Description :
Thyroidin. Thyroid Extract. A Sarcode. Trituration of the fresh thyroid gland of sheep or calf. Attenuation of a liquid extract of the gland.

Mind :
Acute stupor alternating with restless melancholia ; at times could not be got to speak, but would lie on floor with limbs rigid ; at other times would weep and undress herself ; at times dangerous and homicidal, would put her arms round the neck of other patients so tightly as almost to strangle them (in this case the insanity was primary and the myxedema secondary ; both conditions were removed).
Evinced increased vivacity by quarrelling with another patient about a trifling difference of opinion.
Fretfulness and moroseness gave way to cheerfulness and animation.
"All progressed cases of myxedema show some mental aberration which tends towards dementia, usually with delusions, the latter taking the form of suspicion and persecution.
Occasionally actual insanity is present in the form of mania and insanity."
Delirium of persecution (three cases observed, one fatal, the result of taking Thyro. in tablets to reduce obesity).
Sudden acute mania occurring in myxedema, perfectly restored mentally and bodily under Thyr.
Mental aberration dating three years before onset of myxedema, subject to attacks of great violence, with intervals of depression and moroseness.
State of idiocy ; fearful nightmares.
Excited condition, lasting all the rest of the day, grunting continuously and laughing in a way that was peculiar to herself.
Very excited ; excited state followed by considerable depression.
For several hours in what can be only termed a hysterical condition.
Profound depression.
Irritable and ill-tempered.
Became a grumbler.
Had frights.

Head :
Feeling of lightness in the brain, scarcely amounting to giddiness.
Much giddiness and headache for twenty-four hours.
Awoke about 4 A. M. with sharp headache and intense aching in back and limbs, which continued for three days and compelled him to keep his bed.
Ever since taking the first thyroid [had had five glands altogether, at intervals] he had a strange feeling in his head, with vertigo and palpitation on stooping.
Headache (with fever symptoms) ; disappeared on suspending treatment, reappeared seven days after recommencing.
Frontal-coronal headache after taking one tabloid for four successive days.
(Constant headache, pains in occiput and vertex).
(Headache in case of acromegaly).
Headache and pains in abdomen.
Fresh growth of hair (many cases).
Black hairs growing among the grey.
In one case of scleroderma and in one case of myxedema the hair fell off permanently.
In a case of myxedema the patient lost all the hair of his head and face and had a thick growth over his arms and thorax ; under Thyr.
The hair of the head and face grew again and that of the arms and chest fell off.

Eyes :
(Prominence of eyeballs exophthalmic goitre.)
Optic neuritis (in five persons, four of them women, under treatment for obesity ; no other symptoms of thyroidism).
Accommodative asthenopia.

Ears :
Moist patches behind ears heal up (case of psoriasis).
Hyperplastic median otitis with sclerosis and loss of mobility of the ossicles (rapid amelioration several cases).

Face :
Flushing : with nausea and lumbar pains ; loss of consciousness, tonic muscular spasms ; immediate ; with rise of temperature, and pains all over ; suddenly became breathless and livid.
Faintness, with great flushing of upper part of body and pains in back.
Swelling of face and legs.
In lupus of face, tight sensation, heat, and angry redness removed.
Burning sensation of lips with free desquamation.

Mouth :
Tongue became thickly coated.
Feverish and thirsty.
Great thirst.
(Ulcerated patch on buccal aspect on left cheek near angle of mouth.)

Throat :
(Full sensation).
Goitre, exophthalmic, cured.
Goitre reduced.

Stomach :
Loss of appetite.
Increased appetite with improved digestion.
Dyspeptic troubles.
Nausea, with flushing and lumbar pains.
Nausea, slight vomiting.
Slight nausea recurring on thinking of it.
Nausea soon after taking the gland.
On five occasions the patient (a woman) vomited the thyroid.
Always felt a sensation of sickness after the injections.
Sensation of faintness and nausea (after a few injections).
Feels tired and sick.
Gastro-intestinal disturbance and diarrhea.

Abdomen :
Flatulence increased, followed later in the case by amelioration.
Headache and pain in abdomen.

Stools :
Diarrhea, with gastro-intestinal disturbance.
Relief of constipation with more natural actions.

Urinary Organs :
Increased flow of urine.
Increased urination, usually with clear, pale yellow secretion.
Slight trace of albumin found in urine.
Diabetes mellitus ; caused and cured.

Female Sexual Organs :
Increased sexual desire.
Six days after commencement of treatment menstruation, which has been absent over a year, reappeared and continued profusely (in several cases of myxedema with or without insanity).
Menses profuse, prolonged, more frequent, early amenorrhœa.
(Painful and irregular menstruation.)
(Constant left ovarian pain, and great tenderness).
Looks pale and feels ill.
Pain in lower part of abdomen, headache and sickness (in girl of sixteen, probably menstrual effort provoked by Thyr. ; no catamenial flow appeared).
Acts as a galactagogue when milk is deficient ; when a deficiency is associated with a rectum of the menses it will suppress the latter.
(Puerperal insanity with fever).
(Puerperal eclampsia).

Respiratory Organs :
Slight attack of hemoptysis, followed by cough and signs of phthisis at apex of left lung.
(Voice became clear).
Dormant phthisis ; lighted up the disease in five cases.

Heart and Pulse :
Death, with all the symptoms of angina pectoris.
On trying to walk uphill died suddenly from cardiac failure.
While stooping to put on her shoes she "fainted" and died in half an hour.
On one occasion, after exerting herself more than she had done for a long time previously, "suddenly became extremely breathless and livid, and left as if she was dying", < by rest in recumbent position and stimulants.
Two fainting attacks.
Frequent fainting fits.
Complained occasionally of a feeling of faintness, not occurring particularly after the injections.
One patient showed extraordinary symptoms after the injection ; the skin became so livid as to be almost blue-black.
Degeneration of heart muscle in animals.
A systolic cardiac murmur was less loud after the treatment than before.
Sensation of faintness and nausea.
Palpitation on stooping.
Weakness of heart's action.
Tachycardia and ready excitability of the heart persisting for several days after the feeding was stopped.
Pulse rose to 112.
Relaxation of arterioles.
(Rapid pulsation, with inability to lie down in bed).
(Jumping sensation at heart).

Back :
Flushing, nausea, and lumbar pains, lasting a few minutes.
Stabbing pains in lumbar region.
Intense aching in back and limbs, which continued for three days.
Flushing of upper part of body and pains in back.

Upper Limbs :
After injection, to a great extent lost the use of her hands for two days ; recurred later, lasting a few hours.
Felt queer and unable to raise her arms (after injection, another case).
Arms less stiff and painful (psoriasis).

Lower Limbs :
Tingling sensation in legs.
Edema of legs appeared, and subsequently subsided and continued to reappear and subside for a month.
Pain in legs.
Incomplete paraplegia.
Swelling of face and legs.
Feet frequently peel in large flakes, leaving a tender surface.
Profuse flow of fluid from feet (in case of dropsy cured by Thry.).
Quivering of limbs ; tremors.
Intense aching in back and limbs, lasting three days.
Pains in arms and legs, with malaise.
Skin of hands and feet desquamated.
(Acromegaly, subjective symptoms).

Generalities :
Malaise > by lying in bed.
Stooping = palpitation.
Rest in recumbent position > extreme breathlessness with lividity, felt as if dying.
Myxedematous patients are always chilly ; the effect of the treatment is to make them less so.
Loss of consciousness and general tonic muscular spasm for a few seconds.
Fainting attacks (many cases).
Tremors, quivering of limbs, complete unconsciousness.
Epileptiform fit, after which he was unconscious for an hour ; next day felt better and warmer.
Malaise so great she refused to continue the treatment.
Incomplete paraplegia.
Hysterical attack.
(Hystero-epilepsy with amenorrhœa).
Nervous and hysterical, had to have nurse to watch her.
Feels tired and sick.
Stabbing pains.
Aching pains (many cases).
Aching pains all over.
Diffused pains.
Aching pains in various parts of body.
Pains over whole body.
Brawny swelling at point of injection, followed by abscess of slow development.
Myxedema removed (many cases).
"A series of abscesses resulting from the injections, but probably originating from an accidental abscess quite independent of them."
A small abscess formed.
Increased suppuration in case of lupus.
Gained a stone in weight.
Lost weight enormously (many cases of myxedema).
Rapid gain of flesh and strength.
Anemia and debility.
Infiltration rapidly absorbed (psoriasis).
Persons suffering from skin disease can bear much larger doses than those suffering from myxedema.
(Acromegaly, headache, and subjective symptoms).
(Fractures refuse to unite).
A peculiar cachexia more dangerous than myxedema itself.
Syphilis, secondary, tertiary.

Skin :
Flushing of skin.
Skin became so livid as to be almost blue-black.
Skin has desquamated freely, but there has been no perspiration or diuresis.
Psoriasis : eruption extended and increased.
(Psoriasis : redness and itching reduced ; eruption separating and being shed in great scales, angry, inflamed appearance completely gone).
Moist patches behind ears heal up.
Arms less stiff and painful ; swelling diminished.
Crusts separated, leaving faint red skin ; eruption not nearly so painful.
(Symmetrical serpiginous eruption ; dark red ; edges raised and thickened).
Lupus : tight feeling, heat, angry redness removed ; suppuration increased.
Eczema : irritation of skin markedly allayed.
Scattered pustules of eczema mature quickly or abort.
(Teething eczema).
(Syphilitic psoriasis).
Peeling of skin beginning on legs and extending over whole surface ; skin has since become comparatively soft and smooth.
Peeling of skin of lower limbs, with gradual clearing (eczema).
Skin of hands and feet desquamated.

Sleep :
Continual tendency to sleep.
Awoke about 4 A. M., with sharp headache.
Fearful nightmares disappeared.
Excited condition ; could not sleep.

Fever :
Flushing : with nausea ; with loss of consciousness.
Always felt hot, and had a sensation of sickness after the injections.
Felt better and warmer.
Flushing of upper part of body and pains in back.
Temperature never rose above 99°F but she felt feverish and thirsty.
Temperature rose to 100°F, and remained there several days ; pulse 112.
Rise of temperature ; diaphoresis.
Profuse perspiration on least exertion.