :
Severe pains in breast in evening at beginning of menstruation.
Menstruation with pains in lumbo-sacral and ovarian region.
Sticking pain in lower abdomen ; pains in lumbo-sacral region < when walking.
Weakness in genital region ; painful menstruation.
Blood lumpy, menstruation lasting more days than usual ; menstruation antepones eight days.
Burning pains in external genitals ; sharp leucorrhea ; pains in sacral and ovarian region to hip-joints.
Sensation of heat in genitalia externa, with increased leucorrhea.
Cramps in uterine region with pains in sacral and ovarian region.
Burning pain in ovarian region.
Menstruation returns fourteen days after parturition.
Menses five days early, offensive, scanty, dark flow only two days ; ceased one day, returned on the fourth.
The function was wholly unnatural in appearance.
Menses usually one or two days late and four days in duration.
Miss Mary E. A., 29, University student, one brother living in poor health. Mother, several aunts and rest of family died before thirty of tuberculosis. In July, when 11 years old, was severely poisoned with ivy, and has annual attacks in summer ever since. Menstruated at 13 ; early, full, scanty, dark, clotted, exhausting, dribbles for a week ; omits in June, July and August every year. Stomach and abdomen bloated < in summer. Perspires easily on single parts. Hands and feet edematous. Nape and occiput heavy ; painful. Mental labor ; her college work can only be done with great effort. Restless, dreamful sleep, unrefreshing. Feet and hands cold and damp. Summer heat exhausts her. Leucorrhea : acrid, profuse, brownish-yellow, offensive, running down to the heels in large quantities. Not relieved by bathing.
Case of cancer of the breast, so diagnosed by best allopathic authority in Boston ; no history of grief or traumatism. The most peculiar symptoms about it were its tubercular small hard nodules in the gland, a superficial string extending to the axilla. Previously had suffered from severe headaches ; since the growths appeared, headaches ceased. The nipple was retracted. On account of tubercular character of growth, the history of former headaches, which were similar to those of Tuberculinum, I gave the patient one dose. In 48 hours burning, lancinating pains began in the growths ; had previously suffered from burning pain which was palliated by sedatives. The burning, lancinating pains continued two or three days, then gradually disappeared. The retraction of nipple was less marked, the tubercles softened, the pains disappeared and general health promptly improved.

Respiratory Organs :
Decided effect in laryngeal cases, mostly beneficial.
After ten injections, larynx markedly affected, inflammatory swelling and ulceration.
Central infiltration of mucous membrane of larynx, high red color, brighter than normal.
Enormous swelling of arytenoids appeared.
Tuberculous outgrowth.
Exfoliation at right vocal cord, appearance extravasated below its posterior part.
Hyperemia of cords intensified and covered with minute ulcerating points.
Cough and expectoration lasting four months, from a wetting (removed, no bacilli found).
Sensation of pressure on chest.
Cough and sputa.
Irritating cough, < in night.
Little cough in night with aching in side and blood-tinged sputa.
Severe cough in evening with pain below mamma on right side.
Inclination to cough.
Severe cough with muco-purulent secretion in morning.
Cough prevents him sleeping in evening.
Cough, secretion of phlegm, esp. by walking, with sticking pains in lungs and palpitation.
A sort of whooping-cough.
Dry cough ; in night.
Cough with viscid mucus.
After much cough sensation of mucus in pharynx, mucous secretion being easily ejected.
Expectoration diminished. - Heron.
Palpitation and pains in back with cough.
Crackling rĂąles at right shoulder, behind.
Copious watery expectoration usually seen during the reaction. - Wilson.
With every increase of dose he suffered with asthmatic fits, lasting from three to seven hours.
Extreme rapidity of respirations, without dyspnƓa, 60 to 90, in the minute ; if the patient is spoken to, the rapid breathing ceases at once (as with a dog panting in the sun). - Heron.
Is obliged to take deep inspirations ; dyspnƓa.
Difficulty in breathing speedily increased.
Marked feeling of suffocation.
Slight tedious hacking cough, which had lasted for months in a girl of a distinctly phthisic habit. - Burnett.
Hard, dry cough, sometimes slight, but generally no expectoration, slightly feverish. - Boardman.
Hard, dry cough, shaking patient, more during sleep, but did not waken him. - Boardman.
Expectoration of non-viscid, very easily detached, thick phlegm from air passages, followed after a day or two by a very clear ring of voice. - Burnett.

Chest :
Sensation of pressure in chest.
Heat in chest.
Sticking pain in chest, especially at the apex of left lung.
Sensation of constriction in the precordial region.
Pains in both sides of chest going to back.
Pains in left sides.
Sticking in side.
Nightly pains on chest.
Sticking pains : in lungs ; in left side, pains between scapulÊ.
Aching in side in night.
Sticking pain in chest on right and left side.
Sticking pain in left side in morning and afternoon.
Sticking pain in lungs when laughing.
Pain in axilla, esp. when elevating arm.
Sticking pain : in lungs with cough and palpitation.
Pressure in chest, sticking pain on both sides of chest, in back.
Palpitation caused by deep inspirations, aching in back with pains under ribs.
Pains in subclavicular region with cough.
Sticking pain in left lung.
Pain from clavicles to throat.
Pain in apex pulmonis radiating to axilla and arm.
Sticking pain in chest and in back < from every movement.
Pain in left lung to axilla.
Pain on left side going back.
Pain in left apex and in region of spleen.
Severe pain in back, in axilla and arms.
Pains in left side, must take deep inspiration.
Bronchitic sounds in both lungs.
Dullness right apex.
Sudden, profuse hemoptysis, ends fatally.
Developed a cavity on side opposite to that first affected.
New deposits of tubercles on pleura.
Surface of old pulmonary cavities showed unusually intense redness of granulation layers.
Hemorrhagic infiltration of walls.
Recent hemorrhage observed in the cavities.
In fatal cases of ulcerative phthisis the lungs esp., and also the pleura, showed extensive and severe recent changes -pleurisy, for the most part very severe, simple and tuberculous, frequently hemorrhagic, and not infrequently bilateral. Caseous pneumonia or caseous hepatization- the lung appearing like blood-pudding studded with pieces of lard (the patient an architect, 33, had six injections, the last four weeks before death.
At the beginning he had induration of one apex only.
The treatment was suspended because of persistent fever and infiltration of lower lobe).
Catarrhal pneumonia was found, but it differed from ordinary catarrhal pneumonia (in which the alveoli when squeezed out have a gelatinous appearance) in that the contents of the alveoli were very watery and turbid -a turbid infiltration ; it resembles a phlegmonous condition.
Soft hepatization, which differs from ordinary catarrhal hepatization, in that in the midst of the patches foci of softening become developed, leading to rapid breaking down and excavation.
Development of fresh tubercles, small tubercles giving rise to new ulcers have suddenly appeared, esp. in pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum.
Metastasis bacilli mobilized.
Abscesses in the lungs.
Perforating abscesses in respiratory organs.
Burning sensation in both lungs, better in the open air.
Severe burning sensation in apex of right lung, under second rib.
Dry, hacking cough and expectoration of yellow, bloody, streaked mucus.
Chest sore, first in one place then in another.
Early morning cough, sputa streaked with blood.
Hard, dry cough for several days, resulting in the expectoration of yellow mucus mixed with white lumps or a quantity of white, stringy substance looking like thick milk, with soreness of one or both lungs when coughing or taking a deep inspiration.
Sensation of intense anxiety in the region of the heart, especially worse on walking.
Pulsation synchronous with the heart-beat felt in all parts of the body.
Slight hacking cough, continuing all day, < at bedtime and on rising ; emaciation ; dullness on percussion at apex of right lung. - Burnett.
Girl, aged 15, tall for her age ; tonsils enlarged ; chronic discharge from nose, < early morning on rising ; speech thick ; thorax of pigeon-breast type ; perspires much across nose ; very bad perspiration of chest, armpits, palms, nose, and feet ; feels very chilly ; spleen swollen ; distinct dullness on percussion at apex of right lung ; suffered badly from vaccination ; gets chilbains. - Burnett.
Hectic flush of cheeks ; shortness of breath ; slight hacking cough ; several strumous scars on neck ; dusky skin ; large, moist rales in both lungs ; increased vocal resonance of right lung ; amphoric sounds in right lung ; large, soft-feeling gland in left side of neck ; very pronounced endocardial bruit, best heart at apex beat.
Iodoformum 3x in four grain doses for two months, with improvement, followed by Tuberculinum c. in very infrequent doses. - Burnett.
Incipient phthisis in a boy aged 7 ; loss of flesh ; great prostration ; morbid timidity ; glands of groins and on both sides of neck very much enlarged and indurated, particularly glands over apex of right lung ; as he suffered much from vaccination.
Thuja 30 and Sabina 30 were first given, then Tuberculinum. - Burnett.
Nocturnal perspiration ; notched incisors ; indurated glands everywhere, very large and numerous ; drumbellied ; grinding of teeth at night ; great susceptibility to taking cold ; perspiration < at back of lungs and on head ; big head, with bulging forehead ; subject to attacks of fever and diarrhea. - Burnett.
Incipient tubercular disease ; restless at nights ; sleepless ; grinds teeth ; tendency to diarrhea ; want of appetite ; foul breath ; notched teeth ; pain after food ; vomiting of food ; indurated glands ; strawberry tongue ; naughty ; very irritable temper ; puny growth ; very thin ; girl, aged 6. - Burnett.
A nasty little cough, for seven weeks ; much expectoration ; pains in right lung ; evening fever ; liver and spleen enlarged ; cough morning after breakfast ; neck slightly goitrous ; eats hardly any breakfast. - Burnett.
Cough, < 6 A. M. ; notched incisors ; thin and puny ; cervical and inguinal glands much enlarged and indurated ; strawberry tongue ; girl, aged 7. - Burnett.
No respiratory sounds at top of right lung, and vocal resonance slightly increased ; pain in left side ; profuse perspiration ; girl, aged 18. - Burnett.
Much fever, < evenings ; restless and terribly irritable ; much depressed and in almost constant agitation ; tongue very red ; chronic diarrhea ; has lost fourteen pounds during last six weeks ; has no appetite ; evacuations discharged from bowels as from a popgun. - Burnett.
Bad cough of about twelve months' duration ; expectoration of blood ; one of apices was audibly diseased ; has had pneumonia ; chest flat ; respiration accelerated ; tanned unduly in sun. - Burnett.
Anemic, sickly, pale ; profound debility, dyspnƓa, cannot mount or hurry ; menses irregular. - Burnett.
Lady, aged 26, in first stage of consumption ; dyspnƓa and rapid breathing ; loss of flesh ; greasy, dingy skin. - Burnett.
Stout man, bright, florid complexion, mother died of phthisis, with which disease her sister is suffering, gets pneumonia very often in cold weather ; hence travels from place to place to avoid colds ; coughs much, brings up much phlegm ; perspired profusely and drank great quantities of fluids ; wretched sleepless nights, with almost constant fever ; glands of neck much enlarged. - Burnett.
Complains that she has been in consumption for many years ; is very thin and consumed with fever ; lungs very flat ; respiration almost imperceptible ; fever ; poor appetite ; languid. - Burnett.
Ringworm on scalp ; lymphatic glands everywhere palpable ; ribs very flat ; strawberry tongue, bad cough, < at night ; although 11 years old she had practically no teeth, they were rudimentary, and not above level of gums. - Burnett.
Pronounced phthisical habit ; severe piles ; constipation ; brown cutaneous affection on abdomen. - Burnett.
In September, 1905, I was called to see a little Irish girl, named Mary Gilbert, ten years of age, who was suffering with what I thought was an attack of pneumonia, temperature 104, a dry cough with severe pain in chest.
I treated her with the usual remedies, Belladonna, Bryonia, etc., with only an apparent amelioration of symptoms.
But the child lost flesh and seemed to develop an empyema.
About the third week there was a profuse discharge of foul smelling pus-like matter, greenish in color, from mouth.
The family had been warned by the "household angel" that the child would die three successive raps on the door at midnight had given the warning.
They administered holy water and asked for a consulting physician.
Dr. Pugh, who had attended the mother a year previously, in pneumonia, of which she died, was called, made a careful examination and left the following note : "I think you are completely right."
She has I think some empyema on right side (not much), but she has pulmonary tuberculosis of both lungs.
I doubt that the hospital would do any good." (Sgd.) Dr. Chas. E. Pugh.
I had thought of sending her to the hospital as she had the poorest of care at home ; but the doctor said it was of no use, nothing could save her.
I quite agreed with him, but bethought myself of Tuberculinum.
Here was a chance to try it, surely it could do her no harm.
She was given a number of doses of the 200, and later higher potencies till I reached the cm., and with continual improvement.
The cough diminished, the hectic spots left her cheeks after a number of weeks, but before the real spring came she was a plump and rosy child.
All this, too, in a cold, bad winter and with the most unsanitary surroundings.
The child had previously had what I thought at the time were tubercular abscesses, from enlarged cervical glands at the base of the neck.
The family openly said her recovery was a miracle due to prayers to St. Anne, and it was a miracle, only the saint was Tuberculinum.
I heard from little Mary this week and she is well, and I mean cured, restored to robust health, not in the least a puny child.
I always hesitate to use the remedy first hand but have a number of times used it after other remedies failed, and with success, especially where was a tubercular tendency. - Scholes.

Heart :
Palpitation early in morning.
Sensation of heaviness and pressure over heart.
Palpitation with cough and sticking pain in lungs.
By deep inspirations severe palpitation.
Aching in heart.
Palpitation in night < when raising himself up.
Palpitation with pain in the back.
Death from paralysis of heart. - Libhertz.

Neck and Back :

Glands in neck and scars swollen and very tender, various lupus points about them showing yellow fluid under epidermis.
Scars in neck and flatter ; no lupus nodules now perceptible.
Glands cannot now be felt, except the largest, which is now reduced to size of a pea.
Cervical glands much smaller.
Aching like needle-pricks in the back.
Prickly feeling in skin of back.
Weakness in lumbo-sacral region.
Sticking pain over both scapulÊ ; pain in region of spleen ; vague pains in back and on chest, with sensation of pressure.
Sticking in back.
Pain in back with palpitation.
(Sensation on his back as if the clothing were moist. Bac.).
Three red patches on left side of back became much deeper.
Violent reaction, during which pains in loins < by pressure ; (case of Addison's disease ; two injections given. - Pick.).
Tuberculosis of sacrum greatly improved. - Kurz.
Large boil on back of neck, intensely painful, discharge of green pus and did not heal for two months.
Beating, throbbing pain under inferior angle of right scapula.
Severe pain in left trapezius muscle, from nape of neck to occiput.
When waking after first sleep at 3 A. M. neck and back stiff and painful, wears off during the day.
Unable to turn the head to the left, and when turning to the right, the left side is painful.
Wakened at midnight with twitching at angle of left scapula ; passed to right scapula and down the right arm like a convulsive tremor shaking the arm.
Indurated cervical glands.
Lump, size of a walnut on cord of neck, is movable and occasionally itches. - Rose.

Upper Limbs :
Aching in forearms ; vague, stitching pain.
Diminution of inflammation above elbow-joint ; disappearance of abscess over olecranon ; sinus connected with radius discharging freely a thick yellow pus.
Sensation of luxation with severe pains in right carpal joint ; < by effort to move it ; ceasing by rest.
Trembling of hands.
Hands and arms so weak am unable to write ; must support right wrist with left hand in raising a cup or glass to my mouth ; and passing dishes at table.
Unable to dress myself from weakness of the arms.

Lower Limbs :
During night pain referred to right knee ; right leg rotated in and flexed slighted at hip and knee ; movement of right hip-joint free ; 1 P. M., left hip much more painful and tender, more fixed, abducted and rotated out (disease of left hip in girl of five).
Aching in the hip-joints.
Pain right knee without swelling (Heron, a non-tubercular case).
The knee became easily movable and could be bent to a right angle (tuberculous affection of right knee).
Swelling and tenderness of both knee-joints.
Sensation of formication in arms and legs.
Great weakness in limbs after dinner.
Sensation of fatigue and faintness in all limbs.
Pains in limbs, fatigue (3 to 4 h. after injection).
Pains in limbs (2nd d.).
Pains in ulnar nerve and calves of legs and knees, left great toe much affected, and became very red and turgid.
Trembling of limbs (in an alcoholic).
Twitching in the limbs.
Dull pain in bones, < from walking and much worse every afternoon and evening.
Left leg painful on walking, must keep weight off it as much as possible ; worse sitting than when walking, but pain always worse after exercise.
Severe pain across sacrum, as if parts were massaged with a fist.
Lame feet for three weeks, would walk or stand on side of feet to rest them.
Tubercular swelling of knee ; intermittent attacks of pain in it ; has expectorated clots of blood and suffered from exhausting sweats ; family history of phthisis. - Burnett.
Tuberculous disease of left knee ; for eleven months had been limping ; knee much enlarged and very tender ; teeth dirty and carious ; strawberry tongue. - Burnett.

Skin :
Erythematous eruption like measles or scarlatina.
Erythema with subcutaneous indurated nodules.
Great bronze patches on the forehead and temples.
Bronze finger-points.
Finger-points as if touched by Argentum nitricum.
Itching all over the body in the evening in bed ; changing place after rubbing.
"Rash on chest and abdomen similar, patient says, to what came out when disease first appeared."
Rash on abdomen and back, commencing very red ; speedily becoming brownish, resembling ordinary skin eruption of secondary syphilis.
Edematous condition of upper lip.
Edematous condition of eyelids.
Nose swollen, tense, erysipelatous-looking epidermis in lupus patch raised by yellow fluid.
In two cases, at least during the febrile action, old chilblains became again inflamed.
Slight attack of jaundice (several cases).
Site of injection slightly painful and red (2nd d).
Erythematous blush confined to lupus parts, which were the seat of throbbing pain.
It has repeatedly caused general erythematous eruptions of the skin, and in some, nodular effusions into the cellular tissue.
Boil on right hand near base of little finger ; whole hand intensely swollen.
Boil opened in about a week, discharging large quantities of green pus.
Eczema : itching, burning, smarting ; in patches two or three inches in diameter on lower legs from knees to ankle, < by heat, touch > by cold water ; patches, elevated, oozing, watery fluid which forms dry scabs ; red, so sensitive cannot be rubbed or scratched ; < by thinking of it.
Eruption eczematous ; itching radiating from patch to patch ; burning, stinging, creeping ; red, hot, swollen, with nerve shocks all over body ; severe stinging sensation over whole body where there is no irritation ; > by cold bath or ice bags.
The itching irritation runs over the limbs and through the body, terminating in involuntary shudders that creep over the body continuously ; at times limbs burn and throb ; there are intervals of a few hours, sometimes a day or two, when hostilities cease only to be renewed with increased vigor without intervals.
At night about 10 o'clock or later, after drinking cold water, there is an acid sensation in stomach like heartburn ; limbs are swollen from knees down ; look as if the skin had dried ; severe reflex irritation over whole body ; cannot bear the least heat, this sensitiveness to heat seems to be increasing.
Since the skin symptoms became so intensely irritating the normal secretions of the vagina have been greatly lessened.
A fine, red, scaly eruption in patches about an inch in diameter over the entire body, itching intensely when skin was exposed to the air.
Rubbing or scratching gave relief, but was followed by soreness.
A rash-like eruption on neck, both sides, for several days.
A fine, red eruption on right wrist extending up the arm in spots, with great itching.
Very bad tempered ; very much pigmented where sun's rays impinged upon him ; teeth dirty, greenish. - Burnett.
Eruption of itching blotches all over body, with exception of face and hands.

Sleep :
Great desire for sleep ; drowsiness during day, after dinner.
Inclination to sleep in mornings.
Shivering when beginning to sleep.
Cold feet in bed.
Troubled sleep ; sleeplessness.
Sleep disturbed from 3 A. M.
Sleeplessness on account of constant coughing.
Many dreams : disturbed sleep, interrupted by fearful dreams ; gloomy dreams ; dreams of shame ; cries out in dreams.
Intense restlessness, every night, with distressing frightful dreams, worse towards morning.
Sleepy in the day-time ; can sleep all day, but it is unrefreshing.
Waken from 3 to 4 A. M. with terrible dreams ; of snakes crawling upon my sister from the back ; of dark-green snakes three and four feet long, two inches in circumference ; they seem like the snakes in my own country, Columbia.
Awake weeping with fear.
Restless and wakeful after 3 A. M.
Awake with sensation of fear that some evil is impending to my family.
Disturbed distressful sleep. - Burnett.

Fever :
Shivering, when beginning to sleep ; cold feet in bed.
Freezing and heat alternately ; cold and heat for months.
Violent attack of ague, lasting almost an hour.
Freezing on the back in evening.
Freezing during whole day.
Sensation of heat in evening in bed.
Flush of heat from back to head.
Feverish, nausea, thirsty, with headache, no vomiting (Heron).
Flushes of heat after eating.
High temperature, abating in twelve hours.
Lowering of temperature after each injection (Heron).
Lowering of temperature after a rise (Heron).
Temperature seven hours after injection, 103.8°F accompanied by thirst, rigor, increased cough, headache, and pains in joints (Heron).
Sweat in the night.
Much sweat, esp. on head in night.
Profuse sweat after light exertion.
A little walk and slight efforts produce sweats.
Short sweats in morning, while walking.
Profuse sweats during slight exertion.
Chilly all day, most severe up and down the spine, followed in afternoon and evening by fever ; pulse 104, temperature 102, with thirst and intense restlessness.
Great coldness of hands and feet with general chilliness ; compelled to retire in haste.
Wanted much covering with hot applications to feet ; hands are cold to waist, as if plunged into ice water ; cold sweat on palms of hands.
Fever all afternoon and evening ; temperature, 99 4-10; pulse 86.

Nerves :
Suddenly became unconscious while sewing or talking, began screaming, tearing her hair, beating her head with her fists, or trying to dash it against the wall or floor ; attacks daily for a month, then spasms set in, with rolling of head from side to side and moaning ; continuing five weeks, followed by a recurrence of fainting fits, at least twice a week ; a few hours before an attack of fainting, a shuddering like a chill seemed to go from brain down spine ; when questioned about an attack, she said head would suddenly seem to swell over eyes and pain became "horrid" and she knew no more ; between attacks she was free from all complaints except fatigue and an ever-present frontal headache. - Swan.

Generalities :
Feeling of fatigue.
Malaise, depression, headache, somnolence, oppression of breathing, tightness of chest, nausea.
General fatigue in morning, sensation of faintness ; great weakness in lower extremities, esp. from knees down to feet.
Terribly tired, so that she can scarcely walk.
General excessive fatigue after a short walk, so that he must lean on his companion.
Emaciation (lost six pounds in fourteen days, twenty pounds in five weeks).
In parts affected throbbing pain.
Leucocytosis ; diminution of oxyhemoglobin.
Oxyhemoglobin first diminished then increased (Henoque).
Feeling well, but decidedly losing flesh.
Acts principally by very acute irritation of internal organs affected (in the same way as in external organs), causing intense redness and great swelling.
Actual inflammatory processes (not mere hyperemias), and esp. active proliferations, occur to an intense degree, in (1) edges of existing ulcers ; in (2) neighboring lymphatic glands, esp. bronchial and mesenteric.
Lymphatic glands present a quite unusual degree of enlargement, and notably that form of medullary swelling, characteristic of acute irritations, which is caused by rapid proliferation of the cells in the interior of the glands.
Leucocytosis ; various infiltrations of white blood corpuscles over affected parts, esp. around the tubercles themselves.
Enormous dangerous swellings in parts near ulcers (even where the surface of the ulcer becomes clean), causing dangerous constriction.
Phlegmonous swelling resembling erysipelatous edema of glottis and retropharyngeal abscess.
Where tubercle is associated with any other specific disease, reaction is so slight as to be scarcely discernible (Heron).
Syphilitic cases are refractory to reaction (Heron).
Children bear the treatment well (Wendt).
Tuberculinum, a typical case ; Howard L., 28 years of age, a resident of Attleboro, Mass., was indisposed in the fall of 1898, troubled with hoarseness and gastric ailments. A neighbouring physician was called who had attended the young man's family for many years. This physician commenced in September, 1898, to inject Tuberculin (Koch's), and up to December had injected his toxin twice a week for several weeks, and then once in two weeks the remainder of the time. The result ? At the time of the commencement of this treatment Mr. L. could work and eat comfortably ; soon his stomach rebelled against food and the bowels became constipated, his hoarseness increased and distressing, suffocative spells set in every forenoon, lasting an hour or so ; he would then be able to breathe well the rest of the day.
In January, 1899, I was summoned hastily in the night and found him laboring for breath, the noise of his breathing audible from the street. His first words were : "My God, help me ; relieve me, Doctor, or I shall die." Expectoration was scanty, dark green, lumpy, tubercular matter. Examination of the throat revealed a larynx full of tubercular nodes. I saw that his end was near, and told his parents with whom he lived I would rather they would call their family physician. But as they insisted on my keeping the case, I prepared some medicine which relieved him, but the next morning he was again worse, and from that time on was in agony from efforts to get breath. To relieve him intubation (through the mouth) was resorted to, but he could not keep the tube in. He died that afternoon, his great agony being > only by resort to chloroform applied locally. This man had been wild in his youth, had had gonorrhea several times, and of diathesis tubercular. I asked him if he had told his former physician these things and he said he had. This case is typical as far as the use of Tuberculin by injection is concerned, of a score I could mention who have died under the hypodermic use of Tuberculin in this vicinity the past two years.